To Ride A Pale Horse by WeyrAtheneWolfen
Chapter: Chapter 12: Perfect Plans

02/12/2008 04:08 am
Oh, man. I just caught up on this story and it's brilliant! For some disturbing reason, the idea of an apocalypse with global consequences really appeals to me. I guess because it's always hinted at on the show ("we have to save the WORLD") but the effects never seem to get past the Sunnydale/L.A. borders. And the zombie pandemic has just the right mix of supernatural and real-life terror. I love the idea of it being spread by people fleeing on planes, like it's bird flu or something.

You have a great storytelling style - I like the snippets of reports and essays from the future, reflecting back on it even while the story's still unfolding. I still don't think it's sunk in that Giles is really dead, but I like that you're bold enough to go there. Kennedy's death was excellent... and not just because I dislike her! :) It was very in character and cleverly told. And for a story posted on a Spuffy site, you've had me sufficiently distracted to not even care that they haven't seen each other yet. :)
Thank you so much for your review.  I always love zombues so having a spuffy zombie fic was to easy.  I love it!  Wery and I thank you for the wonderul review makes us giddy

Hugs you tight!  Oh and yes they see each other in ch 13


02/11/2008 05:21 am
Yay! Hit Angel some more! woot
well okay ... more angel hitting will be loaded

02/11/2008 04:16 am
"Till the end of the world; even it (sic) that is tonight."  can't be tonight need much more destruction and chaos and many days (chapters ) of angel being hit by slayers.  very good read, thank you.
Grins heee glad you like!

02/11/2008 04:01 am
I'm not surprised that Kennedy's arrogance came back to bite her in the ass not to mention whoever she kills.
Glad that you like the story!  Kennedy as a zombie was to much fun!

02/10/2008 11:10 pm
Oooo, good chapter! Cordy's inner dialogue was great. Highlighting that Angel's over-stressed because of not only the crisis, but because those he cares about are missing was an important tidbit.

Ah, Spike...can only be chicken for so long, boy. And Kennedy's a zombie...big surprise. Feel bad for Willow. Nina ought to feel lucky now that her werewolfism brought her into Angel's view...only thing that kept her family safe.

Look forward to more, guys!
Grins glad you like the story!  We try to balance the characters out with thier reactions so glad so far it is working.  Grins and twirls you

02/10/2008 07:02 pm
It may not go as badly as he fears!!!  Here's hoping!
Grins well the next chappie is ready so we will finally know *evil cackle*