Buyer Beware by just_sue pfeifferpack 04/18/2017 11:42 am 18 Oh Sue I keep hoping and hoping that one day you come back to finish this one. So well written and so many possibilities with where it was going. Kathleen Fitz 11/07/2012 01:32 am 18 Oh for Pete's sake, please finish this fic! It is so entertaining and well-written. Please try to update and/or complete this fic soon. Great job! Brit Girl 10/30/2012 12:36 pm 18 Forgot to give my email address! bezziemate@gmail.com Brit Girl 10/30/2012 12:35 pm 18 Dear Just_Sue, You are not "Just Anything!" I have read a lot of fics on here and a lot of really good ones but your imagination and turns of phrases and eloquence at creating believable (To the point that I can see it in my mind's eye) is second to none! I understand that RL gets in the way but this is a masterpiece and at some point you really must finish it. I have never seen so many comments for one story as yours has achieved! I am jealous of your imagination and talent. Shocked at what Angel was capable of but he has been a rapist in other people's stories. They hadn't gone into such cruelty with implements though. I am a Brit just like you and I might be biased but even some of the talented ladies who are American who have written good stories can't compare to this. I wish it had stopped at a sexy bit between Spike & Buffy with his hair grown back (Liking the idea of his natural dark blond hair coming through) but that aside, the story itself has me gripped. Proof of a naturally talented writer that I don't want to just be titilated! Please let me leave my email address and if you could kindly reply and tell me and I'm guessing many others if you will ever return to this fic. Maybe you have become an actual author by now. I am telling you I would read your books. Light & Love Brit Girl (Jill) darcs 05/15/2012 12:05 am 18 Come on, now! Finish this fic - please. It's one of the best I've read (and I've read a lot). Carve out some time to give this fic a proper ending. If you do, I'm sure many of us will send you happy thoughts. jarot 09/08/2010 03:14 am 18 Please - update and/or finish this fic, it's great! So wish it was finished!!! Thanks :-). 05/27/2010 10:41 am 18 nojiri23 01/30/2010 09:49 pm 18 please, please be writing more? love what you've written thus far! Jags 12/23/2009 09:34 pm 18 That was great! I'm glad to hear WR&H did something to Angel to make him more Angelus-like. That way I can hate him but still like the "real" Angel at the same time and feel sorry for him falling into the hands of the Initiative...tho' I still like Spike better! Please, please, please tell me you haven't abandoned writing this story! It is truly one of the best, most complex, well-written, intriguing fanfictions I have ever read. I have to know what happens next!!!! 08/26/2009 07:37 am 18 Please, please, please continue the story! 08/12/2009 10:55 pm 18 Oh no! Please, do not let this wonderful and twisted and strange and lovely story end here. It has so much potential, I really want Spike to come through to happiness after all you put him through here.. Please? 08/12/2009 10:41 pm 18 Oh no! Please, do not let this wonderful and twisted and strange and lovely story end here. It has so much potential, I really want Spike to come through to happiness after all you put him through here.. Please? Jelly 03/01/2009 11:59 pm 18 I really am enjoying this. I would love to read more! notwhomever 02/11/2009 08:12 pm 18 update soon please duke6665 11/26/2008 04:25 am 18 i really hope you update this one soon. i really love this fic so far. Thank you! I hope to update soonish myself! So glad you liked. BFN! Lal08 09/22/2008 01:07 pm 18 I just started to read this story and absolutely fell in love with it. It is very different, to see Spike like this. I hope you will update it soon... Fyrefly 09/21/2008 09:25 am 18 More, please, please! INWEN 09/05/2008 09:34 pm 18 Whoa! You can't just leave me hanging like that! Must finish story! I just stumbled across this fic this afternoon, and wow! I love it. The amount of detail and attention you've put into setting up the world you've created here, and making it so authentic, is just breathtaking. You've definitely cut no corners. And the interactions and development between Spike and Buffy? Gah! So lovely and torturous. And I mean that in a really, really good way. Judging by the date on when this was last updated, I don't really have any hopes of seeing more chapters. But if you ever do continue it, know that you have at least one fan sitting here, waiting for it. Thank you! This story is not abandoned, not by a long shot. Things Happened that sort of drove teh muse into hiding, and he's just starting to peep out again. I'm chuffed that you enjoyed what you've read so far, and hope that when more appears you will continue to like. BFN! Nikkole 01/25/2008 09:54 pm 18 That was a great chapter!! I am really enjoying this story! Thanks, Nikkole! It may be a while until another chapter is up but the story has not been abandoned. So glad you liked! Varin 10/04/2007 02:43 am 18 I just discovered this story and think it's great. If real life isn't too crazy, I hope you can update it someday. I'd really like to know what you're going to do with Angel and Giles. Can the slayer save the world? I believe that most vampires would rather be staked than enslaved. Sotia M. 08/24/2007 02:21 pm 18 Hi there! I again managed to pull an allnighter reading a story that was not completed... and I don't feel sorry for myself, I just feel longing to read the rest of it!!! Please keep writing it, the angst has me chewing on my lips and chainsmoking! Devon 08/21/2007 05:13 am 18 Amazing, wonderful! I wish there was more! devonkmiller@gmail.com Avalon 02/18/2007 12:38 am 18 Argh, what a cliffhanger!!! Lovin' this. More, please, soon XD I'd love to see an update for this. Thanks, hope RL isn't kicking you in the butt. angelic_amy 12/08/2006 03:25 am 18 Sue this chapter was brilliant! I re-read over a couple chapters today to refresh my memory on what's been going on and I realised I hadn't left a review for this one! I LOVED the fierceness with which Buffy wanted/need to protect Spike. It was so genuine and perfectly written. Tara was great as always and I loved how Spike was able to trust the doctor based purely on Buffy's word. It shows how much he's changed. Great chapter as always and I can't wait for more! *squishy hugs* Dene 11/28/2006 10:21 pm 18 This story is awesome! Keeping me on the edge of my seat! Hope you update soon Oh God Sue! Can't wait for RL to let you update this one again. I ADORE this story (as I've said before)......so many yummy bits waiting to be explored (Dru's dust usage, dimension openings, Ethan/Giles/Initiative/W&H plots...Spuffyage....Spuffyage and did I mention Spuffyage???) So amazingly well done as always. Gotta love death by "Spontaneous Human Combustion" snicker.. Kathleen DeanSamWinchesterfan 11/01/2006 10:09 pm 18 Good chapter.Update soon.I would have reviewed earlier,but I couldn't get onto the site for some weird reason. Thank you! Just good to know you read and liked, hun. *hugs* i really enjoyed this chapter hun. so much happened can't wait to read more. Thanks, sweetie! So glad you enjoyed. *hugs* xxx sirc 10/27/2006 12:27 pm 18 I loved the scene with Graq - especially *how* everything was said, the wording so realistic for their species Well done! :D Thank you! As Graq is a species from another dimension he has learnt English for communication purposes. Learning Miv's language as well might come in time, but they seem to be muddling along all right for now. Thanks for the review, hun. BFN missus_grace 10/27/2006 08:28 am 18 Buffy to the rescue! Smith going up in flames was a fitting end, and I love the way all the officials (minus the Initiative gits) are finding no fault with Spike. And I love Graq and Miv. *grins* I must confess to enjoying myself when finishing off Smith. So glad you liked Miv and Graq as there will be more of them in time. Thanks for reviewing, hun. BFN Araedhel 10/25/2006 10:44 pm 18 I adore this story, please update soon! Thank you! Will be a little while before next update, but not too long I hope! BFN valdt 10/24/2006 11:03 pm 18 excellent read, thank you. several new players, rapidly moving story and great ending line. hope you enjoyed the vacation. the pause between updates gave me an unneeded excuse to reread this fine tale. thanks, again Ah, Valdt! You are such a constant reader and reviewer. I had to read again myself - and quite liked it! LOL The thanks are all mine, really. *hugs* TwilightChild 10/24/2006 07:22 pm 18 Love the story, and so glad you updated. It's wonderfully well written and definately keeps the interest peaked. Thank you, hun! I try my best and am glad to have entertained. More in not too distant future. BFN Deb 10/24/2006 12:55 pm 18 Just ran across this and am completely captivated by the story. Excellent work! Thank you, Deb! Is always lovely to have a new reader - especially one who reviews! Shall endeavour to keep your interest in future chapters. BFN DizzyB 10/24/2006 05:12 am 18 Intrigued, to say the least. Can't wait for more. Intrigued is good, right? More when it's ready. BFN Whoot! I'm reading this on my lunch break so I don't have a whole lotta time, but I just wanna say YYYAAAAAYYYY! I loved it. Can't wait for more! Ah, Coquine! I thought of you often when I didn't update. Sorry, hun. But will always get back to this, never fear. *smooches* kim 10/23/2006 10:10 pm 18 Old quippy Buffy's back.. Ho, ho...taking Angel, and with the spell affecting his soul removed...well, it's about time he learned some lessons....dumb ass should have never taken up with Wolfram and Hart. Good thing that Spike's going to get some care for those wounds. I still find it so funny that Willy's become a respected member of the community. I was really worried at the opening of the chapter..but Buffy and Tara were there and not leaving until Spike would be released, so whew....Mr. Smith burning up in flames, of darn - not! Graq and Miv had some very interesting things to say...I liked them. So glad you updated!!!! You are so right about Angel! Has to learn some harsh lessons now. What a shame! Willy will explain all soon. Might not be exactly as you think. *grins* Am so glad you liked Graq and Miv - they will be back. Thanks for your kind words and reading. BFN jemjem 10/23/2006 10:03 pm 18 I loved the new chapter.The characterisations of Spike and Buffy are wonderful,I am hoping,however, that now we know Angel has been under a spell, he is not forgiven for everything he did.The problem with the tv series was that Angel was never held accountable while Spike was never able to be forgiven.It is a personal peeve of mine.I am looking forward to the next chapter. Thank you! I do not forgive as easily as they did on BtVS, so Angel will have to do some payback. Anyway, he is almost out of this fic and won't reappear until the sequel! Hee! Many thanks for reading and reviewing, hun. BFN pretty_in_fangs 10/23/2006 09:08 pm 18 Wow, oh, wow. So glad to see an update, and what an update it was! Things are moving along in so many unexpected ways. Now if I just knew what was happening to Giles... *grins* So happy you liked. Giles will be putting in a brief appearance in next chappie - if all goes to plan! Glad you're still reading, hun. BFN Bridget 10/23/2006 07:38 pm 18 Thanks for the update. I have been patiently waiting for it. I am glad it was not abandoned. Now to the story. This is quite interesting. Interesting characters Miv and Grag. I wonder how they will fit in. I hope that in the next chapters Buffy will be more open with Spike. I can't wait for more. Sorry to keep you waiting, love. Will never abandon, promise. But am a slow so and so. Glad you are interested in Miv and Graq - they will have bigger parts in time. Um, Buffy being more open? Maybe. We'll have to wait and see. Thanks for the review, hun. *hugs* Loved the update, so good!!! Companion? Prophecy? ??? Oh, you have a lot to explain coming up, don't you? Looking forward to it!!! Going to put a chip in Angels head? How Nice! ;) I loved how Buffy was thinking. She hasn't figured it out yet, but she knows that Spike is important to her and that she doesn't want to lose him, not after just finding him again. Love it!!! *gulps* I have plot coming out of my *coughs*, well, you know! But I do have answers! I think Angel is a dead duck, chip-wise. Now ain't that a shame! Ah, Buffy. If that gal ever gets a spare moment to stop and think...her mind might explode! *grins* All will be cool. Trust me! *hugs* And thanks so much for reviewing, hun. xxx 10/23/2006 04:47 pm 18 Whoa nellie! Quite a ride here. You KNOW how I love, love, love this story and you are adding layers like crazy here. The interesting interdimensional demons and the talk of prophecy.....Dru and her positive (!) influence on Angel.....why Angel has been an even bigger ass than usual.....this doctor and what her report says.....gaaaahhhhhhhhh.....Bring it on, hon. This is gold. Kathleen doing the happy dance to see an update (and blushing for the lack of same with my WIP) Kathleen! *hugs* Thank you, sweetie! Has taken three bloody long months to get this out, so am chuffed that you like! Am hoping for you to finish yours so that I can read 'cos I like to do in one big, delicious helping. So standby for lots of comments when you are finished, love. *hugs* What a great update. I loved the little details like how Buffy commented on the bench she and Tara were sitting on then later Lieutenant Bradley thought about how uncomfortable it was. Buffy seeing the doctor and getting her to take a look at Spike’s wounds was so great, I hope this means that they can start healing. The compassion Spike had towards Angel when the commandos went for him was really remarkable after everything Angel had done to him and really shows his character. I love that Buffy showed up just in time and Spike’s reaction to it and I really enjoyed her comment to the commandos. Thank you so much for the update, I really enjoyed it. Thank you, Robyn! Glad you enjoyed, hun. Spike wouldn't want his worst enemy to be subject to the Initiative (whatever they call themselves!), not even Angel. Though he wouldn't mind a go at bashing him, given the chance! LOL Happy you're still reading and reviewing. *hugs* Irina 10/23/2006 12:09 pm 18 Welcome back! This was one amazing update! So many interesting things going on, it was definitely worth the wait. I enjoyed the scene with Graq and Miv, those were two really intriguing characters. Can't wait to find out what happens next. Fantastic chapter! Thank you, Irina! Am so glad you enjoyed, especially that you liked our new demon friends. *grins* Hope to have more for you in not mega distant future. BFN wow...this chapter was well worth the wait, very satisfying...and that ending!!! the visual was perfectly done, very exciting and suspenceful...hope the men don't give her any trouble...and am i right in thinking that this fanny may prove to be a major character in the rest of the story? great chapter, love, really looking forward to more :) Thank you, sweetie! Fanny will defo appear a bit more, will have to see if the muse likes her enough to be a 'regular'. But the possibility is there. So glad you liked and thanks for letting me know. *hugs* Welcome back Sue, hope you had a wonderful summer. Thanks for updating this and giving us Angel's ass whipping, even through Graq's POV. Guess the Senoir Partners weren't to happy with Mr. Smith. Geez Spike almost got grabbed again. No body messes with her vamp! Great comeback chapter, thanks. Thank you, Verda! Summer was cool but I feel bad for not updating in so long. Really glad you liked this offering and hope to have more for you reasonably soon. *hugs* Lou 10/23/2006 10:42 am 18 Great to see this updated - action packed too! I may have to re-read the earlier chapters! Thanks, Lou! Glad to be remembered and still read. *grins* I had to read again from beginning (shh, don't tell anyone!) so know what you mean. Happy you liked and thanks for letting me know. BFN :-) 05/27/2010 10:13 am 17 ~*~Tasha~*~ 07/22/2006 07:57 am 17 Awesome update. I look forward to whenever you are inspired to write more. I wonder what will happen with Buffy and Spike now. I wonder what was going on with the presences and auras that Tara saw. Good Willow thoughts too. Loved it all around. Thank you, Tasha! I have fingers crossed that there will be more for you in September and that some of your questions will be answered then. Am really glad that you are still enjoying and reviewing. *hugs* BFN Robyn 07/12/2006 07:49 am 17 What a fantastic chapter to leave off with. The action and emotions in it had me practically holding my breath as I read it. I can’t even pick a particular favorite as the whole chapter just ran together so seamlessly, even when you changed perspectives it still had a seamless feel to it. Thanks for the update and I will look forward to its return in September. :D Thank you, Robyn! I think that was the hardest chappie to write so far and am more than happy that it seems to have come off. I hope to be able to offer something good for you to get your teeth into in September. BFN, hun. vladt 07/12/2006 04:44 am 17 great update, thanks for the read. enjoy the vacation. the lovely thing about a long break between updates is that it provides an excuse to reread a fine tale. thanks, again for the read. Thank you, vladt! It warms me that you are liking it so much and hope you will continue to enjoy in September. BFN *sigh*  As hard as the wait will be, I am secure in the fact that the end results will be well worth it.  Wonderful chapter, as always. :) Thank you, hun! So glad you liked and will do my best to make the wait worth your while. BFN Kendra 07/11/2006 03:54 am 17 Very good chapter but I hate waiting. I think things will change even more now for Buffy and Spike. Thank you, sweetie! Sorry for the wait but that's the way this cookie has crumbled. Hope you come back for more despite my annoying ways. *grins* BFN HOLY COW. So, I had put off reading this because I was terrified that I would be squicked. Then I realized that this was entirely ridiculous, as squicky as I've been myself these days. And boy howdy, how glad am I! This was completely and totally electrifying, start to finish (which I did take all in a set because I just couldn't stop, not even at work, and now I had to take some reports home.) Just electrifying - and a wonderfully believable vision of characters we know and like in very different versions of the world. Your Spike - not even close to the Spike of the show, but I could see the show Spike in there, and imagine that's *exactly* what would happen, given your conditions. So much going on! So interesting! I am dreadfully sad that I must wait and wait for more, because this was just electrifying. So, in summation, *gush.* PS: I am specifiically looking forward to more with Willow. I am really interested in what you've done with the Buffy/willow dynamic. *turns off power breaker to stop Kayt from electrifying herself further* Thank you, thank you, thank you! Am delighted you have found time (sorry about your work!) to read and that you like! *beams* Very flattered by your kind words, hun, and hope you keep enjoying when BB returns. *hugs* BFN MARGARET 07/11/2006 12:25 am 17 CAN'T WAIT TILL SEPT. WIL ANGEL GO TO JAIL? WHAT NEFARIOUS USE WILL THE SHAMAN HAVE FOR DRUCILLA'S ASHES? THANKS FOR THE GREAT STORY Thank you! September is only around the corner - sorta - and a few of your questions will be answered then. BFN Irina 07/10/2006 09:36 pm 17 You did a great job with this action packed chapter. I really enjoyed getting everyone's perspective of what was going down. Fantastic update! See'ya in September! :) Thank you, Irina! Really happy that you enjoyed the little roller coaster shuffle. Hope to be back before September with other fic, but if not see you then I hope. BFN Just thought I'd review here too to keep everybody interested and waiting eagerly for more. :) *hugs* Hey! I did a double take then and wondered if my old brain was more befuddled than usual! LOL Thanks, sweetie! *hugs* YEAH.....picture me doing cartwheels in glee...