Second Sight by AJ Hofacre
Chapter: Living A Lie

09/20/2008 08:31 pm
Very sweet.  I like the additions, especially the ending.  Thanks for writing and sharing it!

04/08/2008 08:12 pm
Lovely fic,I am still feeling a bit mesmerized by it,so,it was beautiful and I prefer reading the things that are beautiful.;) Loved it.
Aww, thanks :)

02/15/2008 07:27 am
beautiful vignettes. 
now I'm left to wonder if waht you have written is the beginning of a changeof what happened in Canon, of it still went down the path of hte bad.  I'm voting for a change for the better, and shall leave it at that.  THanks for the nice read.
I won't write a sequel to this, if only because I have too many others on my mind, but the finale of this story is the start of a change for the better in Season 6. Buffy wouldn't let Spike comfort her in any other way except sexually as season 6 went on, but here, she's already given in to her urges to cuddle with him. That marks an improvement right there on the spot :) Thanks for reading and reviewing, it's much appreciated!

02/14/2008 10:45 pm
A lovely version of the death/ resurrection. And that last bit was just amazing. Well done.
Thank you, thank you very much, I'm so glad you liked it :)

02/14/2008 11:51 am
Oh I loved it.
Thank you :)

02/14/2008 07:56 am
Wow!  Love that you added that tender comforting moment at the end!  It was nice to see all of this insight into Buffy's mind.  Great story!
Thank you, very much :) If only it had really ended this way. Joss wasn't going to give us that. Pfft.