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Come Back to Me by SpikesDeb
Battle Lines
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Chapter 1 7


“Angel…”  Cordelia’s voice had a strangely remote quality, seeming to emanate from elsewhere, her lips barely moving as she drew his attention. He recoiled from her, startled by her milky eyes.  He realised he was dealing with Cordelia the Power’s envoy, and not his friend and potential lover.  For the slightest instant Angel felt a twinge of shame at his recent actions, a slideshow of confrontations and frightened mystics cowering at his feet flickering through his mind.  The increasingly unfamiliar sense of guilt was quickly eclipsed by a glow of satisfaction.  He’d managed to not only combat the metaphorical spanner in the works, better known as Spike, by judicious use of the magical resources at his disposal, but thanks to his special genius he’d also turned it to his advantage.  Instead of having only one lever to use to keep Buffy in line, he now had two.  And okay playing them off against each other took time but made the game all the sweeter and ultimately could only have the one successful outcome.  Knowing Spike as he did, once he accepted that the only way – supposedly – to save Dawn was to sacrifice himself, he’d jump on the martyr’s altar happy to plunge the stake into his own chest.  Of course it meant putting up with more of Buffy’s weeping and wailing – even more so when Dawn’s temporary reprieve ran out – but he’d be there to console her.  Only natural that she’d turn to the one thing she could be sure of in her life.  Him.  

“I see your journey but it has ceased to be your true path.  You have become seduced from it and there is imbalance.  It is my task is to see that balance restored.  The Powers That Be have sent their warrior to lead you to your true destiny.”  

Angel watched her warily.  A warrior?  Buffy.  She was his destiny, Buffy and the shanshu – he knew this already.  Didn’t hurt to have it confirmed though…  

“You think you can influence the passage of time, bend it to your own will.  But you cannot.  You can only partake in the thread of life granted to you, the final pattern is already set and will not be changed by your actions.  Angel, the course you are set on will destroy you and destroy many of those you love.  You have the chance to put it right without further suffering.  In the end all will be as it should be, and your machinations will be as nothing.  Choose now, Angel.”  

Cordelia’s voice was echoing tinnily around the room clearly not coming from her physical presence.  Her eyes were featureless, white, inhuman.  She truly was the mouthpiece of the Gods.  Angel considered what she’d said and his prior dealings with the Powers.  He recalled his audience with the Oracles after Buffy and he had fought the Morha demon and he’d become human again – they’d spent that perfect day and night together – and how they’d granted his request to return to his vampire state.  This time things would be different - he steeled his jaw; he would have the Shanshu and he would have Buffy.  He could do it without the Powers That Be and no longer needed to dance to their tune. He had his own power now, he had powerful friends.  He had the whole of Wolfram and Hart at his disposal.  Cordelia had said that a warrior was to lead him to his true destiny – and that warrior was Buffy, he knew it.  And besides, the Powers weren’t invulnerable – the slaughter of the Oracles was testament to that fact.   

He’d do things his own way.  


Willow opened her eyes to see the slightly freaked faces of her best friend, her ex-librarian and his younger and way hotter sidekick staring up at her from the other side of the room.  It took her a while to figure what was causing the wiggins; slowly she willed her body to float down so that she stood on the actual floor and not on fresh air.  

“Sorry, guys, kinda got caught up in the moment.  It’s a bit overwhelming when the Powers send out a broadcast, a little tingly and strangely tasting of vanilla…”  

Buffy blinked; no matter how often she saw Willow become black-eyed girl it still disturbed her and made her want to either beat her up or run away.  Willing her pulse to slow she heaved an inward sigh of relief as her friend’s hair reverted to warm red and her eyes regained their customary hue. She just couldn’t shake the niggling doubt that one of these times Willow wouldn’t come back…  

Buffy forced a smile.  “That’s okay, Will, it was just a bit sudden.  One minute you’re talking research, next you’re floaty spingirl and making the weirdest humming noise.”  

“Oh.  I did that out loud?  Sorry.”  

