Blood Bound by DreamsofSpike
Chapter: Welcome Home

09/06/2006 11:20 am
Lovely chapter - glad that buffy has her body back now - still hopeing that travers dies a slow and paiful death .....please.....
dont know how slow or painful...we'll see :)

09/04/2006 03:19 am
thanks for all the great chapters! hope spike can keep teh council bad guys from hurting him
thanx :)

09/03/2006 10:31 pm
Very smart work Dawn!

09/03/2006 07:42 am
Yahoo!!! The Summers women strike back! Now they have to save Spike from Travers; no they have to save the world from that icky wanker. More story please.
yep, they're on their way :)

09/03/2006 05:34 am
Absolutely love this chapter. Go team Summers! You are gonna let us know what's going on with Spike and Travers in the next chapter, aren't you? Travers is a coward and not nearly as intelligent as he would like to believe he is, so I figure Spike will be more than holding his own when the Summers calvary rides to the rescue. Happily anticipating the next update. :)
lol...they make a good team, dont they? yeah, spike can hold his own mostly...but the chip could be trouble...buffy needs to hurry and get to him...

09/03/2006 03:38 am
Yeah it really is good to be Buffy.
yep :)

09/02/2006 06:59 pm
finally, I was wondering what was going to happen with Buffy. It's good she finally got back into her own body.

Now I'm just wondering about Spike. Hope nothing bad happens.
yep, she's okay they have to go save spike...

09/02/2006 05:29 pm
Love it. What an entrance.
thanx :)

09/02/2006 04:34 pm
I really love the last line! Says it all. Did Spike take Travers to the desert in Traver's car? Can't wait to read what happens there.
yeah, they went in travers' car...buffy will have his to use...*evil grin*

09/02/2006 04:26 pm
_SO_ well done!
I'm loving that Dawn is strong and capable, instead of just annoying (and she can be that, too - you are just so good!) Great job! You're gonna get those migraines taken care of, right? After the council gets their slap-down...
thanx, glad you like this version of dawn, i always liked her but felt the show didn't really do her justice :)

09/02/2006 04:20 pm
Loved the last line, could picture Buffy silouetted in the door way all battered and bruised and grinning. No wonder Spike loves all the summers women, I almost feel sorry for the council men, well except for Travers!
thanx, i was hoping for that reaction, all the way around :)

09/02/2006 09:12 am
Excellent!!!Way to go Dawn.
thanx :)

09/02/2006 08:47 am

09/02/2006 08:42 am
Go Dawn!

09/02/2006 08:22 am
And now we get to see how our dear chip-full (?) Spike is doing, right? Although, yeah, happy days and all for Buffy being back to normal, I still want to see Spike. He has, after all, been the victim (or has been the victim the most consistently) throughout the story. Great job, as usual, and I can't wait til the next one, as usual. :love
yep, spike's been through a lot, and it's not quite over - though almost...buffy needs to hurry and ride to the rescue... :)

09/02/2006 06:53 am
It is good to be her, most of the time anyway. Now let's find Spike and give Travers what he deserves. Way to go Dawn!!! Thanks for the update, exciting chapter.
thanx so much, glad you liked it...more soon :)

09/02/2006 06:39 am
It's like a TV show!
thanx :)

09/02/2006 06:32 am
very good read. thank you. dawn did her part, now it's buffy's turn.
yep :)

09/02/2006 05:47 am
HELL YEAH!! What an entrance! Nice chapter. You wrote Joyce and Dawn so well. It was an amazing idea for them to have Joyce pass out. I can't wait to see what happens to Travers....I hope it is bloody and painful!
thanx, glad you enjoyed it...more soon :)

09/02/2006 05:25 am
Nice to see Buffy back.

But isn't it nice that she is more concerned with making agrand enterance then saving Spike? That's soconsider, leaving her mate out in the desert without (Possibly) a way to defend hismelfagainst the council goons...just so she can march into a hotel room.

Yea, I just LOOOOVEEEE Buffy now! *rolls eyes*
lol...well, to give the girl a bit of a break, i *was* kind of going for a flippant remark to cover the fact that she really just kind of needed a moment to compose herself after all the craziness...and she only stayed behind like, a minute... :) oh well...bufffy can't win with you,can she? ;) :P lol

09/02/2006 05:22 am
time for some mayheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeem
yep, right away :) hope you like the next one :)

09/02/2006 04:40 am
Great chapter. Now to see what happens to Spike and Travers.
right away, love :)

09/02/2006 04:28 am
::laughs loudly:: Fun chapter!
:) thanx, glad you liked :)

09/02/2006 04:01 am
Completel wonderful!

Not a complaint, love, but is the Council thug named Jenkins or Jeffries? I admit I am not eide awake and that may well be the trouble.

At any rate, Love Dawn's plucky move and that last line by Buffy was enough to make me stand and cheer! Now, where is Spike?

This has been a difficult story to tell with all the tense moments, pain and hurt but you have handled it like the master storyteller you are. Excellent update.

lol...his name is jenkins, i guess not everyone would catch my pop culture reference...dawn called him "jeffries" in reference to the stuffy british butler on the TV show "fresh prince of bel air"... :) s'pose it's a bit of an obscure reference at this point.. oh well :) thanx so much, glad you're enjoying the story :)

09/02/2006 03:01 am
I am addicted to this story.
thanx so much :)

09/02/2006 02:50 am
Kick council arse... then kick traver's arse... then kill travers...

can you tell... I'm blood thirsty
lol...thanx :)

09/02/2006 02:50 am
YAY!!!! Council butt whuppins all around. Can't wait for more.
coming right up, pet :)

09/02/2006 02:22 am
very nice. when are buffy and spike getting together? it's been a long time and she hasn't had a chance to really "be" with him as just her yet.
oh things will all be over soon...but i have to say, there probably wont be much more smut this fic....i think even once things are finished with the council and the slayer business, it's gonna be a bit before spike will be ready to be intimate with her...we'll see what happens :)