Universal Vampire by Mabel Marsters
Chapter: Put Things Right

09/16/2009 04:43 pm
Even tho the Scoobies are trying DESPERATELY to help him, he still can't believe they want to help! It's a well-written story, but so
Thank you for saying it is well written - I'm guessing the so... is because of the darkness :D

03/26/2009 01:29 am
Amazing but sad to see how Spike copes.

Poor Spike. 

Thanks for taking the time to comment - I'm really enjoying hearing what you think.

06/07/2008 05:18 pm
poor Spike.But I like it!Can't wait to see more~

Glad that you're liking it.  Thanks for letting me know :)

06/06/2008 11:29 pm
Well done!
Hi Sirc.  Thank you :)

06/06/2008 07:48 pm
 This is so hard to read, but I can't stop! More please!
Hi invisible one!! (chuckles)

Glad that you can't stop reading! Won't keep you waiting too long I promise :)

06/06/2008 03:57 pm
Having Xander faint was great! 
So glad you've given him back the use of his arm. 
Loved the smile! 
Buffy is learning his reactions, so that's good.  I'm not too fond of the stories where she's made out to be unintelligent.
Hi BT_

Had to admit I had a little chuckle when I wrote the fainting part!! Buffy's mistakes were made because she loves him so much, it's hard for her to think straight with the state he is in.

Thanks for letting me know, more soon :)

06/06/2008 05:06 am
My heart leaped for joy when Spike smiled at having his left arm back! Please keep Spike on the road to recovery for at least a while longer before anything gets thrown in his way! Excellent job so far! You've still got me totally hooked!
Hi jasbrico,

Always good to hear that I've got someone hooked on my story!  Thanks so much for letting me know.  Won't keep you waiting too long :)