Something New by dreamweaver
Chapter: Chapter 3

05/14/2008 11:11 pm
Wow!!  You know there's steam coming out of my ears!  Heee!  And Angel getting found out doesn't hurt.
I always thought Buffy should know.  Angel cheated her when he pulled that stunt on her.  I'm delighted you liked the chapter!

05/13/2008 02:27 am
"One night?"  you wouldn't. would you?  very good read, thank you.
Those two can't stay away from each other.  I'm so glad you're enjoying it!

2nd Wind
05/08/2008 03:25 am
Okay gonna try to leave an intelligible comment...
yay!!!!! XD
...well I failed... onward!!!
I love writing those bits!

05/05/2008 12:04 pm
Could one night turn into more? ok i missed a bunch of updates, so I'm going to read on and review again. good chapter.
It might.  Spike's addictive.  I'm glad you like this!

05/04/2008 11:34 pm
Somehow I don't think Buffy is so stupid to only let it be one night LOL....I wouldn't be...WHEW....HOT HOT HOT.

Aside from the extremely well done sex scene the chapter had so much going for it including great insight:

"The reason that he had given for leaving her and going to L.A. was that he wanted her to have someone normal. And there he had been—normal"
I've always said this.  He claimed he had to be vampire strong so he could help her in her battles yet NEVER came to help at all....he didn't even come to take her place at the hellmouth when she died (something unsouled Spike did readily for the love of her).  It was an excuse, clearly.  He had become all he had said she should have and then handed it back!

"He’s afraid of passion and he doesn’t trust himself. Passion is Angelus’ gambit. He uses it. Twists it. Manipulates you with your own emotions. So Angel distrusts it. Only problem is, passion and trust are what love is made of. Deny that and you throw love away.”
Oh yes!!! Perfect insight into Angelus and Angel.  How could he ever trust something you had already twisted for so long!  The one thing Spike never twisted, the one pure thing was his ability to love and love selflessly (Pre Buffy example was when he immediately gave up to Buffy when she threatened Dru in that nightclub of vamp wanna be's....he could have taken the Slayer and all those kids but gave it up for love of Dru). 


Spike's addictive, so...:D
Angel keeps saying things and never doing them.  'Great love'?  I don't think so!
The best thing about Spike is the way he's capable of deep, selfless, unconditional love.
I'm so glad you like this!

05/04/2008 11:19 pm

Awesome! Fantastic writing, I love all of your stories. Can't wait for more, want (no, NEED!) to see more!

Oh, I'm so glad!  Thank you!  I'm not going to stop writing for a long time.  I'm having too much fun.

05/04/2008 10:10 pm
Oh please you must continue this story! It has all my favorite components; Joyce's compassion for the William in Spike, terrific fight scenes with Spike showing his skills, and and realistic yet not tawdry spuffy loving! I also really liked the explanation Spike gave to Buffy about Angels actions...the voices of these characters are right on target. Can't wait to read more, Thank you for all the time and effort you put into writing these stories, I wish I could do it, but that's like wishing you were an artist, some got it and most don't!  Your writings convey the depths of emotion that these characters feel and that is why we love them so, isn't it? Spike changing into a clean shirt when buffy arrives was a pretty smart move. Spike shows  respect for his female guest and also shows he is aware of the effect his beautiful torso may have on her. Nice
I love writing Spuffy!  I live it while I'm writing it, so...:D  And Spike never misses a trick like that.  I'm so glad you're enjoying this!

05/04/2008 06:17 pm

If she really does make it just one night, she's crazy!! Another great chapter with some brilliant insight into Angel in particular. Also, enjoyed Buffy taking what she wanted! More more more!

Coming right up!  Oh, I'm so glad you like it!

05/04/2008 06:15 pm

Excellent point about the outcomes when it's Spike versus Angel.In canon , Angel only faced him when the deck was stacked in his favor , by Spike's fledgeling status, hiding behind pretense by offering Spike Xander, Spike being in a wheelchair, etc.The one time it wasn't, Spike kicked his ass.

Even Angelus doesn't like fighting - torture, mental and physical, is his art form.  But Spike loves it and has spent 120 years fighting.  He'd kick Angel's ass, for sure!

05/04/2008 05:28 pm
Poor sweet Spike, always taking what's offered and not asking for more *huggles him close*

Though I doubt Buffy's gonna let him go now that she knows how he can play her body ;)

Lovin' this :)
Spike always gives and gives, which makes him addictive, sooo...Next part coming up.  I'm so glad you like it!

05/04/2008 04:46 pm
wow that was hot! XD And the plot is very enjoyable too :P can't wait for th enext part
Thank you!  I'm delighted you like it!  Next part coming right up.

05/04/2008 03:26 pm
Okay.  Do you like one word reviews??  Cause that's about all my flustered brain can come up with.  So when asked my thoughts about this chapter, here is my response:

Whoa!  I didn't think it was that good!