Soul Survivors by dawnofme
Chapter: 10. Miss Irma Barns

03/14/2008 05:34 am
Looking forward to more! 
Thank you : )   The next chapter is up.

03/14/2008 01:06 am
Road trip!! Can't wait for the next chapter, this story is so cool.
I'm glad you're excited about their little trip.  More like air trip LOL!  Your review has pretty much made my day.  I've been sick all day and I needed the encouragement.  So thanks a ton!  If I jump around and dance, singing "Peck thinks my story is coooool", do you think the neighbors will call for the men in white coats.  : )

03/13/2008 09:02 pm
Exciting chapter, can't wait for more!
Thank you.  : )

03/13/2008 06:12 pm
Duh duh duh!! Great chapter. Love the idea of Spike smarming the pants of the social worker!
: )  Thank you.  I never understood why the women/girls in the show didn't fall at his feet in adoration.  He's hot.  Miss Irma Barns knows it and he was wearing geek clothes.  LOL!

03/13/2008 05:50 pm
That went smoothly!  Nice job.
: )  Thank you.