Being William Pratt by Verity Watson
Chapter: Ch. 7: When There Was Doubt

10/28/2007 07:02 am
Just figures a prudish Willow would manipulate a situation to what she thinks it should be---whether to her morals or what she thinks a fairy-tale ending would or should be...but then again, perhaps she's just an over-eager buttinski friend, truthfully (and rightfully so, in the real-world sort of way) concerned for her friend, who IS still grieving, disenchanted, and bitter (even if rightfully so), and for her friend's physical if not also emotional & mental welfare; perhaps she's not just trying to shape other's lives to a reality like hers, or like what she thinks everyone's should be...perhaps she just can't help meddling...perhaps she just thinks everyone should have a human marriage or partner, and two or 2.5 kids, stay home, etc...
rather than be free to roam the world, have more money than the Queen, still have a high-paying & celebrity-friendly career, even if sans kids & "normal" (as in still human) hubby & kid(s) (hey--ever hear the word "adopt"?)...
Willow---it all just figures.
I know this fic doesn't really parallel the occurrences of the actual "show" Buffyverse, but figures that in this instance Willow could villify herself this way.
Also found it amusing that Owen became the husband, rather than Riley, or Angel. Angel I could see in the literary world, but probably only in that apparently he relied, possibly post soul-infusion on books to pass the time, literature, art & poetry; Riley, I really couldn't see that way.
For the progress of the story, I can see how Owen was brought in as a poet and author. And, what a jerk, BTW. Such loss Buffy feels from her time with him, and not just for the loss of Hugo...for the TIME, the energy, the effort, the youth, the lost babies, the tears shed, the loneliness, the lost nights alone--that he didn't care enough to remain with her for excuse of conferences & work; his carelessness. And as you point out, he never says he loves her once he finds her, nor Hugo; yet he has the audacity to attempt to spin the fairy-story of the poet and the artist! What, did someone offer him a mini-series or Lifetime movie deal? Did he think it would boost ratings, sales, or publicity? Did he hope to use their reconciliation to market a sequel? Appalling!
You artfully bring out this loss, the feel of her lost days, energy, time in a slow, moody way yet with a feel of escalation; a sense of occurrences gathering near. The whole series has a gradiated, almost Film Noir-ish feel. Perhaps it is just that she is happily beginning to move more and more in his world of night than her's of light...the dark, the hidden, unseen, unknown, vs. (?) the light, the known, the seen world... perhaps her lights and camera(s) being symbolic of the ability to move within these worlds, blended? But then, her artistic eye has always been able to see things that others did not see, or want to see, did not visually catch, successfully apparent to HER, correct?
Thanks for the read so far. Obviously am enjoying it. It's a bit of a different sort of tale than what's generally out there in Spuffy fic--which in it's own way is a compliment (not that I don't like my dose of fluffy Spuffy regularly--I do). It's been all stretched out over a bit of time while you wrote it, but maybe that of it's own all adds to the slower feel of it all (and that the fics take place over quite a bit of time for Buffy especially, as well).
Looking forward to more.

Hey, thanks Fyreburned! I wanted a different husband for Buffy, someone without so much backstory (read: baggage) so I could do what I wanted with him. And you're right, Buffy is lamenting the loss of time wasted on Owen, as much as anything else.

A Lifetime movie deal?! Snort!

And you're right - there's a whole photographer/seeing the light and the hidden and so on metaphor thingie working there. I'm not smart about things like that, so you probably understand it better than I do. But yeah, giving her a camera was a deliberate choice. Appreciate hearing that it worked - felt like I might be overreaching there. :)

10/26/2007 02:48 am
I just read the last 5 chapteres of this story and I am enjoying it so much. This is going to be a wonderful addition to your last two in this series.
Thanks, Dee! So glad you enjoyed!

10/25/2007 11:03 pm
Another great chapter. I read all of the other reviews on this chapter before submitting mine. I think most everything has been said. your writing just gets better and better. I truly love this unrepentent Spike. Can't wait for the next chapter.
Thanks so much! And yeah, Spike is still unwilling to compromise his lifestyle, but I think we'll start to see cracks ...

10/25/2007 04:12 pm
I examine him. Buffy used the phrase pale imitation to describe him, and I get that now. He’s what happens when a tortured misfit adolescent grows up into a handsome man and figures out how to make all that angst into lemonade. Professionally speaking.