(okay, squeegee that unpleasant visual....)*G*. I am beyond delighted to read this update. I LOVE THE STORY as I think I've said a million times already. No change there. Poor Dru (and Spike too). Love the seperation of her essence and am dying to find out the plans of that shaman (bet Angel isn't even in on it!!). Can't wait to see Angel's reaction to Dru's dusting...bwahahahaha SOMEONE is in a heap of trouble over that bit of business. Hope the REAL Giles is able to transfer ownership muy rapido and would love a jail cell for Angel with a lovely eastern exposure. Patiently waiting more. Kathleen *squishes* I am sooo glad you are still liking, Kathleen! All will be revealed...in time! And I so get what you are saying about Angel and the temptation is truly great to make your wish come true. But I'm no vengeance demon - unfortunately! LOL BFN, hun. *hugs* xxx pfft. Let Willow rain down fire and brimstone on the wankers.... *pouts* LMAO Why does this not surprise me? *grins* Bridget 07/10/2006 07:32 pm 17 Thanks for the update. Great chapter. I will be waiting with baited breath for the update. Thanks, Bridget! So happy you liked but do try breathing between now and September! BFN Verda 07/10/2006 07:25 pm 17 Wow! Another exciting chapter. Didn't think about the Willy having problems with W&H and his demon customers. That's why you're the writer and I'm the reader. Really wanted to see Buffy kick Angel's ass though. Write more wonderful chapters and maybe start something new, you know we'll be waiting for you. Thanks. BFN Thank you, Verda! Sorry that Angel's ass hasn't been re-arranged to your liking...but don't give up hope! Good to know you'll be back for more. *hugs* BFN Nikkole 07/10/2006 04:17 pm 17 Very good chapter! I will review more later when I have time. Have an enjoyable vacation! Thanks, sweetie! Glad you liked. BFN Coquine 07/10/2006 03:31 pm 17 *Deep, cleansing breath* September! You got it, hun. I, and likely many others, will be there. I'm very glad that you decided to start your hiatus after a chapter that seemed to be looking up at the end. Nothing like seeing Angel hoist by his own petard to make a girl smile! I have utterly enjoyed this fic thus far, and eagerly await it's return. Hope you have a nice vacation! Thank you, Coquine! I just want to work on some other stuff for a little while without leaving folk waiting for updates of BB. But glad you liked this offering and the downturn in Angel's luck has made you happy. Thanks for all your comments...so far! BFN *hugs* jodi 07/10/2006 03:17 pm 17 very good chapter. will wait for more. Thank you, sweetie! BFN that was an excellent update and fortunately not enough of a cliffy to leave us in *too* much torment over the summer :P lol... thanx so much for this great update, maybe they'll accidentally drag angel into sunlight and dust him hehe :) Thank you, hun! I hear what you say about Angel, but the muse has other plans in store for him. *grins* So glad you liked. BFN DeanSamWinchesterfan 07/10/2006 02:51 pm 17 Good chapter.Update soon.Poor Spike.I love Clem. Thank you, hun! I love Clem too. More in September. BFN :-) 05/27/2010 09:47 am 16 ~*~Tasha~*~ 07/22/2006 07:49 am 16 {growls} Jerk!! Angelus and Smith. Both of them need to BURN. {Growls} Excellent chapter update. I'm spitting mad at those two. *grins* Thank you, Tasha! They do seem to get that grrr reaction a lot! So very happy you are still reading and enjoying, hun. BFN jemjem 07/04/2006 03:13 pm 16 I never leave reviews but I want to encourage you to continue with this story.There are many stories now about Spike as a victim but your story has manged to keep in characterand let him retain some of the strength and dignity that is so important to him.In the last chapter the sentance about him standing up straight before leaving the house was so true to Spike.I like Buffy too and thereis nothing I enjoy than evil Angel getting(hopefully) his comeuppence Thank you! Am very flattered that you have taken the time to leave a review - much appreciated, hun. Honestly, a few words left for any writer is valued, is all the payment ever received for our efforts. So glad you are liking the story and the characterisations, and hope you continue to do so. BFN Marie 06/20/2006 09:04 am 16 I don't know why I haven't read this till now but you have to continue. I need to know what happens. Pretty please:) Thank you, Marie! Lovely to have a new reader - especially a commenty one! *grins* Hope you continue to enjoy. BFN maggie 06/19/2006 05:03 pm 16 hi, so loving this story also another one i staeted at spuffy realm check every day for a new update i find your stories wonderful different ,refreshing please i hope you update soon dying to read what comes next want to know if buffy gets there before they do any thing more to spike thank you for a great read maggie *hugs* Hi, Maggie! Have updated and do hope you like - though the AN at the bottom will probably not be to your liking. *hides* Thank you for your ever faithful support. I value it greatly. xxx vladt 06/15/2006 05:04 am 16 excellent chapter. touch of sadness, dru has always been a personal favorite. thanks for the fine read. Thank you! Sorry for bring Dru in - only to kill her off - but there is method in my seeming madness. *grins* Hope you continue to enjoy. BFN It was a wonderful chappie! Of course I may be byist, Because I love this story. I hope you'll update agen soon. Thank you, hun! Be as biased as you like - I have no problem being on the receiving end! LOL Thanks for enjoying. BFN Robyn 06/14/2006 02:24 pm 16 How shocking and sad, I really hope that Smith pays for dusting Dru. I love that she was able to give Spike a message and say goodbye in her own way, that she knew what was coming. It is going to be very interesting if Ethan ends up joining the mix. I really like how well you mix the action with the emotion or thoughts of the characters. Like Smith, you had very little with him really and yet I got the impression (and I hope I’m not to far off :) ) that he likes his secrets and gets a kick out of the pain and suffering of others. Thanks for the update you did a fantastic job with this chapter the wait is always worth it. Thank you, Robyn! Be assured that Smith will get his just desserts - he's a meanie! I am looking forward to getting Ethan into the story again, but that won't happen for a couple of chappies at least. So glad you are still liking. BFN Nikkole 06/13/2006 07:43 am 16 Very interesting chapter! I can't wait to see what happens next! Hope to see more from you very soon!! Thank you, sweetie! Glad to have grabbed your interest and will do my bestest not to keep you waiting too long for more. BFN, hun. Dee 06/13/2006 04:31 am 16 Okay, I enjoyed that chapter and the cliffhanger is just to good to leave for weeks and weeks. So I hope you will update soon. I really do like this fic. Very original plot and well paced. Thank you, Dee! You'll be glad to know the next chappie is underway - though I am still the slowest typist around! So glad you are enjoying and hope you continue to do so. *hugs* Randi Giles 06/13/2006 02:42 am 16 OH MY FREAKIN GOSH!!!! You end it there...how could you..dang those cliffies *smothers giggle* Aw, c'mon, cliffies are just like commercial breaks - they give you time to do something else in between. Have I convinced you? *grins* Thanks for commenting, hun. BFN DizzyB 06/13/2006 01:54 am 16 Ohmygosh! This is awesome. Can't wait for the next update. And was rather surprised to see Dru reintroduced and dusted within the same chapter. More, please. Oooh, I surprised you! Cool! *grins* Am so glad you enjoyed and will get the next bit out soonest; I'm hoping for a couple of weeks. Thanks for reviewing, sweetie. BFN oh that was so horrifically cruel!!! poor spike!! oh i'm crying for him, poor thing!!! and dru...sorry but you made me like her with this chapter...i so can't wait for your next update, this one was incredible :) *gulps* Me, cruel? I s'pose in a certain light it could look that way, but surely not enough for tears. *pets and passes tissue* Am so glad you liked Dru - I was actually sorry to dust her but it had to be done. Should have more in a couple of weeks...maybe. Thanks for still reading and commenting, sweetie. *hugs* Verda 06/13/2006 12:50 am 16 We knew a showdown for Spike was inevitable. It's neccessary to the story, and well said it is! Glad you're well and everything I've read of is top notch! Never bored, not once. Eagerly awaiting your next update. *hugs* Hey, Verda! I am chuffed that you are enjoying - and reviewing! - and hope not to keep you waiting too long for more. BFN, hun. *hugs* I loved it...it was worth the wait...I will patiently wait for more:) Thank you, hun! So glad you liked and hope to have more sooner this time. I like to see patience rewarded! *grins* BFN *hugs* Taylormaid 06/13/2006 12:28 am 16 YAY!!! An update!!!! This was another WONDERFUL chapter! I was glued to every line. As always, you leave me chewing my nails and wishing for more!!! Thank you, sweetie! That is such a nice compliment and I will do my best to have more for yu in a couple of weeks - no promises mind! BFN, hun. *hugs* Lou 06/13/2006 12:16 am 16 That's torn it! Not for the fainthearted! *nods* Only seasoned and courageous readers should look! More soonish - I hope! BFN, hun. Coquine 06/12/2006 10:39 pm 16 I'll review in a second, just lemme do this real quick: SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! Okay, I'm done. Yay! Finally an update. I've missed this story terribly! And GAH the suspense is killing me. Each scene had me gasping for the next one. It's kind of like having a word just on the tip of your tongue but still out of reach. We all know the breaking point is just around the corner and we're gagging for it! I'm not sure why you're unsatisfied with this chapter, because I'm guessing its purpose was to build the tension and it did that a little too well. It was amazing. And I have to say, I've found that a Spuffy author's worth can be measured very accurately by how well they write Drusilla, and you did a superb job. You got that whole 'crazy but really knows what's going on' thing down pat. Kudos, again! Can't wait for the next chappie, and I also hope it doesn't take as long! Ah, Coquine! Thank you for such a kind and enthusiastic review! I am so glad you liked, especially dear Dru -I do feel bad about killing her off so quickly. Will do my best not to take so long next time - but don't look for more for a couple of weeks. BFN kim 06/12/2006 10:34 pm 16 I forgot elsewhere to mention Ethan...oh, dear...he has quite a lot of plans...not liking that he has the Cruciamentum serum! How's Giles doing? Hey, someone remembered Giles! Expect to see some movement on his situ soonish. *grins* Ethan is the king of red herrings - expect anything and everything from him. BFN Irina 06/12/2006 10:22 pm 16 Wow! Somebody was really busy and productive, I gotta say I enjoyed Ethan's appearance at the beginning of the chapter. The glimpse into Angel's head was really insightful, I think you captured his personalty wonderfully. I absolutely loved your portrayal of Dru, it's a shame she ended up dusted. Spike was so brave. *bites nails* I can't wait to find out what happens next. Great chapter, it definitely entertained! Thank you, Irina! I am not that happy with this chappie but am thankful that it has entertained. I like to feel into the characters a bit more, but the need to get some action in is shoving that to one side right now - does that make sense? LOL So very glad you liked Dru - I really didn't want her to go. BFN DeanSamWinchesterfan 06/12/2006 10:18 pm 16 Good chapter.I'm hating Angel in this fic,and I'm glad Buffy left him.It's June and summer here,but it's really cold.Stupid weird summer weather.It's not supposed to be this cold in June.Update soon. Angel not liking is cool and toally allowed! Have had a totally sweltering day here and it looks like storming soon. Will be glad when it breaks. Seems like we've nicked your good weather! Will do my best - but not for a couple of weeks soonest. BFN Verda 06/11/2006 03:20 pm 15 Yes!!! Wanted to stand up and cheer for Buffy sticking it to Angel. Love how your having Willy watch the Slayer's back. Really cool! And when is Xander coming back home? Just waiting for the next update. Hope everythings OK, it's been almost a month since your last one. Take care. Now I can finally go to sleep. OMG! Way to go, sweetie! Thank you so much for reading all my fic in what appears to be one sitting - were you bored? LOL I am so glad you are enjoying - and forgive me for not replying to all your very appreciated reviews - and I'd just like to say how lovely it is to gain a reader who comments regularly. *hugs* Hope you had a good sleep, hun, and that the next chappie doesn't disappoint. BFN. xxx CC 05/20/2006 04:22 am 15 I just found this story today and am enjoying it quite alot. The plot and characterizations so far are very good. Dare I hope that some of the absent characters fall under 'lots of help'? I do wish that Riley hadn't been killed; I like his character and he would be great help against the Initiative. Ah well, I've got other stories for my Riley fix. Despite your warning, I have seen no obvious typos other than a missing word here or there. Even yous Britishisms are fairly discrete. I think they are most disturbing and/or obvious when they have to do with the internal thoughts/life of the American characters. For instance, Buffy would not think it had 'gone six-thirty' or call shooping bags, carriages [I believe it was - could be wrong about that word]. Despite this I am really enjoying this story and looking forward to more. Now if you only also wrote M7 or Pitch Black... Thank you, hun! I don't hink Riley and Spike would have gone too well in this fic together. I can't see Buffy ever having felt the need or impetus to get a vampire 'slave' if Riley had been by her side. I have no idea what/who M7 is, and didn't know there was a fandom around Pitch Black (saw the film but a long time ago) - you live and learn, eh? I do run the fic past one of my American online friends but am happy for the 'not so right stuff' to be pointed out - just can't promise I won't do it again as have terrible memory! Thank for commenting and hope to see you again. BFN mamaly 05/18/2006 11:18 pm 15 I have been reading spuffy for years and your story has a great plotline that has me begging for more. It keeps true to the characters and I can picture in my mind the scenarios you write. Absolutely brilliant!! Thank you! That is very kind of you to say, hun, a huge compliment. But do feel free to be critical as well - I don't know that I will get it right every time. Do hope you will keep reading and commenting. BFN I'll not ask for promises, but Im willing to beg for chapters. Please, please, please, update soon, please, please, please! :hero: As soon as it's ready it'll be here (well, on the Monday it will). I anticipate a coupla weeks - not promising, mind. BFN, hun, and so glad you're still liking. vladt 05/16/2006 09:53 pm 15 great update, to a fantastic tale. thanks for the read Thank you and you're welcome. BFN Trish 05/16/2006 03:33 pm 15 I just started reading this story and I must say I LOVE it. I like the twist with Willy being an ally. I can't wait for more-will she get to send Angel to hell? Can't wait....Happy birthday! Thank you, Trish! Lovely to gain a new reader who also reviews! *grins* Thanks for the HB too. BFN Coquine 05/16/2006 12:46 pm 15 "Just being in his company again was doing all sorts of strange things to her slayer senses, not least of which was a strong desire to growl." OMG. I have no words to describe how awesome this chapter was. Everything was perfect. Every. Single. Moment. Perfect. Aww, Coquine! Am so very happy that you liked - makes me glad I took the time to get it as right as I could before sharing. *hugs* I read alot of fan ficiton, probably more than I should but it is always a rare and precious gem to discover a story that keeps me fully engaged and anxious to read more. You have managed to do that, I am enthralled and I cannot wait to read more. This story is splendid and I cannot wait to see how it all comes together. Thank you for sharing... Thank you so much, Sweetpea! Lovely praise, indeed. Will hope that the rest lives up to your expectations. BFN ~*~Tasha~*~ 05/16/2006 06:08 am 15 Ooooo ... awesome chapter!! More more more please. Loved this one. Hope that Angel gets his ass handed to him on a platter even more. I hope Willow and Tara's spells work ... and the demons that are helping the Slayer take care of the intruders. Dang ... so much in one chapter. I know I'm biting my nails until we know what happens next. Thank you, Tasha! You'll have to leave those nails alone, hun! *grins* More should be up in a coupla weeks and you'll be able to see then if any of your wishes come true. *hugs* Wonderful chapter.  I hope she stakes Angel dead.  Grrr!  Can't wait to see what happens when you update, next. Thank you! Not a lot of Angel love here then! BFN WOW!! Happy birthday and nice of you to give us such a terrific present!! I hope the witches' wards hold up long enough for Buffy to get home. This story is so good and I;m so happy to see it back. Please give us more when you sober up from celebrating. LOL Thank you on both counts, sweetie. Will hope to have more in a coupla weeks. BFN Woohoo! Go Buffy! Teach that stupid git a lesson. I can't wait to see if she beats the crap out of him. And it's nice to see Willy being something of a good guy for once. And Happy Birthday! Thank you and thank you! Have come over all fond of Willy - I know not why! Confrontation should be coming soon-ish! BFN, hun. Robyn 05/15/2006 11:56 pm 15 Wow, what a great update. I love that Willey and the demon council has Buffy’s back, and I really like that Buffy finally let go of any hold Angel had on her heart and how she made it very clear that Spike would be staying with her. The wait for this update was definitely worth it, thanks. :) Thank you, Robyn! Will hopefully be updating in a coupla weeks and shuold be packed with action - or not! BFN Every time I read your work I realise I have a long way to go...brilliant :) Thank you, hun! *blushes* I wouldn't say you were doing anything wrong, hun! *hugs* DeanSamWinchesterfan 05/15/2006 10:04 pm 15 Good chapter.I still think Spike has PTSD.Update soon. Thanks. You could well be right, hun. More when it's ready. BFN Bigbird 05/15/2006 09:45 pm 15 This fic is getting better by the chapter... wasn't sure I was gonna like it but now definately has possiblilities! Happy Birthday!! Thank you! Glad you are liking - and thanks for the HB too. BFN Great story. Glad Buffy isn't swayed by evil Angel. Thank you! Glad you persevered and are still enjoying. BFN, sweetie. Happy birthday! And thanks for the chapter, it was great. I love that Willy and the other demons are now on the Slayer's side. It makes things interesting. Thank you! My day is really cool so far! *grins* So glad you like Willy and his cronies. BFN, hun. Bridget 05/15/2006 07:00 pm 15 Great chapter. I can't wait to read what happens next. I am glad that Buffy is a strong woman in this story and that she was not sucked it by Angel. Please update when you can. Thank you! So glad you liked and next chappie is looking to be fairly long and mad with action. BFN, hun. LOVE IT!! More soon please! P.S. Happy B-Day! Thank you and thank you! More when ready - but hoping not such a long wait. BFN Happy Birthday and so glad you updated. I missed this. Thank you, I'm having a fab day. You're welcome for the update and I'm really trying my best to make the next one come quicker. BFN, hun. Woohoo, go Buffy! Hell's waitin' on ya Angel! Great update, more please? LOL Thank you. More when it's ready - but am hoping not too long a wait this time. BFN Randi Giles 05/15/2006 03:20 pm 15 Ooo OOoo send him to hell!! send him to hell!!! & Yay Willy with the super flipin-sweet conections...