Because He Needs Me by DreamsofSpike
Chapter: Making Plans

03/27/2007 07:26 am
my heart is breaking. Slowly, but its happening.

And i'm torn between loving you, DreamsofSpike, and cursing your name.
awww, just the reaction i was seeking... :P thanx, love :)

01/25/2007 12:07 pm
But but... Anya *was* born a human... she was turned into a demon like D'hoffryn wanted to turn Willow into one... *blink blink*
yeah, yeah, i messed up...keep meaning to go back and change that one word "born" to "always"'d fix a lot, wouldn't it? :)

01/07/2007 04:00 pm
I really can't believe their going to subject Spike to being around Xander again, just for proof that it's him. They don't need anymore proof than they already have! Not to mention Buffy is too much of a chicken to tell Anya they THINK it's Xander, but not concerned about Spike's absolute TERROR of having him be alone with Xander. In what world does this make sense? They should eliminate the threat and be done with it, without subjecting Spike to any more mental and possible physical abuse.

I loved Anya's ramble about how she wasn't uncomfortable going to Buffy's and offering her assistance. She really does not censor herself at all, which is refreshing in her honesty. Not to mention her bluntly asking Angel if he was evil again. Why would he be sitting calmly in the living room if he was evil again? I don't think it will take a lot to convince her, but I'm sure there will be some hurt feelings on her part since she trusted and loved Xander so much
buffy just really wants to prove beyond all doubt to everyone, with no room for xander's excuses...thanx, so glad you enjoyed it, love ;)

01/06/2007 11:28 pm
Maybe it's best if Spike is included in this plan. I think he needs to feel like he has some control. The thing is that Buffy and the others don't understand that Spike is more afraid for Buffy and Dawn than he is for himself. I don't think that Buffy and Dawn have even considered the idea that Xander would make threats against them and that Spike would believe those threats. Sooo... I'm afraid that Spike won't go along with Buffy's plan and she won't understand his reasons for not doing so. I think there are gonna be a lot of misunderstandings before this is over. *Sigh* But then, that's what makes this fic so interesting and why I can't wait to read more. :)
you are right on a lot of counts...but at this point spike's so uncertain, he's likely to go along with whatever buffy says, whether he wants to or not...and that could be very bad for him... :( thanx so much for your thoughtful review, glad you'e enjoying it, love :)

01/06/2007 05:15 pm
i hope this plan dosen't backfire.
not telling yet :) thanx so much for your review, glad you'e enjoying it, love :)

01/06/2007 04:42 am
Poor Anya, I feel for her, you know? I am glad that she is going to help, but I am sad for her when she finds out about Xander. I loved this chapter, and I can't wiat for the next one.
thanx so much for your thoughtful review, glad you'e enjoying it, love :)

01/06/2007 02:23 am
Ohhh... I hope we get to see this plan soon... and that we catch Xander red handed!!! Excellent chapter, once again! Can't wait for another update!
thanx so much for your thoughtful review, glad you'e enjoying it, love :)

01/06/2007 01:51 am
I have a terrible feeling that this plan is going to go pear shaped like one of Spike's! Whew, the tension mounts.

Poor Anya about to have a bad shock. (BTW and I loath even saying one less than positive thing about this have Anya say, "because I wasn’t born human," but she WAS born human and became a demon after she used magic on Olaf. The flashbacks in Selfless show her human. May be you meant, "because I wasn't always human,"?)

As always you deliver a great update here. You leave us wondering not just of the plan or of Anya's reaction but what about Giles? Will his wish to deny it is Xander lead him to do something to jeopardize it all? Really well done.

well, maybe not so much of a shock for her :(...thanx so much for your thoughtful review, glad you'e enjoying it, love :)

01/05/2007 08:09 pm
just when i was starting to like buffy again, she goes and puts her own personal wants and needs (about needing 'absolute proof' it's xander) above spike's need for safety and security and her promise to him.

nice to see that dawn at least kniws who deserves to come first!
yeah, buffy can be kind of dense sometimes...thanx so much for your thoughtful review, glad you'e enjoying it, love :)

01/05/2007 08:00 pm
excellent update, thank you. buffy has a plan. buffy never plans, just acts. which does not have a high sucess rate, so maybe a plan will be better. maybe.
thanx, love, glad you enjoyed the update :)

01/05/2007 07:41 pm
Loved Anya's rant!
thanx, love, glad you enjoyed the update :)

01/05/2007 06:20 pm
That plan is wrong on so many levels. As if Spike has free choice... yet. I was holding out hope for the chicken slayer but not now. Great Chapter can't wait for more.
you're so very right :( thanx, love, glad you enjoyed the update :)

