Soul Survivors by dawnofme
Chapter: 18. Survivors

04/19/2008 03:59 am
angel and andra? no, i like her way too much. good chapter, thank you.
In the third installment for the verse, Angel and Andra will meet.  I'm not saying what will happen when they do : )

04/11/2008 08:38 am
How very sad for Andra.
I know. 17 and 18 were tough to write.  Well, Andra getting revenge was not as bad.

04/09/2008 07:02 am
Thanks for the great update - knew that Quentin was not long for the world, but sorry to see that Andra might actually have let him get the upper hand at the end - if the CoW decides that turned Slayers are not to be trusted after all - Can't wait to see where you take this -
Thank you.  I had to let the poor girl get her revenge.  : )

04/08/2008 02:41 am
Travers got his just rewards, thank goodness.  

"She's eternally walking around in the body of a fifteen year old.  She's exactly his type."  LOL!!!  I bet Andra's just the vamp to put Angel in his place - I would love to see them together.  

: )  Andra and Angel will surely be in the third installment of this verse.  I'm glad  you liked that line. 

04/07/2008 11:33 pm

OMG.. I can't believe it.  I had to read the last two chapters back to back and my heart just goes out to Andra..  But I have no love lost for Travers and the rest. 

Sorry for the shock, but at least Andra got her revenge/justice.  : )  *hugs*

04/07/2008 08:46 pm
It's good to see Travers get what he deserves.  The line about Andra wanting the taste of his blood gone but needing it perfectly captured her emotions at that point. 

Good Giles and Spike bonding time too :)
Thank you. 

04/07/2008 08:11 pm
<i>"Now she realized that he was right. Better to be consumed by the power of intense love than to be consumed by the world at large."</i>  Oh so true.  That's what happened to Buffy in S6, the world ate her up and spit her out.  She didn't see the big picture for it.

 <i>“She’s eternally walking around in the body of a fifteen year old. She’s exactly his type.”</i> Oh so true also LOL.  Yup, just what Angel would love...only problem is it might make him TOO happy!

Poor Andra (and I really hate losing Torch).  Maybe there are more souled vamps than even the one (that I think is still out there).

Excellent update as always.    Love the relationships developing.  Hope Giles covers for Andra lest the Council rethink it's decision.  Rather hard  to overcome years of dogma.

Thank you.  I hate losing Torch as well : (  

04/07/2008 05:20 pm
Wonderful chapter, justice was served.  I have to say, I find the idea of Andra and Angel very interesting, if not a little amusing. Looking forward to more!
Thank you!  I find the idea of the two of them interesting and amusing as well.  LOL!