(forgive my lapse into Napoleon phrases) Yikes! Do you have a dust wish ging on for poor Angel? No sympathy for this particular devil? LOL kim 05/15/2006 02:54 pm 15 Loved it! Yep, Ethan as Giles had that convo with Angel, and found it quite interesting. I'm expecting the Siege of 1630 Revello any time now.... Ahhh. You could well be right there! *grins* So glad you liked and thanks for telling me, hun. BFN Lou 05/15/2006 02:47 pm 15 Nice one, Buffy. Sock it to him right between the eyes! Ooooh! Violence! LOL Wow GReat Chapter. Well worth the wait. Hopefully Giles will get free. and Eathan will help Giles. Wish there was info on that situtation. Looking forward to the next chapter. Please continue to write and update soon and more often. Thanks for a great story. Thank you! So glad you liked and funny you should mention Ethan - he'll be putting in an appearance next chappie. This writing malarkey takes longer than you would think - and me not being a very fast typist don't help! I do my best and hope you will continue to enjoy - and tell me so! *hugs* Cas 05/15/2006 02:22 pm 15 Glad that Buffy is sticking to her guns, but she is hopelessly out of position to help her friends unless she goes on the offensive and forces Angel to withdraw. Hope you update more frequently. *nods* Defo not in the right place for the anticipated Revello action. Should have a fair bit of action next chappie. I can only write so fast - and won't post until I'm happy with it (it was getting too stressful to do a chappie a week for both myself and the lovely betas). BFN, hun. Pin 05/15/2006 02:05 pm 15 Excellent chapter and so much happening! I love the way you portray Angel's arrogance and dishonesty. Thank heavens the last of Buffy's romantic blindness is gone. Love the Hellmouth Council. Looking forward to more. Thanks! Thank you! Hope ti won't be so long before more comes your way. *fingers crossed* BFN, hun. awesome update!! definitely worth the wait! :P i'm so glad buffy told angel off but i'm worried about that deed thing...did giles really do that? i don't think ethan posing as giles would have because he didn't want angel to get spike, right? is it a bluff? i need to know!! more story now!! :) please? So glad you liked. It as Ethan as Giles - but Angel is assuming a lot that wasn't actually said - naughty lying vamp! BFN, hun. Irina 05/15/2006 01:00 pm 15 I really like how you're portraying Willy in the fic. I enjoyed learning more about him and the Hellmouth Council. Spike's interaction with Willow and Tara was wonderful. It's so great that Angel's plan seems to be falling apart. I loved how Buffy handled herself with Angel, her closing line totally rocked. Excellent update! ~ On a personal note, today is my birthday too! So from one birthday girl to another I hope you have a great day... Happy Birthday! *hugs* Irina Thanks, Irina! Hope your birthday is going as well as mine - 'cos it's great so far! *hugs* So glad you liked - Willy has sort of got himself more lines than intended as my soft spot for him has grown. BFN, hun. Pam S 05/15/2006 12:28 pm 15 Go Buffy... Enjoying the story. Cool! Happy with that, hun. BFN Angie 05/15/2006 11:19 am 15 I love this story, esp the last line!!! and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! *grins* Thank you and thank you! BFN :-) 05/27/2010 08:38 am 14 Verda 06/11/2006 02:48 pm 14 Wow! that was great! The confrontation that William had with Spike...fascinating! Never thought about his demon abandoning him out of self-preservation. Snuggles for Spuffy, yeah! and a kiss, yum! Mandy 04/26/2006 12:50 am 14 I love this story! I seriously have fallen in love with it. If I could marry a BTVS fanfic story it would be this one. Okay enough with my crazy ramblings for now. I really do like this story line. It's very different than anything i've seen and I like that it's original. Can't wait to see more...keep up the good work. *grins* Thank you so much, Mandy! Such kind words warm the cockles of me heart - and they don't hurt the old muse either! BFN, hun. Coquine 04/19/2006 10:23 am 14 Okay, so, it's really late and I am very very speepy, so excuse anything that doesn't make sense and just take it as a compliment! Awesome chappie, as per usual. I really enjoyed Spike's interaction with, uh, Spike. His demon. Whatever. Very insightful. I was very happy to see Buffy's confidence in herself and her ability to keep her head straight around Angel. And her celebratory smooch for Spike was cool too! I hope your RL probs go away soon! RL is eeeevil. It keeps our minds off da spuffy. That makes it eeeevil. Okay. Yeah. Time for bed. Nighty night! Thank you, Coquine! I am so glad you liked the chappie. RL is better - though ot solved - right now so the muse has decided to pop up and throw out another chappie whilst in the mood. Hope you likes. *hugs* BFN, hun. ~*~Tasha~*~ 04/19/2006 05:53 am 14 Oooo ... anotehr wonderful chapter. I loved this update. There is still enough snark and confusion between the two as it builds ... yet we get to see the tender moments and the draw between them as well. I love this story very much! Thank you, Tasha! So glad you liked, and hope you like the latest chappie too. BFN, hun. Oracleholly 04/18/2006 04:59 pm 14 Ah, lovely Spike dream with his demon. Your description of the demon originally and its changes were interesting. Wondering who the 'demon' was in the dream that had Spike!demon scared. And yay! that Buffy felt nothing, nada, zilch, zip, zero from Angel. About time. Wonder why no one told her about Angel's switch in employment. Thanks, sweetie. Glad you liked the dream - I think the 'demon' in it would be whatever would be likely to scare Spike and Spike!demon. *grins* BFN Lou 04/18/2006 01:14 pm 14 Very exciting - looks like Angel is underestimating the situation. Here's hoping! Thanks, Lou! I hope you're right! Thanks for reviewing, hun. BFN Awww... more sweet spuffyness! And hopefully eventually hot steamy smut! LOL Smut will take a while - and as I have never written any yet... *hugs* vladt 04/18/2006 05:47 am 14 this definitely entertains. but needed a much longer chapter. was hoping for angel bashing, humiliation or ass kicking. sorry, those are just personal favorites. love the read, thanks Awww! I thought I had enough words to please...or are you just being a tad greedy? Hmmm? LOL You may have to wait longer than you want for your hopes to be fulfilled - one way or another. *grins* Thanks for reviewing and glad it entertained. BFN WTF does Angelus have planned for vampnapping Spike if Buffy won't cooperate? Is "his team" those that we are familiar with? More story please. Ah, you've only met ne of his team before - at the auction - his old team have all flown the coop. As to what he has planned...really don't want to spoil next chappie for you! *grins* Thanks for reviewing, hun. BFN Robyn 04/18/2006 03:10 am 14 I hope Willow and Tara are able to protect Spike. I am so hating Angel and what he has planned. I love that Buffy kept waiting, but had absolutely no reaction to Angel. I also loved that she ran downstairs to let Spike know that it was going to be okay. I love how Buffy has made Spike comfortable enough that he dared argue with her. Thanks for another wonderful update. :) Thank you so much, Robyn! So many bad guys, so little time! But at least you should find out more about Angel next chappie. And, yep, Spike is getting more Spikey...for now. *grins* Thanks for reviewing, hun. BFN Yay! She went back to tell him it was going to be okay. I'm really liking your Buffy better than the show Buffy. Also loved the sequence between Spike and his demon. I wonder who was the thing coming after them. Great great chapter sweetie. I hope to see more of your lovely writing soon! Thanks, sweetie! *squishes* Am so glad you're liking and hope to have more next week. *hugs* xxx I hope the witches start putting up words asap. Damb Angel. And I hope Buffy gives him what for! LOL Will have to wait and see, sweetie! Thanks for reveiwing. BFN kim 04/17/2006 11:22 pm 14 Oh, boy...Willow and Tara are going to have quite a time defending the house. *gulps* Will have to hope it won't come to that...but you never know! Thanks for reviewing, hun. BFN Aww...  Loved that ending.  So sweet!  I hope Willow and Tara are ready for what's coming. Thanks, Morrigan! So glad you liked. Will hope that the gals are ready for whatever occurs next. Thanks for reviewing, sweetie. BFN Nikkole 04/17/2006 09:28 pm 14 I think that was the best ending of all the chapters so far! Now, Angel will be able to smell Spike on Buffy, and hopefully, if Spike isn't so uptight, he can be of some help when Angels goon attack to try to get him back! Thanks, Nikkole! Tried so hard not to give evil cliffie this time round! And that vamp smelling thing is just so ewww! Will have to wait and see what Spike needs for next chappie. *grins* Thanks for reviewing, hun. BFN Irina 04/17/2006 08:00 pm 14 Spike's dream was so wonderfully well written, I loved his talk with his demon. The basement scenes between Buffy and Spike were very touching. I like how optimistic Buffy is, but i'm really worried about what Angel has planned. Fantastic chapter! Thank you, Irina! I am so happy you liked Spike's interaction with his demon - my favourite bit of this chappie I have to confess. Mmm. Angel is such a pain and you'll just have to come back next week (hopefully) to find out! So glad you enjoyed, hun. BFN This was a fantastic chapter! Kept checking to see how much i had left because I didn't want it to end. Can't wait to see what happens next! Ah, thanks, Stacy! Am so glad you enjoyed it so much. *hugs* xxx fallen_angel 04/17/2006 06:26 pm 14 what has Angel asked his crew to do? oh yah this is Angel so something evil. LOL I think you got it worked out for yourself, hun! Will have to see if we find out - but if we don't that means Buffy has given Spike to Angel. What do you think? *grins* BFN Okay, out of all the wonderful chapters of this story this is my favorite! A real standout. I say that especially because of the WONDERFUL internal conversation between the demon and William. The picture I got while reading was so perfect to my own imaginings (and love that the demon is becoming more human as well....and is SMART, not an "animal" at all). This is such a good story, so beautifully told my dear. Keep it coming. Kathleen Thank you so much, Kathleen! Am so chuffed you liked my favourite bit too! *hugs* xxx ComedyofErrors 04/17/2006 04:36 pm 14 Oh, yay! She kissed him. How sweet. Loved Spike's conversation with the demon, and how humanity is beginning to influence it. Hi, again! Thanks so much for all your reviews today; what a star you are! So glad you liked Spike and his demon, hun. BFN DUST ANGEL! *GRIN* Good chapter babe! What! You don't like Angel? *grins* Thanks, Shadow, glad you liked. BFN Pin 04/17/2006 02:20 pm 14 Excellent chapter!! I love the idea of the Demon and Spike negotiating a relationship and how that relationship has evolved over time. What a really neat idea! The Big Dark - very scary. Angel and his plotting to get Spike back - also scary. Wonderful story. Thanks! Thank you, Pin! Am glad you liked Spike and his demon as I was worried it would only make sense to me (and my lovely betas!). So glad you're enjoying and hope it continues. BFN oh how very sweet that ending was!! loving this story so much...their miscommunication and confusion of emotions is so true to the characters, and at times heartbreaking...but i'm so scared about angel and what's gonna happen while buffy is not in the house and whether or not tara and willow can hold their own if angel sends someone to get spike....see what you've done? my nerves are gonna be on edge for a week now!!! :P awesome awesome update!! Thanks, Jessi! *bitestongue* ou o ight o e orried arout ngel ut i an't ay nye ore. So there you have it! *grins* Much will come to light next week and I trust your nerves will calm soon - just write some more lovely fic and you'll feel all better! *hugs* BFN DeanSamWinchesterfan 04/17/2006 01:51 pm 14 Good chapter.Is Spike suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder?I can see that happening. At least he and Buffy aren't fighting anymore.Update soon. Thank you! I wouldn't be surprised if Spike did have a touch of PTSD - he's certainly had enough trauma to justify it. More next week - hopefully. Thanks for reviewing. BFN Please please please let spike be safe...I can't stand mare abuse to the character I love...Loved the sleep over! :) There, there, hun. I'm not making any promises but glad you liked the sleepover! *grins* Thanks for reviewing. BFN Verda 06/11/2006 02:14 pm 13 Boy, Angel really is full of himself? Isn't he? Did Angel have his Angel's Investigations phone number changed to W&H? Just a little confused there, but I've been up for 25 hours now , so maybe it's just me? LOL ComedyofErrors 04/17/2006 04:26 pm 13 Evil Angel indeed. Nice gift from Anya, very informative. Still loving Ethan and his attempts to out wit the Initiative. Angel is so not gonna come out of this smelling sweet! And Anya was always wasted as a font of knowledge IMO. Ah, scrummy Ethan! I wish I knew what he was gonna get up to but it's as much a surprise to me as anyone else - which I quite like. Thanks for reviewing - again! BFN Coquine 04/11/2006 08:05 pm 13 What an awesome chapter! Even if it did end with another one of those blasted cliffies. You've got me on the edge of my seat with all the plotlines starting to come to a head, especially the fleeting Spuffy moments that sneak in here and there. After their moment with the coffee mug, I'm especially anxious to see how the comforting goes for Spike's apparent nightmares. Also eager to see the Angel confrontation. Aw hell, I'm just plain old eager for the next chappie! Can't wait, hon! Thank you, Coquine! Sorry about the cliffie - sorta - and have left one out on the next chappie (sorta)! There were Spuffy moments? Darn, must have slipped out all on their lonesome! More soon. Have I mentioned that Angel is coming? *grins* BFN ~*~Tasha~*~ 04/11/2006 07:34 am 13 I like the books Anya gave Buffy. Those should definitely prove interesting. I'm glad she's reading them now too. Uh oh on Spike screaming. Nightmares? More please. {smiles} Need to find out if our Spikey is all right, and we need to get Angel's arse kicked. {Smiles} Thanks, Tasha! Books are full of all sorts of interesting things - pity Buffy doesn't read more often! You'll find out about Spike's reason for screaming very soon. *grins* And why does it not surprise me that Angel's rear seems to be on many folk's agenda? LOL BFN vladt 04/11/2006 05:59 am 13 very good and enlightening, at least for buffy (the enlightening part... i screwed this up , well i do that a lot.) very good read, thanks LOL Know what you meant, hun. Happy you are liking and hope it continues. BFN margaret 04/11/2006 02:36 am 13 loving the story, the internal dialogue is great..keep up the good work Thanks, Margaret. So happy you are liking and have you heard that Angel is coming? *grins* BFN quite entertaining, thatnk you, hope for more soon. You are most welcome and more on Monday. Thanks fro reviewing. BFN Lou 04/11/2006 01:29 am 13 Aaarggh! What a place to leave us!!! Sorry, Lou! You know what I'm like - but if it's any consolation the next chappie ain't so bad. *grins* BFN DeanSamWinchesterfan 04/11/2006 12:55 am 13 Good chapter.I forgot that I had read and actually liked this story,but now I remember.Poor Spike.I can't wait until school's over.I have thirty-some days left, which doesn't include weekends and days off.May will go by really fast,just like it always does.And as much as I love this warm weather,it's driving me up the wall.I'm hot all the time,and even when it's a random cold day, I'm hot.Update soon! Am very happy that you remembered you liked this! *grins* Hope your holidays reach you quickly - can't have you all hot now, can we? LOL More on Monday. BFN jl1980 04/11/2006 12:54 am 13 Oh, God, that's heartbreaking...the ending actually made my heart just lurch and want to go down to that basement myself!!! this story is so amazing, incredible...i love it so much and cant wait for angel to get what's coming to him, the evil monster that he is....awesome job :) Thank you, Jessi! I'm afraid Angel is definitely not gonna win any friends in this, not a one. The rush for the basement is on and will be up soon. *hugs* BFN Oh, Spuffy Sparkage.  I like it!  I hope Angel gets tortured sometime in the future.  Great chapter! *grins* Blood thirsty much! Thanks, sweetie, so glad you enjoyed. BFN Robyn 04/11/2006 12:16 am 13 This chapter was very insightful of Buffy. Even after all that she has seen and learned about the horror of his treatment of Spike and the carelessness of his treatment of her, she still has not quite let Angel go. I am really hoping that this visit with him will finally allow her to truly see him and that she will be able to see that he has not been worth the care she had for him and she will be able to finally and truly let him go. I am really glad that he no longer has an invite to the house and she has no intention of changing that, and that Tara and Willow will be there for Spike. I am really hoping that Ethan's plan works and he is able to escape, he seems to have grown up during his years in captivity, and if he joins with Buffy against the Initiative, I can see him being a great help. I love Giles, but I think Ethan would be even a greater help against the Initiative, for once his lack of moral compass could come in handy. I can also see where Buffy's far more positive relationship with the demon community might prove very beneficial. I am looking forward to finding out about the information Willow found, and Buffy’s meeting with Angel. Thank you for the great update, I really look forward to them. Thank you so much, Robyn. I think the test for Buffy is gonna be when she gets face to face with Angel - and how she reacts to what he has to say. I hear what you're saying about Giles and Ethan - if we could get Ripper and Ethan together... But I digress! LOL Am so glad you are enjoying, hun, and hope you continue to do so - and let me know, of course! BFN Oh, I think Ethan might just be a bit of okay. Not sure exactly who's side he's on but he should prove interesting. And I'm glad that Buffy's grown up and isn't quick to defend Angel. I got so wrapped up in this chapter. And I still feel for Spike. Great chapter sweetie, you did a fabulous job. Thanks, sweetie! I am becoming a bigger fan of Ethan the longer this goes on and am so glad you are liking him too. Oh, and have I mentioned that Angel is coming soon? *grins* Heeeeey, why's he screaming??? You can't leave it there!! Ooooops! Did I do that? Sorry (ish)! *giggles* Nikkole 04/10/2006 10:45 pm 13 Oh, and I also wanted to say that I am enjoying seeing Willy as a good guy (kind of) instead of his usuall snivelling self! LOL Willy looks to the main chance - and Buffy is his best bet in a different world. So glad you like his better side. BFN Nikkole 04/10/2006 10:44 pm 13 Interesting. I like that you made it clear that Angel should not have punished Spike the way that he had. This was a very good chapter, and I can't wait for more!! Thanks, Nikkole! You don't know the half of it where Angel is concerned - and not just for our Spike. But there I go babbling...ooops! So glad you are enjoying and being kind enough to review. BFN, sweetie. Can we kill Angel yet??? Please, I'll hold the stake :D LOL And I always had you pegged as the patient type! *grins* Will keep your generous offer firmly in mind, sweetie. BFN pretty_in_fangs 04/10/2006 08:53 pm 13 I'm glad to know that she didn't realize that he'd gone to W&H. I was starting to wonder how in the world she justified that and her friendship with him in her head. Angel has