Giles cleared his throat noisily, both girls and Wes turning to face him.  Long seconds passed.  “Oh for heaven’s sake – information please, Willow.  The clock’s ticking…”  

“Sorry, sorry!  Okay, here’s the deal – the Powers are cranking up the gears.  Cordy’s awake and trying to even the odds but it doesn’t look like Angel’s biting.  Oh…you know what I mean….”  


“Yes, Buffy.  You did know she’s the Power’s envoy, didn’t you?   They send her visions and whatnot; she passes them on to Angel?”  Giles couldn’t believe she didn’t know, exchanging puzzled looks with Wesley….  

“Erm…nope; must’ve missed the memo.”   Buffy shook her head in wonder.  “Cordy has a direct line to the heavens?  She must be combusting with pride at the one-upmanship.  But I don’t get what she’s trying to do – and I’m not so sure I want Angel saved or biting or whatever.  He’s messed with my sister and my boyfriend and I whup the ass of whoever tries that.  It’s traditional.”  

“But, Buffy – this is what Althanea sensed.  Cordy must be the Powers’ secret weapon and to be honest, she’s their best shot.  Angel and she had been getting closer.  Fred told me she was convinced something was going on between them, but then Cordy disappeared - turns out she was embracing her goddess side - but Angel was broken.  If anybody can make him see sense, Cordelia’s the one.”  Willow eyed her friend warily, searching for any sign of discomfort or loss due to Angel’s shifting affections.  All she saw was determination and anger.  Good then.  

“Alright, I give up.  What’s next?  And just to get this clear – there’ll be no harming of Spike or Dawn. At all.”  

Giles and Willow recognised the Slayer steel in her voice.  In charge Buffy was at home and ready for business.  Both of them couldn’t help the delighted smiles that spread over their faces; this was more like it, something they knew how to do.  And it made Wesley feel oddly nostalgic about his time in Sunnydale when the good guys and bad guys were clearly set apart.  


Spike paced the small hospital room for the hundredth time.  Dawn was breathing evenly, her cheeks slightly flushed, her heartbeat playing rhythmically through his brain.  Where the hell had Buffy got to?  What was going on?  He hated being left out of the loop at the best of times, and these times were a very long way from the best.  He had the distinct feeling that his entire existence was being plotted out from on high like some bizarre board game, gods with ringleted hair and beards sprinkled with gold dust, supping on ambrosia and shaking gilded die from cups made from hollowed-out skulls.  And of course they had sparkling emeralds in place of eyes…..  

He chuckled to himself.  Sometimes his old life seeped through and in times of stress his mind tended to hark back to the Classics.  Bloody Zeus…  

He heard the soft click-clack of feet on the highly polished floor and turned towards the noise.  The hard angles of his face softened as he encountered the gentle features of the Texan genius.  

“Hey, Tex , to what do I owe the honour?”  

Fred smiled, her entire face creasing up, doe eyes hidden beneath her swinging brunette hair.  

“Figured you might be needing some company, Spike.  Lorne’s in nervous wreck mode and hitting the cocktails, Wes and Giles are buried in musty books and Charles is doing his darnedest to beat an innocent punch bag to pieces!”  With a hundred-watt smile Fred stretched out her hands in front of her, the plate she’d held hidden behind her now proffered up to her friend, the vampire.  

Spike’s answering smile easily eclipsed hers.  “Spicy wings?   For me?”  His voice was tight with wonder.   

“Well, when I’m nervous or upset I eat and Willow kinda told me you do too.  Angel doesn’t do that, you know.  Well, the occasional cup of coffee but not actual food.” She did the patented nervous Fred shuffle.  “Erm…you do like these, don’t you?  Willow said you liked spicy wings, but I’m not sure I made them right – I can do tacos like a genuine Mexican but this is my wings debut.  But I figured you probably haven’t eaten a lot since you came back and not food food anyhow and so…well…here.”  

Spike took the plate from her.  “You made them for me yourself?”  

“Uh huh – but don’t worry if they’re not good, you can spit out.  Mathematical formulae are easy but recipes…not so much.”  

