Lying Eyes by DreamsofSpike
Chapter: An Awkward Alliance

01/24/2006 02:53 pm
Love your story Please write more soon! Thanks!
thanx so much :)

01/24/2006 06:33 am
This shall indeed be difficult. Three very unwilling friends will pounce on this.
indeed :)

01/24/2006 12:00 am
A very long night, I would guess. Willow is not a very forgiving girl! she will prove later :)

01/23/2006 05:56 pm
Excellent dialogue and at last they seem to have reached an understanding of sorts. The Scoobies will love it!
right.... :) lol

01/23/2006 03:51 pm
That was tense.  Loved it.  I'll be watching for your next update.
glad you liked it; you won't have to wait long :)

01/23/2006 03:28 pm
Enjoyed the chapter. Lots of good dialogue. It was nice to have a chapter devoted exclusively to Buffy & Spike. I have a feeling Faith is going to be suspicious; hope Spike has enough time to do some good before she and her mystery assistant turn on him. Bet Willow is going to flip out, too.
all your predictions proved true...don't you feel proud? :)