Belonging by DreamsofSpike
Chapter: Boundaries

03/16/2006 01:43 am
I love Spike's empathy here... beautifully written! And Buffy's reaction was perfect, craving the gentle sympathetic touch and wanting to lose herself in it... and then realising what she had done and getting angry at herself and him because of it.

Oh... meant to nag you... if you DO decide to ressurect your LJ (which you soooo should) check out the community I run with my incredibly talented partner in crime Selene2. It is a LOT of fun and there is NO pressure to write for the monthly characters, if, however, you do decide to write you can win wonderful personalised story banners by Selene as well as very lovely award plaques... and every entry for our "Challenges" recieves a personalised story banner.
thanx so much, so glad you are enjoying it...i'm trying to make the emotions realistic in a very unrealistic setting...i might just have to check that out...a bit busy at the moment..but i'll check it out later :)

01/29/2006 07:17 am
Okay I love G.I. Git. Nice job at creating a perfect Spike nick name that wasn't from the show.
Thanks...I kind of like it myself ;) lol....did I mention how much i love the fact that you review every chapter?? :)

01/13/2006 09:24 pm
On reflection, I can see how Buffy could have ended up over the years - hope she starts to snap out of it soon! If enyone can show the way it's her new slave!
Yeah, I wanted to show how she'd slowly been broken down over time, not just an all at once dramatic change. Thanx for review :)

01/13/2006 07:07 pm
So still liking this story. Poor Spike. Update soon!
thanx :)

01/13/2006 02:42 pm
Jessi, you are a freaking genius! This is awesome...first chance I've had to read it, but wow...can't wait to see where you go with it...
thank you so much for your kind words!! just the ego boost i need!! *hugs*

01/13/2006 02:06 pm
Beautiful chapter. Both Buffy and Spike's reactions were so.. perfect. Very much looking forward to seeing how this one plays out
thanks so's a weird situation to write, so your comments are encouraging :)