Soul Survivors by dawnofme
Chapter: 8. Give it Time

03/08/2008 02:39 am
Poor Spike still not confident that he is anything much more than convenient really.  He is tip toeing around his wants for fear she'll look elsewhere.  I hope she finally realizes how she has done a number on his self esteem and reassures him....."I love you" alone isn't going to do the job.

Xander is trying to adjust his thinking, I'll give him that.  Too bad he is taking so long to get rid of his old ideas.

Looking forward to Buffy finally accepting that there was nothing wrong in loving Spike in his soulless state and letting him know too.  The diary may help. 

Love this story.

Thank you.  : )

03/07/2008 02:37 am
Thanks for the update.
Thank you for reading! 

03/06/2008 08:55 pm
Things are looking up.  Just hope the evil social services lady is a typical Sunneydale resident and can't see what's right in front of her! 
Will Xander ever get over the Spike/Anya indiscretion?  I think he'd have to accept responsibility for his own actions first, and he still seems far from doing that.   
It's always easier to blame your problems on the evil vampire, don't ya know?  Xander is alone, yet Spike got the girl, so I think there's a little bit of bitterness going on.  Yeah.

03/06/2008 05:03 pm
Thanks for the quick update! Wonderful chapter!
You are very welcome.  I'm so glad you liked it.

03/06/2008 03:22 pm
The Xander and Spike truce seems a little rickety!
Doesn't it though : )  Thanks for reading.