Spike took a hunk of wing and ripped into it.  It was good, but if it had tasted like rancid yak cheese he’d have swallowed it with relish.  Fred had taken time to think of him.  It meant a lot.  This lady was special and he’d be adding her to the ranks of people he’d die for.  Strike that, she was already there.  

“Just perfect, pet.  Best I’ve had.  Thanks.”  

Fred’s smile cranked up a notch, her eyes no longer visible behind the crinkled eyelids.  “Really?  I’m so glad you like them.”  

They both moved towards Dawn’s bed, Spike chewing noisily on the precious gift.  Fred reached out a hand to brush Dawn’s hair away from her eyes, unsure what to say now she was here.  Everybody seemed to be occupied with stuff to do except her, although she’d been right in the middle of something when the Angel bombshell was dropped.  Spike.  Making him corporeal, ensuring his presence on this plane of existence was permanent.  It seemed like the first part was done for her but she was too much of a scientist to just assume everything was hunky-dory.   

“Spit it out, love, no need to be shy.”  

“I’m just…it’s swell that you’re here – really here, with the solid body and all – but…”  

“But you don’t want me to count my chickens, right?”  

“Yeah…pretty much.  I just want to check things out that’s all, make sure the body thing isn’t a here today gone tomorrow deal.  Do you mind?”  Fred dug deep into her pockets pulling out an array of gadgets that she laid on the bed.  Without waiting for an answer she started measuring and recording, brow furrowed as she concentrated on her records.  The prod of a finger to his gut made him jump.  

“Hey!  No poking!”

“Sorry, sorry – just checking.  Yep – you’re solid enough, flesh and blood…borrowed as it may be.  Don’t know how or why but looks like I did good.”  

Spike raised his eyebrow to let the girl know he didn’t for one second believe it was her doing.   

“Not buying that huh?  Ah well, worth a try.  Now that you are here though I need to make sure you stay that way.  So…I’m gonna need some samples; you okay with that?”  

“Would that be intimate samples you need, pet?”  Spike found he was having fun bantering with Fred; it was friendly, cosy – kind of like with Dawn but he could be more risqué.  She was definitely one of his girls now.  And just look at that cute blushing thing she did when he got a little naughty!  “Yeah, whatever you need.  Don’t wanna be fading away anytime soon.  Do your worst.”  

Fred set about collecting saliva samples, blood samples - for all the good they’d be as it wasn’t really his blood but she wanted to be thorough.  Spike backed away when she asked for a bit of his hair.  He wasn’t completely anal about it like Angel but still…he wanted to look good for his lady.  

“Don’t be such a baby!  I only want one hair with the follicle attached.  Keep still…there!  Now that didn’t hurt, did it?”  

“No, but you’ve probably ruined the do.  Buffy won’t be happy…”  

Suddenly the light atmosphere was gone.  He needed to make Buffy happy but with the sword of Damocles hanging over his head he really couldn’t think of a way to do it.  Losing Dawn would kill her and she’d already told him that losing him would do the same.  Catch bloody 22.  

A warm, soothing hand drew his attention as it lay on his arm.   

“Don’t worry, Spike.  We’ll fix it.  Willow ’s in witchy woman mode and checking stuff out with Cordy, and Giles and Wes are really smart.  We help the helpless, that’s what we do.”  

Spike smiled at her infectious optimism.  He wished he could believe her.  


Angel sniggered quietly.  He was so powerful right now, able to deceive a goddess – or at the very least, a god’s mouthpiece.  Cordy had fallen for the old tears and tantrums trick and wept in his arms with relief that he’d been brought back to the righteous path.  It felt good.  It was almost as good a kick as snapping that gipsy girl’s neck had been.  Momentarily his insides squirmed.  Wrong – that was the word that flashed through his brain, but it was quickly reburied.  Hell, he’d get the mystics to finish their spell, the bleached pain in his ass would be a fading memory and all would be good.  Buffy and Cordy would see to his needs and he’d get his dues as lord of all.  And if they didn’t…well, he was on his way to see the beings that could fix anything he wanted fixed.  