not been a close contact of hers for some time now. I think her feelings are just echoes of the past. angel coming sorta soon. Thanks for reviewing. BFN fallen_angel 04/10/2006 08:23 pm 13 reading ur fic is like watching a show. it comes once a week on a fixed day and always entertains. Guess Spike is having a nightmare. love spuffy moments. Angel Investigation is closes so Buffy won't be able to contacthim. seems like he's comming to sunnydale. hope something horrible happens to him! would love to see Anya in your fic. She would give angle some real good and honest verbal bashing. Thank you, hun! But also like TV progs it will sometimes be scheduled out at the last minute (RL stuff and missing muses do that sometimes!). Anya would certainly add something to the mix but I haven't seen her coming over the horizon...yet. Thanks for reviewing. BFN kim 04/10/2006 08:06 pm 13 Ah, Buffy still has the number for the Hyperion. Nobody's there anymore, sweetie. She should ask Spike where Angel is working now. Buffy really needs to learn about W & H! So glad there's a disinvite on the house. Can't wait to hear what Willow found. This whole issue is so much bigger than Sunnydale. However will we get Giles back? I hope Ethan succeeds in getting away. Anything that buggers up the Big Plans is a good thing. Having just finished the next chapter I'm smiling to myself here - you'll see why. *grins* So glad you are enjoying the story, kim, and finding interest in it. It;ll be quiet on the Ethan front for a little while - but he'll be busy when he comes back! BFN rayan 04/10/2006 07:17 pm 13 yay for the update!...took you long enough heheh!! kiddin!! *grins*...as always this was a good chapter...keep it up Thank you, sweetie. Glad you liked and hope you pop by next week. BFN OH this is sooo good, I dread the fact that I have to wait another week for an update...but I will. :) Oh, for faster typing fingers! So happy you're enjoying, hun. And Angel is getting closer. *grins* BFN Awesome chapter! I love the tale you are spinning here. Angel hating? Not hard here, LOL! Thanks, Stacy! Really glad you're liking and booing at the most popular non-goody! *hugs* Irina 04/10/2006 06:08 pm 13 The Intiative sure underestimated how resourceful Ethan is. I just loved reading Spike's musings after his fingers accidentally touched Buffy's. All the important questions Buffy is asking herself regarding Angel really has me looking forward to their upcoming confrontation. Fantastic chapter! Ethan is a survivor - like insects and snakes! LOL So glad you liked and Angel in getting there. Not long now. BFN Thank you for the Monday update. I hope Buffy is prepared to actually deal with and get rid of Angelus. With W&H behind him, his abilities to get what he wants have been greatly enhanced. I look forward to next Monday. You're welcome, hun! Am biting my tongue not to say... Ouch! Angel coming soon - no pun intended! BFN Bridget 04/10/2006 04:40 pm 13 Thanks for the update. It is amazing how arrogant Angel is. Just his talking to Buffy will convince her how right he is about everything. It is a good thing Buffy does not have a brain. Please update soon. It's a good thing Buffy doesn't have a brain? *pouts* Had really tried to give her one - look at al the researchy stuff! LOL I'm thinking you missed a word out there - but won't assume anything! Angel is on his way and will be there soon! Be afraid, be very afraid! BFN Brilliant chapter! Love how Willy's has been set up with nifty exits. Interested in seeing what Ethan does and glad to see he's concerned? about Giles. Perhaps the number Buffy has for AI is the one for the Hyperion. Does she not know that he's at Wolfram & Hart? I'm very curious about that. Looking forward to your next chapter. Thanks, sweetie! You'll get more clarification in next chappie and Ethan is gonna be amazing - I think! But not in next one. Thanks for reviewing. BFN :-) 05/27/2010 08:15 am 12 Verda 06/11/2006 01:50 pm 12 So glad he told her. Just waiting to see what's going to happen next. I'm still on edge though, have a feeling I'll be there for most of the story. So many things to go wrong. Another great chappie! ComedyofErrors 04/17/2006 04:04 pm 12 I would love for poor Spike's plan to work, but... Good recollection of what's been done to him. Spike and plans... There was a temptation to be more graphic but sometimes our own imaginations can be worse. Thanks for reviewing. BFN JS - since you're in a revising kind of mood, how is it that Angel gets to own Spike? Or are you planning on springing that later? Devoted read will try to be patient. Angel doesn't own Spike, hun, and never has. But he'd like to. At this moment Spike is technically owned by the Watchers Council - seeing as they coughed up the money - and Ethan/Giles has hld of the ownership papers. Feel free to drop me an email at any time if I confuddle you - but you'll only get answers for story already out there. *grins* Thanks for asking, sweetie. Missen the Monday update, but Totaly undarstand the stress of R.L. Still looking forword to your next update. Monday update currently back on track, hun. Hopes you like. BFN I hope Buffy rips into Angel good if he does show up at her door. I hope she kicks his butt all over the place. LOL LOVE THIS CHP! Oh, my! Such violent tendencies! I'm getting the vibes loud and clear, hun! LOL So glad you liked and hope you like the next one too. *hugs* ~*~Tasha~*~ 04/05/2006 09:11 am 12 No problem about the review mix up. {Smiles} I wasn't sure if I had made you mad, and I just wanted to make sure I hadn't. {huggles} I do love this story, and I look forward to every chapter. I hope that Angel gets the crap kicked out of him, and that Buffy doesn't let Angel anywhere near Spike. I liked this chapter a lot. Also, if you can't keep a weekly Monday post, don't fret. Sometimes the muse takes a little break and then sometimes it hits you like wildfire. If you force it too much, you will be unhappy with the results. Know that we readers are there for you when you are so inspired again. {Smiles} Phew! Glad we got the mixup sorted out, Tasha! *hugs* So glad you liked, hun, and the anti-Angel feeling hasn't gone unnoticed - nor is it unexpected! If only we had a vengeance demon around it could be sorted out very quickly - and no, there won't be one of those handy darlings popping up! Muse is fine - fingers are slow (and I get easily distracted!). But I so appreciate your words. *more hugs* BFN, sweetie. xxx fallen_angel 04/04/2006 04:15 pm 12 spike plans never work do they? will their be Angel bashing in the next chapter? is giles gonna be rescued anytime soon? can't wait 4 more His plans don't work? Yikes! Now he's in bother. You'll just have to read and see if Angel or Giles pop up next time. *grins* BFN pretty_in_fangs 04/04/2006 03:11 pm 12 Poor Spike. Can I cuddle him and make him feel better? Pleeeeease? And then I'll send him out to kick demon ass and regain his sense of self. Promise. Cuddle away, sweetie. Am sure he'd love to be snuggled and kicking some demon ass would defo be of the good! *grins* BFN Good chapter... Waits impatiently for next update. *grins* Thank you, Morrigan! gald you liked and wil ldeliver more as soon as poss. *grins* BFN awesome chap! And congrats on your awards!!! *hugs you* I would have offered my congrats before if I'd known, but alas, I've been guilty of keen not-knowingness lately *sighs* I sure don't have to work too hard to hate Angel in this fic, that's for sure. Thank you, Stacy! And thank you again! *hugs you back hard* You have far more important things on your mind right now, hun. Angel does seem to be a very hateable souled vamp in this 'cos I sure don't like him! *hugs* xxx this chapter made me cry...the way you dealt with spike's past, and the way he told buffy, so real i could almost feel it myself, and absolutely beautifully done...i love your buffy, so tender and compassionate with him...and i hope she kick's angels butt and how for what he did to spike!!! awesome update!! No tears! They make your eyes and nose go red - eeeeewwwww! Thanks, Jessi, am so happy that you liked this chappie as was a bugger to do. Now why does nobody like Angel? Mmmm. *hugs* BFN I think I missed an update so I got two chapters this evening. Lucky me! I hope Buffy can keep Angelus away from Spike without majory injuries (emotional and/or physical) but it doesn't seem likely. More story please. Will have to wait and see what happens, I'm afraid. *grins* More when it's ready, hun. BFN vladt 04/04/2006 02:45 am 12 final made time to read this very interesting tale. like the mature buffy, spike is loveable in all his contradictions, and tossing in a joker (ethan) makes for an fascinating read. thanks for the read. My pleasure and thank you so much for reviewing. i hope you continue to enjoy. BFN Poor Spike. I just wanna cuddle him and stake stupid Angel. I'm glad that Buffy didn't rush to protect the big poof. And Giles too. That guy, always getting stuck one way or another. Great chapter sweetie! Thank you, hun! Giles does seem to get himself into fixes quite easily, bless 'im. And I will make sure that sufficient cuddles reach Spike - one way or another! So glad you liked. *hugs* BFN Thank you for the update, it was truly upsetting hearing Spike's story. I liked Buffy's reaction and her promise to Spike, and I am looking forward to what happens when Angel appears. Congratulations on your awards, they are well deserved. I always look forward to your updates, and the extra time spent on this chapter was certainly worth it, and I will always look forward to the updates no matter the length of time between postings, after all you can only do what you can do. :) Thank you for your kind words about the chapter, and thank you for your congrats on the awards - am very happy on both counts! Hoping to be back soon. *hugs* BFN Coquine 04/03/2006 11:34 pm 12 Aaaat laaaaaasst...my-y loo-o-oove has come alooong... So happy that these two weeks are over, and I'm hoping that we get to see this fic every Monday, but, if it's not possible, it's not like I can just stop reading it! Your extra time on this chapter was very well spent, I think you re-told Spike's tale very effectively, and with just the right amount of detail, or lack thereof. It is making Buffy and Spike's relationship seem all the more real, and full of feeling. I'm eager as always to see where all of this plot is going to end up, and I can't wait for the next chappie! Super job, hon! Thank you, Coquine! Am well happy that you feel the wait was worth it. Not an easy chapter to balance and gave me many headaches - and heartaches - so am really appreciative that you feel it works. *grins* Plot is definitely going somewhere (I've got it all scribbled down) but may not get wrapped up neatly with a bow on top. Working on next chapter now and keeping fingers crossed! *hugs* BFN Pin 04/03/2006 10:35 pm 12 Excellent chapter. Poor Spike - so much horror! Poor Rupert, who will come looking for him? I like the way Buffy handles Spike's story and think her moderate response is very affective. Thanks! Thank you, Pin! Good question - who will come looking for Giles? Hmmm. I wonder. So glad you liked, hun, and thanks for reviewing. BFN Irina 04/03/2006 09:41 pm 12 You did a great job of getting Spike's feelings across throughout the chapter. I was really proud of the way Spike handled himself in the tough situation he was in. He showed so much inner strength and courage, and i'm so glad Buffy recognized that fact. Wonderful update... and congrats on winning the awards! Thank you, Irina! I was really happy with the awards - but am even more happy that you are enjoying. Pleased that Spike's fortitude came across - was what I'd hoped for. *hugs* BFN Nikkole 04/03/2006 08:39 pm 12 Interesting chapter (Im so original, aren't I? LOL!) I like the honesty between Buffy and Spike, and I hope she kicks Angel's ever lovin' arse when he gets there! Thank you, Nikkole! The kicking of a certain arse may take a while but is certainly on my agenda - just need to persuade the main characters (and don't think that will take too much!). BFN I love it...it's worth all the awards and the wait! *blushes* Thanks so much, hun! So very pleased you liked! BFN Verda 06/11/2006 01:33 pm 11 Wonder what Raynes will want more, revenge on the Initiative or Spike? And I hope he tells Buffy what Angel did to him. She needs to know just how sick he really is! *squishes*. ComedyofErrors 04/17/2006 03:57 pm 11 Sorry I'm behing in my reading. Good chapter, with the updated Willy's bar very appealing and the thoughts of Buffy on Angel. Don't be sorry, hun, just happy you are reading! So glad you liked. BFN Well, lucky for me that I've been busy and I get to read two chappies at once!  So loving this fic! Thanks, Morrigan! Good to know you're still liking - and reading! *hugs* BFN ~*~Tasha~*~ 03/29/2006 08:16 am 11 I hope that the extra week works well for you. I know that we all eagerly await when the muse and you finish the next chapter update. THis is great. Each chapter is building and building. I look forward to the next one. Thank you so much, Tasha! Have just put the next chapter up and I hope you think it was worth the wait. *hugs* You mean there's gonna be TWO WHOLE WEEKS before I find out how Buffy reacts to Spike's confession?! *deep breath* Sorry, I'm calm now. Great chapter! It'll be interesting to see how Ethan's plans lay out. Er, yes. Really glad you're calm now and that you liked. Will be a couple of chapters before we see Ethan again - just think of what he can come up with in that time! LOL Thanks for reviewing,sweetie. BFN I will miss the update next week, but I certainly can understand your reasons. I love the ground work you put into this chapter to prepare us for what is to come, and Buffy telling Spike of the final time that Angel let her down which helped cause her to loose her sister was very painful for her but important for Spike. It almost seems that Ethan might be more than willing to pay back the Initiative, if so payback will be interesting. Spike’s story is going to be heartbreaking. Thanks for a great story. Thanks, Robyn! Am so happy to hear you are enjoying the whole of it. I truly have no idea what Ethan is gonna do next - darn man seems to write himself! Methinks you will more than likely be right about Spike's tale and it won't be too long before you find out. Thanks so much for your review, sweetie. BFN wow...loving this....very intriguing twists of the plot...but you're cruel to leave off without spike telling buffy what happened yet, and wait for two weeks!!!!! grrr!!!! lol :) you're still awesome though :) Thanks, Jessi! I don't mean to be cruel - it just seems to come naturally - and it was either that or there would have been nothing this week (and no explanation either!). Hope it wil be worth the wait. Am loving your new fic and hope that you don't devlop my bad habits! Hugs, sweetie. rayan 03/20/2006 11:56 pm 11 good chapter...and take your time...pressin out a chapter is never good one either the writer or the reader....keep it up Thanks, rayan! I like your advice and will take it. BFN Loving the plot stuff but I adore this Spuffy interaction that just keeps building up their relationship. As much as Buffy realizes she's ready to hear Spike's story I still wonder how her reaction will be. Great chapter sweetie! Thanks, hun! Spuffy interaction will steadily grow...but that plot stuff is gonna be there too! Hopefully you'll find out what you want to know about Buffy's reaction in the next chappie. I do so like to keep you happy! *grins* Thanks for your review, luv. BFN Chipped husbands... oh the possibilities... lol LOL Does tickle the imagination, doesn't it? BFN lol, very good chappie as always :P_ Thanks, darling! So glad you liked. BFN Irina 03/20/2006 09:52 pm 11 I liked the insight into Operation Conquer. I think it was a nice touch that Buffy took Spike somewhere nuetral to talk. I feel so bad for Spike right now... as hard is it's gonna be for Buffy to hear his story, it's gotta be even worse for Spike to tell it. And Ethan... can't wait till he gets to the States. Fantastic chapter! Thanks, Irina! I always think it's better to have dire stuff take place away from your home - doesn't leave bad vibes around. You are right about the sharing that Spike is gonna be doing - not easy at all. And I look forward to Ethan getting closer to the Hellmouth too! *grins* Thanks for reviewing, sweetie. BFN Nikkole 03/20/2006 09:29 pm 11 Very good chapter! I hope that Buffy beats the living you-know-what out of Angel when she sees him! That would make me very happy! Thanks, Nikkole! I will do my best to make you happy - when it gets to that bit! No promises, mind. *grins* BFN, hun. Taylormaid 03/20/2006 09:20 pm 11 Another wonderful chapter! Interesting stuff going on with the Initiative. I'm also curious to see how Ethan is going to impact things. I loved your description of the scene of Buffy and Spike in the bar. I almost felt like I was there. I'll admit that I am on pins and needles waiting for Spike to tell his story. I appreciate that you want to make the next chapter really good...can you really hurry too? (cause it's already really good!) Thank you! I'm pretty curious to see what happens with Ethan to - he seems to have a mind of his own even when I write him! Tsk! Whilst I thank you for saying it's good already I really don't want to serve up something I'm not sorta happy with; if I don't like it I wouldn't expect anyone else to. But be assured that I want ot get the next bit done as much as you do. *grins* Thanks for reviewing, hun. BFN PyroChilde 03/20/2006 05:47 pm 11 Really good chapter, and great name for the vamp, lol! Poor Spike and Angel's an ass! One question though, does Spike know who Dawn is? Thank you! I loved the name too. *grins* Spike sorta knows about Dawn from when Buffy broke down when looking after his not-so-sexy wounds. Thanks for reviewing, sweetie. BFN I love this story and continue to wait with baited breath for the next installment. I can't wait to hear Spike's story.:) Thank you! You know what they say 'Hell is in the details'. I hope you won't have to wait too long. BFN Lou 03/20/2006 05:01 pm 11 I hope you hears him out. Thanks, Lou. I'm hoping that too. BFN :-) 05/27/2010 07:52 am 10 :-) 05/27/2010 07:20 am 10 Verda 06/11/2006 01:13 pm 10 Good answer Buffy! 