Heart Don't Lie by NautiBitz
Chapter: Harts Content

12/22/2008 09:08 am
It was a pleasure reading this once again - it's a wonderful Buffyverse-Spuffy story -

11/01/2007 10:51 pm
i see i missed dru one chapter too soon. very good read, thank you.

10/31/2007 04:17 pm
OH this was a completely delightful chapter. Too many gems to quote lest I'd just be copying the whole thing!

Love the reason for Anya fearing rabbits...makes perfect sense.

Lo the banter between them all. Love Giles reading from one of his special books to the baby.

Hope Clem somehow escaped the cleansing.

I'm glad you enjoyed it. One more to go, then comes the sequel.

As for Clem, he's too nice to be one of Lamashtu's. He totally made the cut. :)

10/31/2007 08:59 am
Yay thought this fic was finished, glad there's more. Hope Spikes redevelopment plans work out. Feel a bit sorry for Dru. Looking forward to more.
All shall be answered in the sequel...

I'm glad you liked! And there's one last chapter to go here. :)

Mr. Chaos
10/31/2007 04:58 am
Unless something surprising happens, Dru is dust. Hope Clem is one of the demons saved...and I still thing smart, evil little Chance has another trick up her cute footsie pj sleeves.
Hee, you're definitely right about Chance. And Clem (although he never shows in this story, I still love him enough to spare him). As for Dru... *whistles innocently*

Stay tuned for the sequel, Mr. Chaos!

10/31/2007 04:22 am
Is there a reason that Angel and Drusilla survived?
If you're asking *how* they survived, Angel was protected by the ritual (as pointed out by Sanvi). Drusilla has less of a clear-cut explanation: she was in an airtight container at the time, but there is more to it than that.

If you're asking if I'm keeping them around for a reason, the answer is yes. Stay tuned for the sequel. :)

10/30/2007 10:00 pm
Just when I thought everything was safe, you do this! Wow, I LOVE this story! Is Drusilla going to play mother to a new vampire race?
Muahahaha. No comment.

(Pssst sequel!)