I’m what happens when the same guy gets killed in an alley.

adored that bit. also, pinned like a butterfly. *shiver* also, devour a dozen starbuck-swilling americans. bwahaha. careful, spike, wouldn't wanna get fat :)
Hey thanks, Mel! Spike, fat? *Shudder.*

Glad you enjoyed. *Squishes*

10/25/2007 07:45 am
red can be a bit aggravating. very good chapter, thank you.
Red does have her shortcomings. And I would still like to go back and write that conversation with Owen. "Hey, your wife's run off with a vampire. No, really. They're real ..."

10/25/2007 02:34 am
Great update! Is it mean that I was happy she sent Owen packing? Am I rude because I want to drop kick Willow for being a meddling pain? Either way, can't wait for more Spuffy loving.
Thanks, Serenity! And no, no I think you are perfectly sane, just and kind despite your rather harsh feelings towards Owen & Willow. They deserve it!

10/24/2007 03:33 pm
I don't have time to review as much as I used to, but I just wanted to say how much I still love this series.
Thanks, so much Pretty. Means a lot!

10/24/2007 01:34 pm
Okay I just love the scene between Spike and Owen. And I am so amazed that Willow told him everything... But I am so proud of Spike for not standing in the way. He is letting her make her own choices. I can't imagine what she is going through but at least he is letting her feel as if she is in control.
Thanks, Letitia! I liked the idea of Spike and Owen meeting, too. And yeah, Spike is *trying* to do the right thing ... sort of.

10/23/2007 07:41 pm
Glad to see Buffy make decisions -break off any future with Owen and tell Willow off for interfering.
Now maybe...
Yup, we're getting there. Inching, though ... Appreciate the review!

10/23/2007 05:10 pm
First, sidenote: I thought you fell off of the face of the earth!! I was worried :) This update was AMAZING!! I never thought we would actually see Owen in this story. And that line, "So, you're the new guy?" “Wrong, mate. I’m the old guy.” Too funny. I am kinda upset about Willow, I never uderstood. She always wanted tolerance about her life choices. But Buffy's--judgement all around!! Great Update, don't wait so long in between if you can makes me all twitchy LOL !! Thanks
Thanks for your review. Glad you liked the "I'm the old guy" line!

And no, didn't fall off the face of the Earth. Just spend the week with my in-laws. Sort of like having my soul sucked out through my nose ... wait, didn't that happen on a Buffy episode? *Wink*

Pam S
10/23/2007 04:04 pm
Only Spike could get happy and want to kill people..LOL

And the Owen appearance really threw me, especially when it was Willow trying to intervene. Guess she wants she feels is a more normal and safe life for Buffy. Yet, love was not on his lips. How disheartening.

This Buffy knows what she wants.. Spike. And also how to be patient and not push.. for now. But you have hinted about the diet and a possible bone of contention soon. Although he did say bagged wasn't that bad.


Enjoyed as usual.

Thanks for reading, Pam. Yeah, Willow is the one interfering, but it seemed like she couldn't hop on an airplane ... and really, it felt like Buffy hadn't quite closed the door on Owen and a so-called "normal" life completely. Hence, this chapter. :)

10/23/2007 02:57 pm
He cares!!!!

Owen's a moron. I liked Spike's description.

Yay for Buffy owning her life, however it goes from here. I think Spike will be secretly touched by her home choice.
Yup, Spike cares. More than he wants to!

Thanks for reading.

10/23/2007 02:53 pm
Love this story - so atypical, but incredibly interesting. THis Buffy follows her heart, even if it does lead to very gray places. And Spike, great evolution of character. Beware, Barristas, Beware!
LOL! Yup, the barristas better watch their backs. :)

10/23/2007 01:26 pm
Hee! The original, evil, happy-to-be-a-vampire Spike. And yet still capable of loving a human woman. *sigh* Nice update.
Thanks! And yup, he's still trouble ... but that might just change ,,,

10/23/2007 06:23 am
I must be perverse but I had to smile in happiness along with Spike with that last line. Yes, I want him to stop killing but I just loved the elation he clearly felt that Buffy was not going to leave him for the normal guy.

Willow does an intervention even in this world...typical. Okay, I can sorta see worry if your friend is in love with the undead but gee she's already "survived" several encounters with him in the past and that says a lot.

Love it.
Thanks, Kathleen! And yeah, I'm trying to write a not-terrible Willow, but she's still not liking the idea of Buffy and Spike together.

So glad you enjoyed!

10/23/2007 06:00 am
Ah, Spike happiness, "devoring starbuck swilling Americans." I wouldn't have taken Owen back either - "but I came all this way" Really!
Glad you enjoyed Spike's little joyful moment. And, yeah, Owen was a let down. My Buffy knows that normal isn't all it's cracked up to be. :) Thanks for the review!