5 more to go, LOL This is great! ~*~Tasha~*~ 03/29/2006 08:08 am 10 Awwwwww .. Buffy was willing to let him go if Spike wanted it? That is so sweet. Her anger at Angel wanting to take Spike from her was perfect too. Sadly only one chapter left to read on the current updates. Sweet, though perhaps not particularly sensible. Not that the poor sod could have done much to hurt humans with the current state of Initiative chipping of all found vamps going on; Spike would find it very difficult to survive. Thanks for reviewing, hun. BFN Lou 03/15/2006 02:20 pm 10 Delightfully entertaining, my dear! Spike's uncertainty is completely believable. Thanks, Lou! So nice to hear you say so. BFN rayan 03/15/2006 01:38 pm 10 great great great chappie Why, thank you! *blushes* pretty_in_fangs 03/15/2006 06:34 am 10 Oh my. Just discovered this story. What a wonderful chapter for my first reading to end on. Not that I won't be anxiously waiting for the next. Thank you! Welcome aboard and hope the rest doesn't disappoint. BFN L 03/14/2006 04:52 pm 10 Wonderful chapter. I'm loving this story even more as it evolves. Thanks for entertaining us so. Thank you! It's my pleasure and I hope it continues to entertain. BFN Bridget 03/14/2006 03:52 pm 10 Good chapter. I am glad that Buffy did not let Spike down. Thanks, Bridget. Me too! Fantastic update. Of the stories of this sort out at the moment, I'm enjoying this one the best. :) Thanks, hun! So glad you're enjoying and hope it continues. BFN Weaver 03/14/2006 12:32 pm 10 This is gorgeous - keep going! Thank you! I'll try! Robyn 03/14/2006 05:04 am 10 That was the most perfect answer that Buffy could give Spike in this situation. This chapter was so great, the run from the house, the initiative guys, the clearing, so great. And I love the possibility of Ethan as Giles coming to Sunnydale, as much as he loves chaos I could see him really wanting to stick it to those that have held him captive. I look forward to Mondays because of this story, and am really looking forward to seeing where you’re going with it. Thanks, Robyn! I hope you're right about Ethan - he's such an unpredictable so and so. Am so glad that you are enjoying and letting me know. means a lot, sweetie. *hugs* Oh Spike. Mister impulsive. I really like the way you had Buffy handle that. I'm all giddy for the confrontation that's bound to happen now. Ohhh, Angel is gonna get it. Great chapter Sue! Thank you! So glad you liked. And there's more of that Angel-getting-bashed anticipation that I'm getting used to. *grins* Thanks for reviewing, sweetie. BFN xxx so glad he was able to bring himself to trust her...so glad she responded like she did...my heart was breaking for him the whole time....and now she's expecting angel, it shouldn't be so bad...hope she beats the crap out of him!! And the Angel hate just keeps on coming! Thanks, Jessi. *hugs* *watches Spike fondle himself and faints dead away* *fans frantically* Is there a doctor in the house? Anyone? Help! Thanks, I think! Bigbird 03/13/2006 10:31 pm 10 Oh poor Spike this is breaking my heart - please let it have a happy ending!! (Loved the Hello Cutie bit though ;-) No breaking of the heart - 'tis bad for you! The ending is a way ahead right now but I'll be hoping for a bit of happiness as much as you do. Thanks for reviewing, hun. BFN ooooh... Angel's gonna get it... Great chapter! I loved how you pushed them both in this one. Can't wait to read what happens next Thanks, hun! There seems to be a lot of baying for Angel's blood - and dust - and for some reason I'm not surprised! *grins* So glad you liked. *hugs* Irina 03/13/2006 09:55 pm 10 I enjoyed reading both Spike and Buffy's POV in this chapter. Excellent confrontation between Spike and Buffy. I liked how Spike took a chance and asked Buffy point blank if she would give him to Angel. Loved her answer and Spike's closing thoughts. Wonderful update! Thanks, Irina! Am really happy that you liked all the bits that I enjoyed writing. Thanks so much for letting me know and hope you enjoy next week's chappie too. BFN, sweetie. Taylormaid 03/13/2006 08:25 pm 10 Awwwww *sniff* that was wonderful!!!! Those last few paragraphs really got to me. I am loving this version of Buffy. I can actually care about her. You should have written for the show...it would have been much better! As usual, I can't wait to see what happens next! This is sooooo good!! I love an enthusiastic double review! *grins* Taylormaid 03/13/2006 08:25 pm 10 Awwwww *sniff* that was wonderful!!!! Those last few paragraphs really got to me. I am loving this version of Buffy. I can actually care about her. You should have written for the show...it would have been much better! As usual, I can't wait to see what happens next! This is sooooo good!! Thank you! This would have made very depressing viewing on the show and if the show hadn't left so many stones unturned they'd be no fanfic, right? But thank you for the compliment, hun. Am really glad you liked and thanks for letting me know. BFN, sweetie. Coquine 03/13/2006 07:44 pm 10 Okay, so, I read this chapter so fast that I probably missed some important parts, but I just needed to say ASAP that oh my god you SUCK! You, and your sucky poopy cliffhangers! You just HAD to tack that last sentence onto the story didn't you??? AAAAGGGHH!!!! Okay. No. You don't suck. Not really. You know I love you, right? I swear, you just bring out the schizo in me. Amazing chapter, really. The whole 'chase' scene had my heart racing and lungs gasping right along with them. And I just loooove that Buffy was ready to let him go. I have to admit that I hope there will be some more dialogue between the two of them next chappie. They really need to get some things out into the open. Of course, you're probably just going to do more of that whole 'plot' thing that you have this strange fixation on, but I can deal. I kinda like it, too! I'll just be foaming at the mouth for six days, thanks! Yikes! I love your reviews! You have me frowning, laughing and smiling - usually in that order! *hugs* I'm sorry that my 'plot' fixation is dragging things out but you just know that I ain't gonna be changing my bad habits - and as you kinda like it... More from Buffy and Spike next week, hun. Hope you will like and will be eager to find out. BFN. xxx Angelus will be in for a surprise when he gets to Sunnyhell. She's still in a bad spot though with Ethan having replaced Giles. Looking forward to more story. Thanks, sweetie. I think there'll be surprises for everyone as things unfold! Glad you're still liking. BFN I thought Spike was going to get spotted by the Initiative for sure! *whew* I'm looking forward to seeing how the Buffy/Angel/Spike confrontation goes. *shudders* Spike okay for now - sorta - and I'm afraid it will be a bit of a waitbefore the anticipated confrontation. Hope yuo continue to like, hun. BFN PyroChilde 03/13/2006 07:12 pm 10 YAY!! Stupid Angel thinks he can do whatever the hell he wants. Ha, she'll show him. In fact, I really hop he shows up just so she can kick his ass. Spike could help :) I mean, after all, Angel isn't human so the chip wouldn't work against him. Let Angel see how HE likes it! I really hate him! MORE PLEASE!!! Whoa, calm down! LOL Patience, sweetie, patience. *grins* OH..I love that, the last sentence is truely poetic...Please give me more Thank you, sweetie! Am so glad you're liking. *grins* More next week. akarinacj 03/13/2006 05:55 pm 10 As usual you leave me wanting MORE, MORE and soon, please. Great as usual. So glad you liked and are wanting more - try again next Monday, hun. BFN Good enough to read/review again *G*.....keep it coming sweetie. Kathleen What a generous giver you are, Kathleen! *squishy hugs* Verda 06/11/2006 12:54 pm 9 You know it's great. Must continue reading. *hugs* ~*~Tasha~*~ 03/29/2006 08:00 am 9 Oh my Gosh!! What did Spike do? I hope he didn't run away. Oh my oh my!!!! Angel had better stay the hell away from Spike Oh, yeah. Our boy has legged it - but you know that by now! Methinks you don't like Angel too much. *grins* Thanks, sweetie. BFN Grargamarga 03/13/2006 02:44 am 9 So yes I love z plot to ur story it is very originally and very nifty. Hope that you can update soon. P.s--poor spikey-poo will he ever be the same again? Thanks, hun. Glad you're liking and kind of you to let me know. Next update now up. BFN Must take my hat off to you and pass it along to the new master of evil! I'm not gonna be able to sleep untill I know what he did! Well done Thanks, sweetie! I think! Hope you did manage some sleep because the next chappie is up now. *grins* Ooh, very very good!  Can't wait to read more! Thank you, Morrigan! Glad you're still liking. BFN, hun. God another horrid monday. :coffeelove: First work was atrosious. :getwriting: Came home to the kids screaming at eash other. :fight :fight Dinner was crap. :taped Movie was boring. :sigh Thank you for the update. :kiss: The only thing good on a Monday. Sometime, I do like Ethan. I am so looking forword to next weeks update. I hope Buffy ends up staking him a new one. LMAO! I stared at this for at least five minutes, morbidly fascinated with the discipline element! Very distracting! And strangely hypnotic! Thanks for the enthralling review, Cewcew, and am happy to have given your Monday a little lift. Hugs, sweetie. Oh you evil evil writer who I love anyways! I so can't believe you ended it right there! Argh! Anywho, I really want to know what Ethan is up to, that sneaky dog. And poor Giles. Always getting knocked out. Great chapter hun! *pouts* Not evil, just Ethanesque at times! Yep, poor Giles seems to spend a lot of his life in a state of unconsciousness, poor sod! Mega glad you're liking, despite my evilness, and I thanks you for letting me know. Hugs, sweetie. Robyn 03/07/2006 12:51 am 9 What an ending, I am so tense from reading the last part of this chapter, Spike having to listen to Angel’s voice. I really like how you touched on the different characters in this chapter, some just a clue others a little more in what’s going on with them. And I can’t decide if I should like Ethan or not, but I must admit that his decision not to allow Angel to get his ‘mitts’ on Spike made me happy. I am really looking forward to the next chapter, the week is going to be really long. *plays relaxation music* I just love the ambiguity of Ethan, he's such a lovable rogue! Am glad you found at least something he's done to make you happy. Thanks muchly for your review, hun. BFN Pulchra Nex 03/06/2006 10:03 pm 9 that is just evil... did Angelus and Darla give you lessons in torture themselves? cause this is torture... that's such an evil cliffhanger! *huffs* but i do love the story :-) hope you update soon!:-D *sniffs and mutters* Not evil, it just happened that way...again! So glad you're liking and thanks ever so for letting me know. BFN ooo spike goes all monkey with a stick on the answering machine? lol Heee! What, and destroy Buffy's property? Now that would be wrong! Thanks for your serious review, sweetie! *hugs* See! There's Mr. Muse! He was just out gathering up this lovely bouquet of plot advancement. Tee hee. Nice update. Can't wait to see what mischief Ethan is getting up to regarding seventeen (Buffy will SO kick his a$$). Here comes the Angel of doom and death! Hope Buffy finds out what Angel was up to with Spike when he had him last and hope she finally sees him for the creep and cretin he is. Still in love with this fic, honey, keep it coming! Kathleen Thanks, Kathleen! Yep, muse baby came home with the goodies. *pets muse* Ethan mischief and Angel doom will be dealt with - in time! But the issue of what the Broody One did to our Spike will be getting a step closer to Buffy sooner. Honest! So glad you're liking, sweetie, and thanks for letting me know. *hugs* awesome chapter! I love the way you're working this with angel and the initiative, it's really amazing. Can't wait to read more!! Thanks, Stacy! Really glad you're liking and that the plot stuff is getting your interest. *hugs* Coquine 03/06/2006 07:54 pm 9 Plot, plot, and more plot! You are weaving this story together oh so deliciously. And, ah, the cliffhangers. Wonderful, fabulous, aggravating, frustrating, freaking--! Oops. Heh heh...sorry...got a little carried away there. Anyways! Yes, it all very much entertained. So...what made sense to Spike? Hit the 'delete' button? Freak out and run away in terror? Alert Buffy to the issue and in the end bring to light some of his past with Angel so that she can start despising him just as soon as humanly possible? Ooh I hope it's that one. *grin* Come on then, what comes after freaking? LOL Yep, lots of plot dollops to chew on whilst you wonder what Spike does next. And you just know I ain't gonna tell you if (or which) of your guesses are right. Right? *grins* Thanks for making me smile at your words, sweetie. Spike erased the message, right? Too bad he can't erase Angel... oh wait! He can hurt demons! I kind of want Buffy to know Angel's coming, though. Maybe then she could find out what he did to Spike and kill Angel herself! *tries and fails to talk through zippered mouth* Hope you get some of what uyou want next week! Thanks, sweetie. 3988Akasha 03/06/2006 07:33 pm 9 you little tease! That's so not fair! tell us angel is coming, spike hears and then nothing? I demand more! Good chappie! Now, now. Life ain't fair, and you expect me to be? LOL Glad you liked and hope you get your answers next week (or they'll be hell to pay!). Thanks, sweetie. Lou 03/06/2006 07:18 pm 9 What'd he do? What'd he do?? Ooooh! I know the answer to that - and next week I'll tell you! BFN, Lou. Oracleholly 03/06/2006 03:45 pm 9 Oh girl... what did he do? Erase the message, flee, or tell Buffy? Come on. Bad Sue for the evil cliffie! Okay, well, now we know that Giles is alive, but it's not looking too good for him. And Ethan is up to something... is it wrong to sort of like Ethan, even though... clearly evil? Well, since you asked so nicely, he...*zip crosses mouth* Darn! And I so wanted to share! Next week will have to do, I'm afraid. Yep, Giles alive - if not kicking, yet. And what's wrong with liking Ethan? I'm pretty fond of him. *grins* Sorry for being Bad Sue but hope to see you again next week, hun. Bridget 03/06/2006 03:39 pm 9 Interesting chapter. I hope that in the next chapter, Spike tells Buffy about his mistreatment by Angel. Mmmm. Maybe, sorta, you'll have to wait and see! Thanks, Bridget. fallen_angel 03/06/2006 03:31 pm 9 ah ecellent been waiting for this all week. u take the sting out of mondays. evil Angel I sure hope he is dust soon. can't figure out this Ethan bloke though. LOL So glad you are liking and that Ethan is making you think. There's a large mob baying for Angel's dust right now - wonder why? Thanks for reviewing, hun. BFN Nikkole 03/06/2006 02:24 pm 9 Poor Spike! I hope that Buffy kicks the ever loving sh*# out of Angel! Yikes! Why, Nikkole, wanting some payback? LOL Thanks for making me smile, hun. Irina 03/06/2006 02:00 pm 9 Another wonderful chapter. The Operation Conquer info was really intriguing. Ethan's musings on his conversation with Angel were really interesting. Poor Spike, just when he was starting to feel some inner peace Angel has to come calling. Can't wait to find out how the cliffhanger turns out. Thanks, Irina! Good to know you liked the plotty bits - they are relevant and more will be revealed soonish. Yep, Spike doesn't get too much time to relax before Mr Nasty throws something into the works. Thanks for your words, sweetie. Lovely chapter. You realy like cliffangers, don't you? Now I can't wait to know what Spike have done. And what Angel have planed. Oh... i can't wait the whole week! Keep writing! Thanks, Maddy! Actually, I hate cliffhangers - when I read them - but they do seem to have a life of their own! At least you didn't call me evil! Next chappie is with betas now and should be ready for you in time for next week. *grins* Glad you're enjoying and thanks for telling me. BFN oh wow....i wanna know what spike did...oh poor thing who frightening that must have been...and buffy doesn't know that angel hurt him!!! i can't wait to see what happens next update! you have so many different things going on here at once, it's very intriguing :) great update! Thanks, Jessi! Yep, if Spike had blood pressure it would be sky high by now! Am zippering mouth and resisting the temptation to mention anything from next chappie. Damn, but it's hard! So glad you liked and let me know. Hugs, sweetie. Excellent. :-) 05/27/2010 06:50 am 8 Verda 06/11/2006 12:36 pm 8 Great! now Ethan's got the hots for Spike, damn sexy vampire! You know it's that good when the suns coming up and I have 7 more chapters to go and I continue to read.*hugs* ~*~Tasha~*~ 03/29/2006 07:58 am 8 Oh yeah ... take the Iniative down. Yippee!!!! {runs to the next chapter} I know that my reviews aren't hugely long like a lot of other people's, but I hope that you know I am just very excited to get to each chapter since I'm behind. I Love this story, and I want to read more. Hey, it's quality, not quantity, that counts (in all things!). I am just so happy that you are enjoying and being kind enough to let me know. *hugs* Buffy cooking? Now that's frightening. *nods* It is totally against the laws of nature, isn't it? carin 03/04/2006 05:46 am 8 absolute genius. hurry and update..luv it Thank you, carin. Glad you're liking and have just obeyed! BFN Sara M. 03/02/2006 04:11 am 8 Ok, my computer has been down for a few days, my guess is it just needed a break, and my sidekick wont let me post a review for this site.... that said and done. THIS STORY KICKES ASS!!! You so have something going here! I love how slowly but surely you have things happening!! WOW!! I can't wait to see what happenes next! I will happly be waiting for more! :) Thank you! Especially for the trouble you've gone to to let me know. Much appreciated, sweetie. Hope I don't keep you waiting too long but next chapter still to be written. BFN ryan 03/02/2006 02:13 am 8 im sooo hooked..loveeeeeee thiiiiiiis storyyyyyyyy.......*giggles* update anytime soon ??? keep up the good work!!! *grins* Happy you're liking and will do my best on the update front. BFN Lou 03/01/2006 12:24 am 8 Excellent! That's what our guy needs - a bit of revolution! LOL! Thanks, Lou. Hope Spike sees it the same way. BFN Great chapter!  I love how you are taking time with the thoughts and emotions of the characters.  Even though, the storyline is only a couple of days in, you have written everything in such a way that nothing feels rushed.  I'm truly loving this story. Thanks, Morrigan! Am so glad you are liking this. Hopefully there will be more next Monday. Thanks for reviewing, hun. Coquine 02/28/2006 07:36 am 8 Oh, please, please Muse, be kind to Sue this week! Are there any offerings of some kind which would please you, perhaps chocolate or deep-tissue massage? Yet another fantastic chapter, which is clearly your status quo. I've been waiting for Buffy to kick into gear and really feel the need for some serious Initiative slayage. The feeling of dread when it comes to Ethan and Angel is steadily increasing with each new chapter. And now I'm also wondering how Spike might feel about taking on his former captors. I could see it going to either end of the spectrum. I guess I'll find out in six days...hopefully??? Thanks, Coquine! Muse has gone missing...but I'm ever hopeful (though the thought of deep-tissue massage would certainly tempt me!). Why does everyone get worried about Ethan? *grins* I like your assessment of Spike, I like it a lot! You'll have to wait and see...hopefully only six days. No promises, mind. Thanks for reviewing, sweetie. xxx All day long I go rownd Thinking :sigh: 'Ug its monday.' Then I come home log in look to see what was updated. Then I see you update and say :dance: "Yay! It's Monday." Never thought any thing would make Mondays look so good. LOL! Thanks, Cewcew! Glad that Mondays are getting a better vibe to them. BFN Oh Sue, you've so got me hooked. I'm really enjoying seeing things from Spike's perspective and I'm still trying to figure out what Ethan is up to. Great chapter! Thanks, sweetie! Music to my ears to know how much you're liking. I'll leave you to carry on wondering what Ethan is up to. *grins* Nikkole 02/27/2006 11:47 pm 8 NICE! I think thathe real a$$ kicking will commence soon! LOL! Yikes! There's some mighty bloodthirsty folk here on BSV! You'll have to wait and see. *grins* Robyn 02/27/2006 11:42 pm 8 I look forward to this every Monday, and this week’s chapter most definitely did not disappoint. Buffy’s reaction to what Spike has gone through and her confusion as to where she stands in all of this felt so real. I can’t wait until the next chapter, I hope you muse straitens up. Thanks, Robyn, that's kind of you to say. Am so glad you're liking it and hope the pesky muse turns up too. Thanks for reviewing, hun. awesome as ever :) yea! Buffy and Spike are gonna take down the initiative...ethan rayne's freaking me out though...can't wait to see what happens next week! :) Thanks, Jessi! I have no idea why Ethan is getting to you so much! *grins* Thanks for reviewing, sweetie. "How would you like to help me take the Initiative down, Spike?" Sure, got nothing better to do. Great work! Hey, you volunteering to help too? LOL Glad you liked, hun. LOL, why do I think Spike will be glad to help?? Ah, you'd think so, wouldn't you? We'll see. *grins* This is brilliant, please update soon Thank you! Normally on a Monday (but missing muse might mean a delay next week). Taylormaid 02/27/2006 08:16 pm 8 I can't begin to tell you how 'into' this story I am. I get so worked up every time I read a new chapter... wanting to turn the page and keep going and going. I love how the Buffy/Spike relationship is growing. But,Ethan,...yuk! He just can't get his hands(or anything else) on Spike! Thanks, sweetie! I'll bear in mind your aversion to Ethan touching Spike with..anything! Thanks for reviewing. 