If I Hurt You, Will You Still Love Me? by slaymesoftly
Chapter: Part I

05/26/2009 09:16 am
     Oh, I do luv wot you're doing with Tara. More Good Witch is all to the good

06/13/2008 03:59 am
"Right now, I would say that the worst thing that’s wrong with you is that you’re still thinking about yourself when the man who loves you so much he allowed you to take out your anger on him is barely clinging to life."

Right on, Tara! :-D

Slaymesoftly, you have Buffy's character pitch perfect in this chapter, and it's about time that someone called her on her selfish behavior. If only someone had done so on the series. I'm looking forward to reading more of this story. Great start! :D
Thank you, sweetie.   My Tara is bit more outspoken than Joss allowed her to be.

06/11/2008 04:59 am
"I'm sure Rahirah would have liked that better, too, but I really just want Buffy to acknowledge what she's been doing to Spike and try to make up for it in some way. "

After all - this is what is really the vital thing - understanding and compassion for the people in your life and in your world - How you get there is not as important as that you do - Anyway, that is how I see it in my world view. 

06/11/2008 04:31 am
 What an intense first chapter! I tend to block out that particular episode of Season 6, so I can't wait to read where you're taking this.
I hope you like where I go with it.

06/11/2008 03:39 am
really enjoyed both tara's and dawn's attitude. very good read, thank you.  great paragraph: "Having a bit of a problem...sunny disposition."

Thank you.  I'm glad you like my little bit of Spike snark. :)

06/11/2008 12:50 am
Yay Tara! Tough love was just what was needed. It's true though, on the show when Buffy was weeping and wailing about her predicament to Tara she didn't once consider the effects on Spike of her actions. It was all 'oh poor little me I must have come back wrong' and then 'oh poor little me I didn't come back wrong so I have no excuse for everything, oh poor little me I feel so bad'. Then when she broke things off with Spike it was just to make herself feel better, she didn't give any consideration to Spike's feelings... 'cos of couse he didn't have any. Yeah.. right...
Oops...sorry for the rant... LOL You struck a nerve. I really didn't like Buffy much in the latter half of season 6.
LOL - You're entitled to dislike her. She wasn't very likable a good bit of the time.  Maybe you'll like her better when the fic is over. :) *smiles hopefully*

06/10/2008 07:46 pm

You certainly covered all the bases in that gruelling rerun of the battering.  Really well done.  Thank god for Tara's perceptiveness.  Besides Dawn, she's the only one who would have a qualm about what Buffy did to Spike.  If only Buffy would seriously take on board what she's saying.  I fear she's too busy fighting guilt while justifying herself with the same old excuses.  One of her nicer moments:' “I have…had somebody to talk to. I have Spike. He listens, and he doesn’t judge me…At least he didn’t before I…” She shuddered all over as she thought about losing the only thing keeping her sane.'
As usual, it's all about me, me, me.


Alas - that's probably the hardest thing for her t get over; that it might be about somebody else... Thanks for reading.

06/10/2008 06:00 pm
As always, thrilled to see a new fic from you.  This was a very painful chapter to read--especially the beginning. Tara's part in this chapter was wonderful, calm, yet brooking no arguments. Looking forward to your next chapter.
Yes, I've had a couple of people comment on the brutality of the first part - but, you know, that's what happened.  I hope you like the rest of it.

06/10/2008 05:45 pm
awwwwwwwww..... go tara! i was so sad when they killed her off. i like this rewrite. makes buffy face what she did to spike.
cant wait for more!
Thanks. More is up now. :)

06/10/2008 09:45 am
Now that is the way it should have gone! Glad to see your muse has been inspired again. This was awesome and I really loved Tara making her see sense. Look forward to more.
Thanks. I always felt that Tara could have been a greater force for good than she was allowed to be. I hope you like the rest of it.

06/10/2008 06:45 am
An excellent start to what I am sure will be a very interesting story for many readers.  I want to add something more comments but will come back later once I get my thoughts in better order.  This theme of Buffy and her terrible capacity for violence and anger and complete oftentimes utter self-centered outlook is such a complex part of her character and the series - ALL THAT UGLY DARKNESS mixed in with her equally enormous capacity to love and sacrifice; it all makes for such complexity - and all that same complexity is repeated in Spike as well.  

How wonderful that you have Tara, which was always a symbol of the to me of a gentle soul and a Mother Goddess be a part of beginning.   

I have been reading and listening to the Gospel of Mary Magdalene for several days now and I can't help but think of Buffy and this series which continues to have such an important impact on how I try to understand my life - the more I read and think about all this Buffy takes on such a horrible face - a horror both self-created and inflicted upon her from her main teacher, Giles - all that dogma and label after label and judgements of Good vs Evil, Souls and Blindness that became such a huge part of what their lives were founded on.  And this very scene you begin with is the culmination of all their delusion and the creation of their own monsters which they always placed on the convenient scapegoat - Spike and the demon realms. 

It was not only Drusilla that sired a vampire, Giles and the WofC created their very own demon in the dogmatic condition Slayer - a part which the creators of Buffy explored very little in the series.

Take whatever time you need and dig deep for the answers you are trying to explore with this work - It is one of the most important and profound themes ever of the series - what and why and how does the heroine and IMO, the hero, of these series speak to the inner demons which they both created and had inflicted on them by their social constructs - Of What Good Is A Soul or what Does It Signify, within the context of The Alley Scene and all the social judgments that played so a huge part in the life of this young woman and one time lovely young man and love filled vampire.
Wow. Thanks for the thoughtful review and discussion. I think you may be giving me way too much credit, though, when it comes to exploring the themes you've mentioned.  I'm sure Rahirah would have liked that better, too, but I really just want Buffy to acknowledge what she's been doing to Spike and try to make up for it in some way.  With a bit of luck, Tara will have pulled her out of some of her self-centeredness. Now, the question is, will she be able to stay there, or will she quickly slip back into her old demon-bashing ways?