Willowwatched Angel leaving Cordy’s room with a smug smile on his face.   That didn’t bode well…or maybe it did.  Had Cordy got through to him?  Was he back to normal?  Only one way to find out; taking a deep breath she pushed open the door and approached her former school friend – well maybe friend was stretching it a bit - former person she went to school with then.  Cordelia was sitting up, looking calm and collected and way too pretty for somebody who’d just awoken from a coma.  

“ Willow .  I’m glad you’re here, I was about to send for you.  You have a part to play in this situation and the Powers That Be have work for you to do.”  

“Oh...right.  Erm…how are you, Cordelia?”  

“There’s no time for chatting.  Please, sit down.”  

Willow sat in the chair at the side of the bed, completely phased by Cordelia’s serenity.  She was so far removed from the Cordelia she’d known that it was like being in the room with a stranger.  She was ‘in charge Cordy’, no hint of the fashionista cheerleader who’d been so full of herself.  Scary.  

“I just saw Angel leaving; he looked pretty pleased with himself.  Your doing?”  

Cordy sighed, her eyes troubled.  “It is because of Angel that I am back.  My time on earth was done but the Powers allowed me this one chance to set things right.  I owe Angel a lot, Willow .  He offered me a job and a home when I was too proud to ask for help.  I even thought we could become more than friends…but then things happened that …well, let’s just say I saw him in a different light.  Oh, by the way – Tara says hi.”  

Willow gasped.  “WHAT? Tara ?  You’ve seen Tara ?”  

“Yes, Willow.  She’s in a happy place.  She misses you terribly but she does want you to get on with your life.”  

“This isn’t an ‘I’m the First Evil, please kill yourself now’ deal is it, ‘cause I’ve got to say, not loving that the last time round…”  

Cordy looked puzzled, clearly having no idea what Willow was on about.   Willow continued.  “Never mind, a tale for a less dangerous time.  What is it you want me to do?”  

“I’ve tried to reach Angel myself, tried to tell him that the path he’s set on will bring nothing but pain and misery.  But he is too far gone along that path.  He’s made a deal with the devil but you don’t need to know the details of that. What you do need to know is how to set things right.  We watched him use the resources of evil to further his own ends.  He is the former champion of the people and we are saddened to see a great warrior turn to the dark.  So we sent another champion.”  


“Yes, Spike.   His presence here is our doing, but somehow Angel has found a way to tie Spike’s fate with that of the Slayer’s sister, and we need assistance to make things right.  Will you help us?”  

“God yes, of course – anything you need.”  

Cordy outlined the Powers’ plans to bring Angel back to the fold and to reward Spike with a second chance at unlife.  Neither of them noticed the man with an eye patch lurking outside the door, nor the determined stride that took him away once he had heard enough.  


Buffy strode along the corridor back to Dawn’s room.  She’d left Wes and Giles deep in research, Willow having raced off to find out exactly what Cordelia knew about the situation.  She’d been away from Spike for far too long, ached to feel his arms around her.  And Dawn.  She needed to know that Dawn was still with them.  She didn’t even notice somebody walking towards her until she’d collided with him.  

“Buffy!  Hey, where’re you rushing off to in such a hurry?”  

“Angel.”  Buffy’s voice was cold as steel and she couldn’t bring herself to look at him.  She was struggling with the urge to rip and rend and if she spent one more second in his vicinity she’d lose control and punch him.  “I have to go…later…”  

With a burst of slayer speed she was off, rounding the corner before Angel could react.  He smirked.  Let her run, soon enough she’d be running to him to lay her empty head on his shoulder.  He started whistling as he made his way to his rooms, manipulating everyone was such a buzz!  It was good to be the boss of an evil law firm.  The door was already ajar; he kicked it open, vamp features to the fore, ready to eat whoever had trespassed on his inner sanctum.  He growled at the man sitting behind his desk, feet on the surface in front of him.  


“Don’t sweat it, dead boy.  I’ve got something you’re gonna want to hear….”  

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