3988Akasha 02/27/2006 07:29 pm 8 YAY! Take down the Initative! Stupid bastards ought to die...horrible painful deaths! See what I can do...but no promises! WTF is Rupert/Ethan up to now? Will the phone call inspire Angelus to come after Spike so he can take him back for more torture and domination games? More story please. Not telling! LOL Weaver 02/27/2006 06:01 pm 8 Oh yeh - down with the initiative! Rock on! PyroChilde 02/27/2006 05:38 pm 8 Another great chapter! Can't wait to see them starting to attack the Initiative!! Update asap! Thank you! Will have to wait a bit before any attacking starts (bloodthirsty aren't you?). Thanks for your comments. SpaceLord 02/27/2006 04:18 pm 8 I love this story. I love the fact that Ethan is there plotting and doing his thing. I hope he has something planned for the initiative as well....can't see him not wanting to get even with them. Thank you! Ethan will be thoroughly enjoying himself - to a limit - in future chapters. And you are so right that he has a score to settle with the Initiative. Thanks for reviewing. BFN Irina 02/27/2006 04:12 pm 8 It's good to see the dust has cleared from Buffy's eyes and she has a new perspective of the world around her, not to mention a new mission. Ethan and Angel... that should be an interesting conversation. Great chapter. Thanks, Irina! Yep, Buffy is a gal with a mission. Let's hope that works out for her, eh? Not saying a word about Ethan and Angel! LOL Thanks for reviewing, hun. Bridget 02/27/2006 03:38 pm 8 Good chapter. Buffy's introspection was well written. I guess now the fireworks will begin. Angel will find out where Spike is and the angst and horror will begin. I hope you find your muse. It is hard waiting for a chapter a week. Good luck. Thank you, Bridget! Glad you liked and I'm not commenting on your guess (nope, not at all!). Still searching for muse but am sorta hopeful. Thanks for reviewing, sweetie. Nice chapter but maybe a little slow for me. But wow, that's interesting turn - taking the Initiative down. I want to see that. Might be fun, thay deserve to get their asses kicked. Please please post something next monday! Ah, so you like the fast and furious? I have a little fic that I can slip in if the next chapter isn't ready, but am always hopeful. Thanks for reviewing, hun. The muse is being a bitca right now ahhh how well i know that particular song lol Cheer up dear! Sometimes inspiration can come from the most mundane things! LOL. I think a few household chores have convinced it to creep back...at least partially! Hugs, Tam. xxx Great read. 05/27/2010 06:39 am 7 Wow! You have a lot of subplots going on here! It makes your story very intriuging--and suspenseful. I can't wait to see how they all come together. Fantastic work! Keep working on it so we readers don't have to wait too long for the answers, please!!!! Verda 06/11/2006 12:12 pm 7 Very entertaining, and getting a little nervous though. Willow's going to find out things she shouldn't and everyone will be in danger and to top it off there's Angel, the Council and the Inititive! Tigers and lions and bears, Oh My! ~*~Tasha~*~ 03/29/2006 07:53 am 7 I am actually getting a kick out of Willow at the end of this chapter. I loved the bit in the mall with Buffy, Spike and Tara. I really hate the Initiative even more than I did in the show, and that was a lot then. Initiative never had a lot going for them in terms of rightness, IMO. Glad you liked the trio in the mall - Tara is such a sweetie. Thanks for reviewing, hun. BFN ohhhh poor spikey *gives him lots of hugs* You're spoiling the vampire! OK, he needs it so go ahead (as if I could stop you!). BFN. "Give me your secrets, you nasty government agency." Yeah, what she said. Good work! LOL. Thank you. Glad you liked. Still loving it Sue. I really like how you're building up Buffy and Spike's relationship. This was just the thing to read after a long day. Keep up the great work! You make Mondays so much better. Thank you! Mondays not good, huh? Will do my best to keep making 'em better, sweetie. No pressure on me, like! LOL Hugs, hun. xxx Taylormaid 02/21/2006 06:14 am 7 Good chapter! Especially liked Spike and Buffy comforting each other. Hopefully, Ethan won't be all bad and can help stick it to the Initiative...I really hate those guys. Oh! And Angel...can't wait until Buffy finds out about THAT! Thank you! I'm al most sure that Ethan would be happy to stick it to the Initiative - but you just can't tell with him! As for Angel? I see nothing too happy in his future! Thanks for reviewing, hun. Coquine 02/21/2006 05:45 am 7 Oh yes, very entertaining, as usual. I'm still finding it hard to be patient and read all of the non-S/B parts thoroughly and with the same attention as the Spuffy ones, but it's certainly a miniscule price to pay for such an amazing story, and one that just keeps getting better. Sigh. Only six more days to go... Thanks, Coquine! Don't moan at me if you skip through the non S/B parts when it all starts coming together (bet you won't care! LOL). Yep, six days til more and am so glad you're enjoying. Hugs, sweetie. It seems to be a good thing to have Willow hacking into the files; I just hope her jealousy over Tara won't lead to bad things happening to Spike and Buffy. Shouldn't Buffy read that nasty manual and the ownership papers pretty soon? More story please. I'm hoping that Willow's jealousy is just a passing thing, but keep your fingers crossed just in case! Buffy and the nasty manual... Yep, the gal needs to do some homework. More next Monday and thanks for reviewing, hun. Hmmmmmm, I thinks Willow will save the day :P Hmmmmmm, I'll be interested to see if you're right! Thank you, sweetie. xxx 3988Akasha 02/20/2006 07:40 pm 7 Still loving this story. It is such a unique twist to the Spuffyverse we avid readers are so accostomed to. keep up the excellent work Thank you so much. Will endeavour to keep it up. Thanks for reviewing, hun. Read this when you posted on LJ but had to come reread. Its such a fantastic chap! Please may we have an extra? Ok I'll be good and patient until next Monday. Thanks, Rae! Am so glad that you liked it - both times! LOL See you back here next Monday, hun. Oooooh, very good chapter, very good. More updates please. Preferably now, but I think I can wait for a bit. But not too long. I love this story. Thank you kindly! Happy that you enjoyed and hope the wait until next Monday passes quickly for you. BFN. Shanna 02/20/2006 05:58 pm 7 Very enjoyable read and well written too!! Anxiously waiting for the next installments. I especally like the building dynamic between Spike and Buffy. Thank you, Shanna! Glad you liked and there'll be more next week (hopefully!). Thanks for commenting. BFN Oracleholly 02/20/2006 05:51 pm 7 Sue - just wanted you to know that I'm enjoying this tale immensely. I love how you are teasing us with potential threads of plot (eg. What in the world the Init. is doing with Ethan, what have they done to Giles, the whole Angel angle.) You've also hinted at "Buffy's run-in with the Initiative four years ago..." What happened? Is that something you'll flashback to? I'm so curious as to why Oz disappeared after being captured. Even though I'm not online lately like I was, this tale is one that I always check to see if there has been an update. I'm hooked! Thanks, Holly. You say such nice things and have so many questions - that I just can't/won't answer. But they're good ones to have and some will be explained - some won't (for now). Hugs, sweetie. xxx Avalon'sMysteries 02/20/2006 05:50 pm 7 I'm really curious what Ethan is up to. Still love the story, especially the way things are developing between Buffy and Spike. Looking forward to the next chapter. You don't want to know what Ethan is up to - but you'll be getting more of him next week so... Thanks for your comment. BFN akarinacj 02/20/2006 03:48 pm 7 This story is fast becomming one of my favorites stories. I love the way you have portrait the two of them (Spike and Buffy). I hope we get som Spuffy time soon, even though I understand that it wouldn´t be logical to rush it...:-)) Please update soon.!!! Thank you! Spuffy will be there - in time. You're right, they can't rush into anything until a lot has been resolved. More in a week, hun. Robyn 02/20/2006 03:43 pm 7 Wow oh wow, this story is fantastic. I can hardly wait for next week. Thanks for your enthusiasm, Robyn! Hope to see you next week too. BFN SpaceLord 02/20/2006 02:31 pm 7 Well I'm most interested in what Ethan is up to...I'm sure it's gonna be interesting to say the least :) You're right about Ethan - he should be an interesting one to watch. he has another cameo in the next chappie (but don't tell anyone!). Thanks for your comments. BFN still adoring this story...i'm so interested to find out what Willow finds out...a love the comfort that is developing between Buffy and Spike...and the way she just broke down and told him everything...very realistic for someone who's been repressing for a long time...poor buffy...poor spike...poor me i have to wait a whole week!!! :) Hi, Jessi! So glad you're still liking. Yep, Buffy has been repressing for a long time and Tara couldn't be there every hour of the day for her to lean on. Willow has found some Interesting Stuff which will be revealed soonish. A week? Phah! It'll fly by - look at all the writing you have to do for your fics! LOL Hugs, sweetie. xxx Weaver 02/20/2006 02:18 pm 7 Ooo mystery! Goody - more please. LOL! Will try to keep the mystery coming - or maybe they'll be answers. Some of both I expect. Thanks for commenting, hun. Irina 02/20/2006 01:48 pm 7 I really liked that Buffy opened up to Spike. Great interaction between the two in this update. I enjoyed Ethan's appearance in this chapter. Willow's findings are very intriguing. Should be really interesting to find out what happens when or if Buffy ever looks at the manual. Excellent chapter! Thanks, Irina! Glad you liked Ethan - he is an interesting rogue! LOL Manual will come into play soon - too soon for Buffy, methinks. Thanks for your comments, sweetie. It's getting beter and beter with every chapter. Will Buffy get to know who treaten Spike so badly? I hope for some major Angel's ass kicking and soon. :-) Really good one, Sue! Thanks, Maddy! I'm counting on all the sordid information coming out at sometime - just don't know when yet. Angel's ass - is grass and someone will defo be doing a lawnmower impression! LOL Thanks for reviewing, hun. Lou 02/20/2006 01:17 pm 7 Definitely entertained me big time! Thanks, Lou! *beaming smile* Verda 06/11/2006 11:23 am 6 Crap! I forgot that the Council owned Spike and now the Initiative kidnapped Giles? this is not going to end well is it? At least not for a long while and don't get me started on Angel! What the hecks wrong with him the...( I really want to say a very bad word here but I won't), and he's worried about the Shanshu Prophecy? WOW! Great chapter sweetie. Don't like the rape stuff so thanks for the warning. That aside, really good so far! *nods* I can understand but you will see that it's integral to the story (and just mentioning it in passing would not have the same sense of horror). Glad you are liking apart from that. ~*~Tasha~*~ 03/29/2006 07:45 am 6 Uh oh ... that is ooooo not of the good. Ethan taking Giles' place? That is very scary. LOL Ethan can be scary, can't he. Will have to wait and see what he gets up to. Thanks, sweetie. BFN Excellent, scary and wicked Angel. Great stuff. Can't wait to see what you do with Ethan. He's one of my favorites. I'll try to do justice with Ethan, hun. Sara M. 02/20/2006 10:30 pm 6 OH, MY GODDESS!! I can't wait to see what happens next! This is a great Chapter!! WOW! Thank you! Glad you liked and hope you like the next chappie too. Nikkole 02/18/2006 12:40 am 6 OOOO, very interesting! I am so hooked on this story! I can not wait to see what you come up with next!! Thanks, NIkkole. Am just about to put next chappie up so hopes you likes. BFN Huh...  Weird.  Wondering what's next.  Guess I gotta wait until next week. Mmmm. Not left me a lot to respond to here. Yep, will have to wait til next week. BFN. Yikes! WTF is Ethan planning? I am not adverse to any trouble he causes for the Initiative or the Council of Wankers. Too much chaos though could mean death and destruction to Spuffy. Not to mention Angelus is in the mix. More story please. I have no idea what Ethan is planning but I think it'd be fair to say he will be thinking of himself - and his wants - first and foremost. More story next week. Thanks for reviewing, hun. BFN. Ohh, so many things happening. Sounds like there's still something big left to be uncovered. Great chapter Sue! Thank you! So glad you're liking and, yep, still some more of that darn plot stuff to come out. BFN. Coquine 02/14/2006 12:11 am 6 *shudders* I must say, you have succeeded in quickly causing my thorough dislike for Angel. You got the whole "sinister" vibe down pat. *shudders again* And I see there were also some new plot twists in this chapter. It's so sad, but even though I'm all extra interested now, at the same time, you've created such an interesting by-play between Buffy and Spike that I'm all like, "oh, man, now I have to concentrate on the rest of the plot instead of da Spuffy!" Kind of a stupid thing to complain about, but if the Spuffy interaction wasn't so good, it'd be easier to focus on other things. Guess I can live with it! *g* Oh, and don't listen to any of us when we complain about having to wait a whole week. It's truly a blessing for an author to be consistent in their updates, regardless of time in between. Keep up the amazing work! Bless you, sweetie! If you have Angel firmly on the 'baddie' list I don't think you can go far wrong. I know what you mean about the Spuffy - I want to wallow there too - but there is actually a fair bit of plot coming your way. Am glad that the frequency fo updates is okay for you and will do my best not to disappoint. Thanks fro reviewing, sweetie, and hope you continue to enjoy. BFN. Gawd, I hate the council of wankers.... And Buffy needs to comfort her poor vampire ^.^ Me too! And yes, she does - sometime. BFN. LOL, love you make Mondays worthwhile :P I am still loving this fic. Is ethan gonna be a good huy?? Why, thank you kindly! So glad you still liking. Do you want Ethan to be a good guy? Need your definition of good now! LOL Thanks for reviewing. BFN. PyroChilde 02/13/2006 07:24 pm 6 Great chapter! Ethan Rayne is involved, well this just makes things a whole lot more interesting now doesn't it. Can't wait for the next update! Thank you! Just couldn't resist bringing Ethan into the mix - so delicious! Thanks for reviewing, hun. BFN. Taylormaid 02/13/2006 06:57 pm 6 Very interesting. Can't wait to see how it all comes together. And poor Spike. Hopefully, he will be more 'himself' before he has to help Buffy deal with it all. Yep, Spike will have to be more with it for what is to come. Thanks for reviewing. BFN. OMG! Huge cliffhanger. Need more. How am I going to wait until next Monday? I'll be biting my nails the whole time. LOVE IT! NO! Little cliffhanger. I'm trying to stop them (sorta). Leave your nails alone and get writing on your lovely new fic, missy! Thanks for review and very happy you liked. BFN. Bridget 02/13/2006 06:33 pm 6 Good update. It is not surprising that Angel was Spike's torturer. I hope that some of Spike's experiences are found out soon. It is hard to wait a week for an update because this story is really interesting. Thank you, Bridget. Nope, don't s'pose Angel being the nasty tortureer was much of a surprise. I'm with you that Spike's past has got to come out more - but how is Buffy gonna achieve that? Am so glad you're enjoying. Thanks for the review, hun. BFN. akarinacj 02/13/2006 06:05 pm 6 Great chapter as usual. Very hard on Spike, and interresting to have Angel as the BAD, BAD guy. Can´t wait for the next chapter!!!! Thank you! No hope for any Angel fans in this fic I'm afraid. He is a no good scoundrel! Thanks for reviewing and happy you liked. BFN. Poor Spike... each chapter makes me feel so sorry for him! And Angel must die!! Good work. Angel must die. Check. Got that loud and clear! LOL Glad you liked and thanks for reviewing. BFN. wow...i'm actually scared right now...that last bit sooo does not sound good...the way you are writing Spike in this just tears my heart out...the dream sequence was rough, but you know the part that brought me to tears was when he went to kneel beside her, so naturally like its just what he deserved or something...broke my heart, brought me to tears...have i mentioned yet that you are an absolutely incredible writer? You make me blush, sweetie! There will (hopefully) be less angst and more progression with Spuffy now - but it'll still be slow! I'm sure that Buffy will having him using the furniture without thought in no time. Or maybe not! Thanks for reviewing, hun. BFN. SpaceLord 02/13/2006 02:07 pm 6 Well Ethan outa spice things up. Now if he were to set all the vampires free I'm thinking alot of blood would flow ;) Yep, Ethan is usually good for pepping things up. Setting the vamps free? Now that's an idea! Thanks for reviewing. Irina 02/13/2006 01:59 pm 6 Very well written chapter. I think you did a great job handling the tough subject matter. I really liked the Spike/Buffy interaction. Can't wait to find out what's gonna happen now that Ethan and Angel are in the mix. Thank you. Am aiming for a bit of a breather with the next chapter before upping the tempo again - might even be able to get an extra update in if the muse is kind. Thanks for reviewing. BFN. Wow, it's getting really interesting with Angel (I always new he was evil all along!) and Council and... Initiative? Can't wait to see. Great chapter. Thanks, Maddy. Bet you feel smug now for knowing Angel was evil! LOL Thanks for reviewing, hun. Verda 06/11/2006 10:55 am 5 Must see what that scream was about! LOL ~*~Tasha~*~ 03/29/2006 07:38 am 5 Awesome update of this one! {is very glad that she is catching up which means she can read several chapters in a row} Thanks, Tasha. So kind of you to review each one. BFN I love crybaby Spike. I was just watching Belonging the other day and Spike, for all his big love affair with Dru, lights a cigarette while he's talking to Buffy. Too hot. Thank you! oleanderrose 02/12/2006 06:58 pm 5 This was great! Can't wait for more! Thank you! More on its way now. Hope you like. Spike is having nightmares maybe? It was good to see a little bit of the old Spike show up. Keep up the good work! Thank you! Don't worry - Spike is in there and we just need to coax him out. BFN. Grr, you're evil! I want to know why Spike screamed and you're going to make me wait a whole week to find out. Great chapter Sue, you're doing awesome! Er, thank you! Am really chuffed that you're liking and sorry about the wait (can't go any damned faster!). Hope next week gives you adequate answers. Thanks for reviewing, hun. BFN. Wyn 02/07/2006 06:03 am 5 wonderful, I love this story very much. Thank you! Am very happy that you like and hope it will continue. Thanks for reviewing. Jess Marie 02/07/2006 05:17 am 5 ACK! No! Don't leave us this way! =) Oooops! Sorry, it just happened that way. I don't s'pose saying more next Monday will help? Thanks for your sincere feedback! BFN. Coquine 02/07/2006 02:36 am 5 "Here I am, Slayer. Yours and damned." GOD!!! With every new chapter you write, the more I'm wondering why you haven't posted anything before?!? You are an amazing writer! You give me chills, I tell you! And I'm especially loving--no, hating--no, lov--I DON'T KNOW! But the way you keep satisfying one cliffhanger only to leave us with another one is exquisite and horrible and I don't want you to stop! And now we have to wait a whole week! ARG! Okay. Insano-girl has left the building. Great chapter. Seriously. I am so pimping this story out to my sister! LOL! I'm taking the chills to be a compliment, so 'yay' me! I'm happy that it is entertaining you and hope your sister doesn't mind having things pimped to her (that expression always makes me smirk!). Lord help me when you don't like something! 