Heart Don't Lie by NautiBitz
Chapter: Going Down

10/28/2007 04:54 pm
Nice chapter! Faith having the last line here was perfect, lol! I can't wait for the next update..
Thanks, Nikkole!

10/28/2007 05:15 am
faith came around. very good read.

10/27/2007 11:33 pm
What a ride, don't know if I'm on my head or my heels. This plot continues to twist and turn, I can't wait to see what happens next. loved it.
Thanks jane, I'm glad you're enjoying it.

10/27/2007 06:15 pm
So much action, so much going on! I'm going to have to re-read, to make sure I have everything straight. Throwing Faith into the mix was pure genius.
Thanks Luna, I hope all the plot didn't lose you, I know it's a lot to follow.

And yeah, I couldn't let Faith keep sleeping, not when she was right there in the hospital, you know? Not to mention she was the perfect wrench. >:D

10/27/2007 12:30 am
Wow. Awesome fight scene between Faith and Buffy! Not to mention the witty dialogue between Spike and Lamashtu. My favorite line:

"I could make you come in an instant."

"Yeah well, so can most birds with a firm grip. Doesn't make you Jesus."

that made me laugh out loud! love love LOVE the way you write. Can't wait for more!
Haha, well you can thank Tori Amos for the Jesus bit, but I'm glad you're loving the story.

Thanks for the enthusiastic review, Veronica.

10/26/2007 11:58 pm
Okay Faith is on board (I kinda figured she would on once she got that out of her system). Now time to go save baby and daddy.

Love your voices but this from Xander was so letter perfect it SHOULD be canon: "Heading for the woods like an evil gazelle" EXCELLENT.

Lots of actiony goodness here as well as mythology. Really good job. You took the original cute bunnies fuck and mystical baby happens (an excellent story in and of itself) and made an epic that goes beyond just fluff or porn. Good job Nauti!!!

Aw, you're too sweet, Kathleen. Thanks for the rave. :)

10/26/2007 10:56 pm