Buffy vanishes after stopping Adam and the Powers That Be bring over another Buffy from a parallel dimension to take her place. But this Buffy is not what everyone expects. Winner of Best Fluff and Runner Up for Best Angst, Best Pairing and Best Author at the Sunnydale Memorial Fanfiction Awards!
Genre: , - Rating:
Words: 5,973 - Updated: 08/09/2009 06:38 am


Buffy vanishes after stopping Adam and the Powers That Be bring over another Buffy from a parallel dimension to take her place.
Genre: , - Rating:
Words: 7,127 - Updated: 08/10/2009 12:18 am


Buffy vanishes after stopping Adam and the Powers That Be bring over another Buffy from a parallel dimension to take her place.
Genre: , - Rating:
Words: 6,619 - Updated: 08/11/2009 01:04 am


Buffy vanishes after stopping Adam and the Powers That Be bring over another Buffy from a parallel dimension to take her place.
Genre: , - Rating:
Words: 4,448 - Updated: 08/12/2009 01:06 am


Buffy vanishes after stopping Adam and the Powers That Be bring over another Buffy from a parallel dimension to take her place.
Genre: , - Rating:
Words: 5,337 - Updated: 08/12/2009 11:16 pm


Buffy vanishes after stopping Adam and the Powers That Be bring over another Buffy from a parallel dimension to take her place.
Genre: , - Rating:
Words: 5,328 - Updated: 08/13/2009 11:04 pm