'Cos I'm pretty damned sure you'll tell me! LOL I love your reviews - naturally - and they give me much smiling pleasure. Read the warning at the beginning of the next chapter as I don't want you going somewhere that would make you uncomfortable. Bye, sweetie. xxx Irina 02/07/2006 01:57 am 5 Wonderful chapter. I liked Buffy's conversation with Spike. I can't wait to find out what happens next. Thank you, Irina. Happy that you enjoyed and hope next one isn't too much for you. Thanks for reviewing. BFN. MARGARET 02/07/2006 12:50 am 5 LOVE THE REGULAR UPDATES ONCE A WEEK IS JUST FINE( IF IT CAN'T BE MORE!) I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE WHAT THE SCREAM IS ALL ABOUT, I LOVE YOUR CHARACTERIZATIONS OF SPIKE AND BUFFY KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK Thank you, Margaret! Very happy that you are enjoying and grateful that, as you can't have more, you are content with a weekly update. *smiles fondly your way* Thanks for reviewing, hun. BFN. PyroChilde 02/06/2006 10:58 pm 5 So far this is an amazing story. Poor Spike, he's been through hell! Poor Buffy too, losing everyone like that. I hope they'll be good for one another. Can't wait to see what happens next. Update ASAP!!! Thank you! My hopes are the same as yours, that they'll be good for each other. Who knows what will happen though? And next chapter will be a bit stressful in parts. More next Monday and thanks for reviewing. BFN. I'm liking this story better all the time. Did Spike have a bad dream? Wouldn't be surprising given the life he's had since the filthy Initiative. More story please. Thank you! I think your surmise is pretty spot on - beginning of next chapter not for the faint hearted. Thanks for reviewing. BFN. All right evil woman! I've finally, finally accepted that I shall have to eagerly await Monday for another installment.....sigh! I adore this story and your Spike is a wonderful characterization. He's beaten, broken and "conditioned" but at the same time not defeated or destroyed. His bravery in dealing with his impossible position was heartening. Bravo! Love your Buffy, still so clueless but getting there. She's more compassionate too....go Buffy. Now about that scream............ ::::glares at Sue:::...... Looks like I'm just going to have to rush down to that basement and do some comforting doesn't it?? Excellent, Kathleen OK! *shoves pointy hat to back of head and leans on broomstick* I seem to be winning the evil vote - and I hadn't even entered the competition! Am so happy that you are enjoying and I would, if I wasn't so evil, warn you against dashing down to the basement right now. But since when did anyone listen to me? It ain't gonna be pretty is all I'm saying. Glare away - but they'll still be more next week! LOL Hugs, sweetie, and thanks for your somewhat kind words! akarinacj 02/06/2006 08:49 pm 5 Ohhh, you´re evil. How can you stop it like that...There?. I want to know why Spike was screaming. And now I have to wait to next week? See... you´re evil. :-)) Great Story. Keep the good work. Thank you... I think? LOL I am trying to ignore all these accusations of being evil as the muse takes umbrage and disappears in a huff for days on end! Leaving me on the edge of a cliff! Happy that despite my shortfallings you are still enjoying. Thanks for reviewing (!). BFN. You can't leave it there! More as soon as you can. PLEASE! Excellent chp! I can! I did! More next Monday. Thank you for reviewing and I just wish I could type faster! LOL oh bad evil cliffhanger!! awesome chapter though. I am really enjoying this story!! I love your Spike in this and the way you are building this up, Spike and Buffy are like a match made in heaven. Sooo cannot wait to read the rest!! Thank you, BSB! The evil cliff opened up in front of me - what could I do? Am really happy that you are enjoying - next chapter worries me as I'll have to post warnings (yikes!). Ho hum. Will be hoping to make Spike and Buffy a match, though whether heaven or not only time will tell. Thanks for your kind words. BFN. Avalon'sMysteries 02/06/2006 04:59 pm 5 Great chapter, it's realy worth waiting. Thank you! Glad you liked and I'm relieved you don't mind waiting a week. Thanks for reviewing. jeni 02/06/2006 02:48 pm 5 I'm loving this story...the storyline is unique and Buffy's attitude is refreshing. only one complaint---why do you wait so long between postings? Please *on knees begging* can't we have more now? Thank you, jeni! Am really glad you're enjoying and sorry I write so slow. There is no more to be had until it is beta'd, and then they'll be no more until it is written. Hope you'll still be around to read. I knew I should have finished it before posting but that means it wouldn't be around for I don't know how long - and I might have lost interest in it before completing it. Hope you're off your knees now! Thanks for reviewing. BFN (I hope!). Fantastic Chapter. Wish I did not have to wait until next monday for more. Wonder what the pained scream was all about. Hate cliff hangers / Please update soon and more often. Love this story. Thank you, Bernadette! The cliff moved into my path and I just had to stop! But at least you didn't say I was evil! LOL Sorry I write so slow but unless you know of someone who would like to type while I think out loud... Happy you are enjoying but am afraid it's still Monday next for more. And it's not gonna be without a warning at the beginning. *ducks and hides* Lou 02/06/2006 02:19 pm 5 I like the tentative steps they are both taking - nicely done! Thank you, Lou! Well, it's gotta be kind of strange - a vampire and a Slayer living together like this. need to sort their boundaries out. Thanks for reviewing. BFN. Oh, what's wrong with Spikey?? Nightmares?? Mmmmm. You could well be right there. Or not. Find out next Monday! Ah! Evil cliffhanger! No! Can't wait for next week! This chapter was incredible...Spike telling Buffy off at the beginning like that, knowing what could happen to him, well that just broke my heart! I want to cry for him, poor baby! I'm glad Buffy's being nice to him, though... love love love your story!!!! Thank you, Jessi! Am gonna get all lip-trembly if accused of being evil - not my fault a cliff appeared! Yep, Spike still has a bit of life left in him yet - just needs encouraging out (but not by use of more naughty devices!). So glad you are liking and thanks for your kind words. BFN. Yey, great chapter. And with that cliffhanger... you must be evil to make as wait whole week! Poor Spike, I hope it was only a bad dream. I really don't remember when i enjoyed a story so much. Keep writing, keep writing! *wails* I'm not evil! Perhaps I'm updating too quickly - would once a fortnight be better do you think? LOL So happy you are enjoying, Maddy. Thanks for reviewing (even if you did call me a four letter word!) and more next week - maybe! Now that's evil!!! Verda 06/11/2006 10:30 am 4 Can't wait till he figures out that everythings going to change for him! Good job! Can see him pacing right now! 03/31/2006 10:20 pm 4 There's nothing to reply to - is confused. ~*~Tasha~*~ 03/29/2006 07:27 am 4 With my comment before about Buffy's naivete and the cock ring, I was trying to say that her lack of experience in the torture and sexual things ... would not have had her thinking or realizing that Spike had a cock ring on that would keep him hard. Sorry ... I hope you didn't take it as an insulting comment. I read your response to my review, and I thought maybe I made you mad. So sorry for the mix up, Tasha. I need a beta for my responses too! LOL I was, in a very poor way, agreeing with you. My abject apoplgies and I have made a note at the end of BB12 which I hope you'll see if you don't read this. Sorry, hun. xxx Great angst, and Angel bashing to come, I'm certain. I'm not gonna argue with you about the possibility of Angel bashing in the future! Honey, you KNOW how I'm loving this story. I look forward to the updates feverishly. I see the large line up to give Spike hugs and plan to sneak down later when no one else is there to offer my comfort too ...:::snicker:::... I am glad that Buffy is noticing the emotions in his eyes and also glad she's crediting him with them. I'm hoping that Angel's part in his devastation will be brought to light and put an end to any lingering Angel basking on her part. May the better Vamp win! Kathleen can't wait for her to "belong" to him as he does to her. LOL! I'm sure if anyone can sneak in it'll be you! Have to keep my eye out for queue jumpers! Oh, dear. You mentioned the 'A' word - tsk! All I'm saying is that it will all become clear as mud in due course. I'm expecting a fair bit of reaction to Chapter 6 *sniggers in best evil manner* Still looking for an update from you, missy! *bats eyes hopefully* Thanks for your kind words and hope to see you in this neck of the woods again. hugs, sweetie. xxx DeanSamWinchesterfan 02/04/2006 05:38 pm 4 I decided to give this story a try because of your other one.I like this so far.I don't have school until Tuesday(I live 45 minutes from Pittsburgh,and everyone's going Steelers crazy because of the Super Bowl.If they actually win,things will get worse.Our school decided to have an Act 80 day so the teachers could work.Most kids will be staying up late.)I can't wait until you update this. Being a Brit you lost me a bit there about Super Bowl and Act 80. I'll take it that it's something big over there! Am glad to know you're enjoying and will take it that you read all the warnings etc. 'Nough said! Will update on Monday - it's my weekly thing! Hope you're feeling better now. BFN. Irina 02/03/2006 07:57 pm 4 I just finished reading all four chapters, you're telling a very interesting story. I'm glad I decided to check it out. I'm looking forward to reading more. Thank you, Irina! Glad to have your interest and will try to keep it. More on Monday. Thanks for reviewing. ~*~Tasha~*~ 02/02/2006 07:49 am 4 VERY eager to see the next chapter. Buffy, in her naivete, does not realize he has a cock ring on. She thinks he's just horny. Poor Buffy when she gets Spike anger unleashed on her when she didn't even realize what was wrong. LOL! Well, if I was getting an eyeful like that I don't think my first thought would be 'cock ring'. *ponders* Nope, wouldn't be! Hope you enjoy the next chapter too. Thanks for reviewing, sweetie. Jess Marie 02/01/2006 06:09 am 4 ACK! Can hardly wait for Monday. Love this story. You're re-building Spike brick by brick, and I like your depiction of Buffy's part in it. I especially like your ability to meld the Buffy we saw in later seasons of the show with what she would have been like had she had to mature just a little bit faster. You thread your teasers for further plot development seamlessly into the story. I really appreciate that. I'm just really looking forward to seeing where you go with this. Thank you, Jess Marie! Monday will soon be here (yikes! better get writing more!) and I am especially happy that you are enjoying my take on the characters had events been changed. I know where I want to go with this but, like the weather, it is changeable. Thanks for taking the time to review and hope you enjoy the next offering. Oh OH! Poor Spike, Poor little Spike, ouch! Poor Buffy. And does she have herself a world of deprogramming to do to get him back to his old self. Yep, definitely some 'ouch' and some major TLC required here. Will Buffy be up to the task? Jenna 01/31/2006 06:01 am 4 Great chapter. Poor guy; he's really in a bind. LOL! Thanks, Jenna! you could definitely say he's in a bind! I just got all caught up on this one... poor Spike! Makes me want to give him a big hug! I hope Buffy isn't too freaked by what she sees. Thank you. Spike loves the hugs. *eyes long queue with disfavour* Buffy? Freak? Nah - would she? LOL Great chapter Sue. I'm still loving this story. It's the perfect pick me up after my long day at school. Can't wait till next week! Thank you! It's a shame I can't conjure a refreshing cuppa and foot massage to accompany the chapter to make the end of your day even better. LOL lol, you are well and truly evil grrrrrrr arrrrggggghhhh, bloody cliffhanger :( damn good chappie *pouts* Am so not evil - I'm a fluffy bunny (sorry, Anya!). LOL Glad you liked and hope you'll be back for more, sweetie. jl1980 01/31/2006 12:10 am 4 Still excellent!! I feel so bad for Spike, and I really hope that Buffy is understanding with him and makes him feel safer. I get the feeling though that when she gets back to the basement there's going to be quite the scene, and I can't wait to read about it!! Thanx again for this excellent story!! Hi, Jessi! Mmmm, could be a little something to interest us all when Buffy returns to the basement. LOL So glad you are enjoying - and I'll be glad when you finish Belonging so I can read! Lou 01/30/2006 11:39 pm 4 Whoops - this could be tricky. They're already on different pages and he's only been there five minutes. LOL! When has it not been tricky with this pair of darlings? And you're so right - five minutes is a short amount of time in which to reach an accord. Thanks for reviewing, Lou. akarinacj 01/30/2006 09:20 pm 4 Very good chapter. More please!!!! Thank you! There will be more next week. AHHHHH! I wanna know what she came back to!!! Ahhhhh! Read next Monday and find out! LOL Coquine 01/30/2006 08:18 pm 4 Even though I'm one of those bad lurky people who tends to not review more often than doing so, I just wanted to let you know that this fic is amazing. It's been a very long time since a story has grabbed my attention the way this one has, and the suspense of waiting for weekly updates just about kills me, but it's all sooo very worth it. Can hardly wait for the next chapter! Thank you, Coquine! Good of you to leave lurky land for a while and review. Am so glad that you are enjoying and, though I have no wish for you to die (yikes!), am afraid I'll have to hope that you continue to think the weekly updates are worth it! Unless you know a typing fairy that I can dictate to? LOL Niamh 01/30/2006 07:31 pm 4 despite the fact that I frequent a couple of spots on LJ that deal with darker issues, I'm not an overly big fan of slave Spike stories -- so I tend to shy away from them. But I was intrigued by the summary, and kept coming back to it again and again, so I decided to give this a try. And I'm really glad I did. I like this story and I like how you're not completely degrading him. I'm sure though, that some of the flashbacks (if you go that route) will be hard, but I think you'll handle them well. Keep up the good work. Thanks for posting. Thank you, Niamh! Am really pleased that you decided to give the story a go and liked (so far!). Gritty stuff will be covered - hopefully in context with the tale. Hope you continue to read. Avalon'sMysteries 01/30/2006 07:17 pm 4 Great chapter. Poor confused Spike. I just wanted to hug him. Can't wait for the next update. I love this story. Thank you! So glad you are liking. Spike would no doubt thoroughly enjoy your hugs (bit of a crowd round him right now!). More next Monday and hope you continue to enjoy. Ouch! Poor balls of Spike! Great update....I'm gonna be eagerly awaiting Monday with everybody else :) Hi, CopyKween! Yep, Spike's in a bit of discomfort at the moment - I expect he will be glad for Monday to come too! LOL Oh boy this is getting good. Can't wait to see what happens next. Hope giles calms down. But the counsel can afford it I am sure. Hope Buffy calms spike down enough and let him know what is expected of him. Hope Spike realizes Buffy does not want to hurt him. Please think about updating sooner than monday. Would love to read more of this story. LOL. Thanks, Bernadette! You have lots of hopes there - a lot of which coincide with my own! Sorry I'm such a slow scribbler (hangs head) but am so glad that you're enjoyng it. Fantastic update! Poor Spike. Poor Spike's painful erection. Poor Buffy for not being able to ignore poor Spike's painful erection. *counts down days until next monday* *grins* You noticed the erection too, huh? Just as well time flies so Monday won't be too far away! *off to scribble more* neo_trinityknot 01/30/2006 06:29 pm 4 cant wait till next monday. Really hope you can! Verda 06/11/2006 09:49 am 3 Another great chapter! Will Buffy be showering in the basement anytime soon? and what trouble are they getting into when they start investigating the auctions. Must read more. Poor Spike. He's so pathetic even Buffy can't take it. Yep, pretty downtrodden vamp here. ~*~Tasha~*~ 02/02/2006 07:40 am 3 This story keeps getting better and better. Sad that I only have one more chapter left to go on the current update. I really do like this one. Thank you! There will be more on Monday - not long now. Am really pleased that you are enjoying. neo_trinityknot 01/30/2006 06:20 pm 3 *bounces* YAY! Update! I love this story, can't wait for the next chapter! *grins* Look at you with the bouncy! Glad you didn't have to wait too long for more! Awesome chapter again! I'm really enjoying this story. I look forward to Monday. Thank you! Me happy and will do my best for Monday. *Squeal* I like seeing my name up there! LOL. I loved re-reading this chapter - Tara is such a sweetheart in this fic and you're probably going to get sick of me saying how much I LOVE that she and Buffy are good friends. You did an awesome job of getting inside Spike's thoughts and I found Buffy's discomfort slightly amusing. They're both (Buffy and Spike) completely different people/(vampire) now and it's like they have to get to know each other all over again. Excellent chapter! Hey, Tigger! As usual you flatter - keep it coming and see me blush! Or not...'cos distance and all that! Your help is invaluable and greatly appreciated. More Anarchy soon please! *hugs* xxx Gripping.  That's the best one word description I have for this WIP.   your in depth descriptions are both horrifying and fascinating at once.  I just wish the updates were not always a week apart.  It's like having to wait on the weekly eps.  :) Morrigan, thank you! Am glad you're gripped - not painfully, I trust! - and am sorry that it takes me so long to update. Not the fastest on the keyboard (and the thinking in between takes even longer!). But look at all the other lovely fic you get to read in between on BSV! ComedyofErrors 01/24/2006 06:54 am 3 An excellent chapter. I like Buffy's concern for Spike, her kindness toward him, and the threat of the W&H agent. Well done. Thank you! Am so pleased you are enjoying - especially that you like Buffy. Just hope she remembers that the road to hell is just overloaded with good intentions! W&H? Mmmm... nasty rats! Fantastic chapter!!! I love Buffy's reaction to him and god, poor Spike!! Did someone accuse you of not crediting a challenge? I'm sorry if that happened! I didn't even know about that challenge either until JL started it (I tend to stay away from the challenge page, it's too damn tempting!) So if I'm the 'accuser', since I didn't know about the challenge either, it'd be kinda hard for me to think that you didn't give the proper credit, LOL. Plus, you started this story first, right? Lookding forward to reading more and why was my entire focus on that damn cock ring? I've got to get my mind out of the gutter, dammit... Thank you, Stacy! I am chuffed you are enjoying. The challenge has been mentioned (not by you, luv) and thought it better to bung something on chpater rather than keep making individual responses. Having looked at the challenge I can totally see why the assumption.
Oh, you noticed the cock ring? Good! No one else seems to have! Except Spike that it! Rapidly joining your mind in the gutter. LOL jane 01/24/2006 02:38 am 3 Exellent update really love it. In many ways, Buffy and Spike are completely different from the people they used to be. Spikes had a horrible time and it's changed him but so has Buffy. The way Spike loves I bet he would have preferred to suffer what he has, than to lose his loved ones like Buffy. They have a lot of common ground, they just need to realise it. I hope along the way they find a way to stop the auctions.. The whole concept has the stench of W&H all over it, I can't help but think they're in cahoots with the initiative. Maybe. Thank you, jane! Consider this - if the show we watched was like this fic - would you have watched it? I wouldn't have, far too miserable and sordid. So, yeah, they are far different - because of the differing experiences - than the canon characters would have been at the same stage. Spike would be ... who knows and Buffy would be in Italy dancing with her back to us. And I applaud you for being nice to Buffy and seeing her suffering too! W&H are always in cahoots with evil - just gotta decide where it is! Am glad you reviewed - you've made me look at it afresh (I likes!). BFN Great Chapter. Can't wait to read more. Looking forward to reading the rest of this story.
You have a devoted reader here to read the rest of the story. Bernardette, you are so sweet! I think this will be rambling on for a while and have others in the pipeline. I have a little fic that I wrote for Schez's birthday on my LJ - but completely different theme. You might like - or not. Hope to see you again next post. BFN Corina 01/23/2006 11:49 pm 3 Great story, I also read the other story with similar contents but yours is so much better and more interesting. I love it. Keep up the good work, can't wait for the next chapter. Thank you, Corina! Keep reading both 'cos I think we're off in different directions (crikey! I hope we are!). Am really pleased you are liking it and hope it continues. Neart 01/23/2006 10:20 pm 3 Loving this story, have reviewed alrady but had a blonde moment and somehow put it on ch 1. duh! LOL. Thanks for your kind words - and two reviews gets you a gold star! LOVE IT! Poor Spike, so emotionally damaged from all that's happened to him. Now he's finally safe and he doesn't know whether or not to trust it. Can't wait to see what happens when they reach home. Why, thank you! I wouldn't be too quick to trust if I were in his...ah, he ain't got no shoes yet! My bad! Glad you're enjoying and hope you'll be back for more - when they get home. Oh my God....poor Spike he's so freaked out...at least Buffy is being nice to him...I hope she keeps it up because she can be a jerk sometimes...lol...wow i can't believe I have to wait a whole week for more of this incredible story!!!! :( This is awesome LOL! Why does no one trust Buffy? Where is the love? Is Spike gonna be nice to her? He can be a jerk too, you know! *runs off to hide from Spike protectors*
Am so glad you're enjoying and will really try to have more up on Monday next. damn good fic and ya know you could update friday instead *grins* LOL! I don't s'pose anyone has ever told you that you're incorrigible! Thanks for your kind words and I will try to please - but would hate to disappoint with a broken pledge. *grins right back at ya* kim 01/23/2006 06:27 pm 3 Poor Spike! I'm so glad Buffy's being gentle with him.
Angel runs Wolfram and Hart, eh? Would this be a good Angel, or Angelus? That was very scary to have someone from W & H interested in buying him.
Can't wait for Giles' reaction about how much Buffy spent. LOL Ooh, Giles! Yes, well, um... that should prove interesting! Angel or Angelus, let me think - I'm going for Angel - maybe! Thanks for reviewing and hope you continue to enjoy. Damn, I wanted to wait until tomorrow to read this, but I couldn't. Now I have to wait a week or more? I'm gonna cry. I love this story. It makes me want to hug Spike and tell him its gonna be alright lol. You're doing such a great job. I read another story that uses this challenge, but this one is my favorite. Good for you ;) I hope you'll manage to update monday. Thank you, isabel! I'm very happy to hear that you are enjoying. There is a queue forming to give comfort to Spike (I might have to pull a few away to get near him myself!).
I will have to make it clear in the AN for the next chapter that this fic is NOT in response to a challenge. It would have been extremely remiss of me not to have given that credit and I wasn't even aware it existed until I had started to post. This is part of a loose set of four Initiative/Spike-centric fics I have in various stages of readiness. The coincidence is there but this is something I developed myself.
Will do my best to update Monday - traffic and travel willing. Verda 06/11/2006 09:12 am 2 Coming along quite nicely. At least Spike's not broken in your story. Really looking forward to reading more. Does he still have on that cock ring? Remember, Buffy's not had any in quite some time! ~*~Tasha~*~ 02/02/2006 07:30 am 2 Awesome chapter update. Glad to see that I have two more to go tonight in catching up on this one. Thank you, Tasha! So kind of you to review each one. Hope you enjoy the others too. margaret 01/19/2006 02:13 am 2 love the start of this fic, very well written can't wait for the next chap Thank you, margaret! You happy, me happy. Now I'm under pressure to keep it up! Yikes! Please do wait for next chapter next Monday. I do like the start of this story even though my tolerance of "chipped vampires as slaves" is pretty low. I am looking forward to more of this story. Thank you, MarzBar! I hope that if you hang on in there you might appreciate what 'form of slavery' means this time round. Fabulous start, my dear! Loved it and can't wait for more. Thank you so much! Am getting nervous abouting disappointing now! *hides behind cushion* Do hope you continue to enjoy! Ok, wow. I read over some of your reviews and I felt the same way, was going to wait to read your fic til mine was finished but I couldn't resist and now I'm desperate for more!!! :) I cannot believe this is your first fic!!! It is incredibly well-written and leaves you wanting to see what happens next!!! So many possiblities!!! :)
Anyway, can't wait til Monday!!! Update soon!!! Thank you, Jessi! I swear I'm gonna be good *snorts* and stay away from yours! Sweetie, we've got such different scenarios there is no real comparison except a few factoids. I must confess to being totally enamoured of Lying Eyes and must whip my fingers into shape to be more vocal with my praise *hangs head*. Hugs you, sweetie. xxx Ohh, this story is sooo good. I can't wait to read what Spike's reaction is going to be when he see Buffy. This story is just awesome. Can't wait for next Monday! Why thank you kindly, BloodyTearsOfLife! Very happy you are enjoying and I am putting my foot down with a firm hand about Monday updates - probably! Great story. Spike is going to be her sex slave isn't he? Am so glad you like. Sex slave? Hadn't occurred to me! You'll just have to wait and see. jane 01/17/2006 02:08 am 2 Can't wait for the meeting to take place. Excellent. Thank you, Jane! Yep, they can't put off meeting much longer. Connecting...don't hold your breath just yet! nienna 01/17/2006 01:45 am 2 I love stories of Spike and Buffy. I especially like stories where the plot is not centered on Buffy's woes. Vampires can have a bad life to. Hurt/Comfort stories are the greatest. I believe it can show the depth of Main Characters to the fullest. This story has started out strong and I feel it will end strong. Great plot and super beginning. I can't wait to read more. I am hoping that Spike in your stories will purr! A purring spike is sexy! Plus it seems to go hand in hand with being a vamp. I am a cat lover and cats purr when excited or hurt. Such a beautiful sound. Please update soon! Keep up the great work! Why thank you, nienna! I think the woes are gonna be pretty shared (but, given the choice of Buffy or Spike to offer comfort to, I know which way I'd be running!). As a confirmed dog lover I'll do my best to fit in enough purring to keep you happy - might take a while though! More next week. Tamara 01/17/2006 01:38 am 2 Glad to see that there's enough life left in him to smile at a pretty girl. Thanks, Tamara! Some things might change but, hey, he's still a guy! Nice to see you again. Tamara 01/17/2006 01:29 am 2 Glad to see that there's enough life left in him to smile at a pretty girl. This is a duplicate so I guess the old submit button was on overtime! LOL yeah! Here's the next chapter! I had to read it again because it was so amazing. I love this fic, I really do. Thank you, BSB! You makes me blush! Hope you continue to like it. xxx Oh, I can't wait to see what happens when Spike sees who bought him! Love it! Next Monday seems so far away but I can be patient. Seriously I can. Thanks so much! When who buys him? Don't know what you mean...are you buying that? I am firm as a blancmange on posting Monday! As strong as a soggy tissue! Truly, my lovely betas are up to their molars in 'stuff'. That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it (hides from betas). ComedyofErrors 01/17/2006 12:56 am 2 I like your descriptions of the facility and of Tara's evaluation of Spike. Thank you. Some of it was more like thinking out loud and I so loved Tara (IMO a wasted asset of the show) that I wanted her to be there for them. Lou 01/16/2006 09:41 pm 2 I can't wait to see what happens when they meet - poor baby will need some TLC but I doubt that'll be on the cards just yet! Well, Lou, I think you may well be right about the TLC aspect. I expect you'd like to step in for a while - knows I would! neo_trinityknot 01/16/2006 09:15 pm 2 YAY! The auction is next! LOL! Anyone would think you were bidding! awwwww hurry to the auction and them meeting!! *jumps up and down* Awwww! Settle down! Am getting there. LOL linpen 01/16/2006 08:47 pm 2 well done, looking forward to the next chapter. Thanks, linpen. So happy you likes. More next Monday. Another good chappie. More soon :P Thank you. As soon as it's next Monday they'll be more. Hope that's soon enough. Good work, a like the story frpm the first chapter, wainting for the next! Thanks, maddy! Happy that you like so far and trust you will continue to do so - or you'll be letting me know why. Fantastic start. :-) 05/27/2010 02:11 am 1 Verda 06/11/2006 08:36 am 1 Wow! this is your first fic? You're doing a bang up job! This poor Slayer definately needs a little Spikey in her life! Sad though that almost everyone is dead or gone. Not a real big Dawn fan but she's always been such a strong presence in Buffy's life, I'll miss her, and Tara bellying up to the bar as the new bestest friend...fascinating! Neart 01/23/2006 10:16 pm 1 can't wait for the next chapter. Hope Buffy reads the file and gets an idea of what Spike has been thru and have someone be gentle with him. Hmm, do you think she should read the file? It's there and so tempting - but should she? Doesn't that come under research? LOL
Thank you revewing. The premise is awesome, and you've followed through on its potential well. I liked the depiction of a Spikeless Buffy who survived through season 6. I can't wait for the next update. Thank you, Jesse Marie! I am so glad that you have seen it from Buffy's side too (isn't it just too easy to dash off to Spike's side?). Hope you enjoy the next chapter as well. Pretty interesting, so far.  I just started writing fic, last month so I know how the "nerves" can get ya.  Keep it up. I wanna see where this goes! Hey, Morrigan! Nerves, what nerves! *whimpers* I have been doing things with bricks that shall remain unmentioned on such a classy site! Feel free to email me you're experiences so far (we'll share!). BFN. xxx wolf116 01/17/2006 05:52 am 1 I have to wait til next Monday for more.:(
I was just getting into it. Great stuff for your first fic. Can't wait for more. Thank you, wolf116! Sorry to interrupt your flow but I ain't the fastest scribe in the West - or anywhere for that matter! So glad that you liked though. I had thought I couldn follow two Slave Spike WIPs at once and jl180's if so good, BUT (And God knows my but is big)....This is spectacular! I'm hooked and reeled in, babe. No confusing the plots, both excellent and well written. Your SPike is just as one would imagine under the circumstances. Love your Tara and I think I'll like your Buffy as well. Yeah you! and Lucky us!
Thank you, Kathleen! I couldn't possibly comment on your but (LOL) am glad you are enjoying both fics. Am having to hold off on the temptation to look at jl1980's (and damned hard 'cos she's sooo good!) - OK, I have had a little peek, and am glad we seem to be taking different paths. This is part of a set of four Initiative/Spike-centric fics I have but the only one that deals directly with vamps as a commodity in this way. And Tara, what a sweetie she was in the series! slinkyPK 01/16/2006 09:24 pm 1 Wonderful update! Can't wait to see where you go with this. Thank you, slinkyPK! Am waiting to see myself! ~*~Tasha~*~ 01/12/2006 05:13 am 1 Very interesting start and original concept. I hope you have more for us soon. Thank you, Tasha! Happy that it got your interest and will have more for you next week (which I also hope you will find interesting!). Jenna 01/12/2006 12:43 am 1 Really interesting concept and a great start. Looking forward to see how you proceed. Thank you, Jenna! Hope to keep your interest alive with the next bit. Appomattoxco 01/11/2006 05:02 am 1 Wow, I wish my first effort had been this impressive. I'm looking forward to more. Thank you so much! I have to give great credit to the betaing skills of the gorgeous megan_peta and Schehrezade_1 - they've done their best to keep me on the straight and narrow! Hope you continue to enjoy and review. jane 01/11/2006 02:10 am 1 I love it, waiting with baited breath for the next part. Thank you kindly, jane! Deep breaths - that baiting thing can damage your health! Hope you will enjoy the next bit too. Fantastic first chapter! I can't wait to see where you go with this. Want more as soon as you can please. Thank you! I want to see where it's going too! LOL
Intend to post more next week and hope you'll still like! ComedyofErrors 01/10/2006 10:35 pm 1 Quite interesting! Hope to see more in the future. Thank you! More next week and hope it keeps interesting you. Wow, not bad for your first chapter. I'm really interested and can't wait to see what's going to happen next. Thank you! I hope you continue to like it when the next chappie is up next week. rayning_stars 01/10/2006 11:51 am 1 Ooh, this sounds really good so far. I'm loving the plot, and this is an awesome start. Thank you so much! Will be hoping that next week's chappie doesn't disappoint! Oooo, sounds interesting. Can't wait for more.
Lordy! I'm sorta counting on it being interesting! LOL More next week and hope you pop by again. Carol 01/10/2006 10:09 am 1 First fic? Nice job so far. Very intriguing premise. I'll look forward to the next installment. Thank you, Carol! Hope you keep reading. Tamara 01/10/2006 09:45 am 1 Great start. I like how Tara at least realizes the unethical aspects of this even before going. And do I see that Buffy's agreement to this is because she was thinking of Spike and misses him? Thank you, Tamara! Tara is a lovely character with a solid set of ethics. And, no, Buffy hasn't given our sweetie much thought - but that will all change soon! Oh this is VERY very original. Can't wait for more. This should be very interesting. Thank you, ZoeGrace! I'll be hoping to keep you interested in future chappies. Will be posting once a week. Unless I change my mind that is! LOL Interesting start. Hope you update soon. Thanks, maryperk. Hope I keep your interest in the future. Very intriguing premise and I eagerly await the next installment! Well done! ^_^ Thank you so much, Kat! Will be trying my best not to disappoint and some more will be up next week. *grins* Lou 01/10/2006 07:37 am 1 A great start - can't believe it's your first. More please! Thank you! I have wonderful betas who held my hand! They'll be more next week. Hope you pop by again. SpaceLord 01/10/2006 07:13 am 1 well interesting start. I'm gonna keep on reading this story and see where it goes. I hope we get some info on Faith and the AI team and what they are up to in this reality. Thanks for reading. You never know, there may be some mention of the LA connection - or not! neo_trinityknot 01/10/2006 06:53 am 1 An awesome plot for a first fic, I can't wait to read the next chapter, I hope it comes soon! Thanks so much! Glad you liked and will have more next week. Oh yeah loving it so far :P Thank you kindly. Hope you continue to. More next week. | |||
Disclaimer If you are under the age of 17, please use your head and do not read fics that are labeled "NC-17". Parents, I cannot control what your children are reading, so please be advised that the majority of the fics archived here are NOT suitable for those under the age of 17. I do not own Buffy the Vampire Slayer and I am in no way making any profit from this site. This is for pure entertainment purposes only. Concept: (c)bringonthebloodshed.com (2004), Code & Design: (c)Diabola (2006), Graphics: Selene & Always |