01/05/2007 06:13 pm
I wonder if Spike will agree to Buffy's plan. They don't know that Xander told him he would kill them. I hope that Spike is able to tell Buffy everything. I really hope she won't go through with using Spike as a pawn. If Spike tells the whole story there should not be any doubt in her mind.
thanx, so glad you're enjoying the fic... :) thanx for the review, love :)

01/05/2007 05:45 pm
A plan that Giles approves of? It must be bad. Loved Anya.'re probably right...thanx, so glad you're enjoying the fic... :) thanx for the review, love :)

01/05/2007 05:34 pm
I hope Dawn can keep that promise.
we'll see :) thanx, so glad you're enjoying the fic... :) thanx for the review, love :)

01/05/2007 05:12 pm
OOH I am filled with dread at what Buffy might have come up with...
it won't be good... :(

01/05/2007 04:44 pm
Good to see Dawn protecting the one person who always had time for her! I always thought it was so out of character for Dawn to be so angry with Spike in S7.
well, considering what he had done, i thought it was in character...but then, the whole a/r was so out of character to begin with....*sigh*...don't even wanna go there... :P

01/05/2007 04:44 pm
I think this plan is doomed to failure. It might be proved that it's Xander but Spike is gonna get hurt.
you are absolutely right :)

01/05/2007 04:17 pm
Excellent chapter.Your timely posts are much appreciated.

I'm glad to see Anya brought into the mix. Looking forward to the next update!
i try :) sometimes not as quickly as everybody would like... :P thanx, glad you liked it :)

01/05/2007 04:01 pm
First know how in the old Roadrunner cartoons, when the Coyote is gets that big package from ACME, and you just know, he is going to be blown up, minutes before it happens?

Buffy's plan might as well have ACME stamped right on it.

Seriously...itcould not be...any more obvious that this will blow up in their faces. Horrifically. Somehow, someway, Xander will escape with Spike, and then we will have a chapter of Buffy self pity, followed by her finally getting her act together saving Spike, followed guessed it, MORE self pity.

If any of them were smart, they would go to Anya, explain about Xander, and then make a vengence wish: Let Xander admit all his sins to all that he cares about.

That would be the proof they need.

The only thing I am hoping to see is the fallout from the final nail in Xander's coffin: How Buffy and Giles reevaluate their lives now that Xander pulled an Angelus.
wow, seems like you've got the rest of the storyline all worked out in your head....wonder why you even bother reading if you're so sure exactly where i'm going with the fic, and how much you're going to hate it... *shakes head, at a loss for words*

01/05/2007 02:53 pm
I don't like Buffys plan, it would only be bad for Spike.
I wonder how Anya will react when they tell her Xander did it.
Great chapter, I love how you update regularly.
anya took it reasonably well i think :) and yes, buffy's plan is doomed to failure :(

01/05/2007 02:10 pm
First of all thanks for updating regulary, I don't think I could stand waiting!
So now that cat's out why does she need anymore proof? And I agree with the truth spell idea, Anya can do it! there is no need to put Spike through that again. But as always Buffy puts her denials belives and Scoobies ahead of Spike and his needs, so typical! If it was Spike who hurt Xander she wouldn't want more proof would she?
well, buffy's trying so hard to believe that xander's her friend...and she's thinking she needs proof for willow, giles, anya...etc...though willow's actually the only one who'd be any problem...thanx for the review, love :)

01/05/2007 01:24 pm
Great Chapter! I am so glad they know now ,, now its just a matter of time,, I really hope they dont put Spike threw too much more to confirm it 100%

Waiting on bated breath for the next chapter! Thank you!
well, buffy's plan is goin to be pretty tough on spike :(

01/05/2007 01:23 pm
I just thought of something else. Can't they let Anya help them in their quest for the truth?

Let her do a spell that makes Xander believe he's alone in a room with Spike or something like that?
that would have been a good idea...but it's not to be... :(

01/05/2007 01:21 pm
yay, plans! I don't think I like the plan, but at least they're starting to believe it's Xander.

I really like dawn and anya in this story.

Thank you so much for the regular updates!
and the plans are not really of the good, love :( thanx for the review :)

01/05/2007 01:01 pm
oooh i am a lucky girl! I read one chapter earlier today, went to work, came home and BAM! theres another chapter! woot woot *does happy dance* :D

oh, by the way, xander can go die in a hole now. And i think anya needs to know... poor spike :(
lol...thanx so much, love :)

Dee Bradfield
01/05/2007 12:47 pm
I'm surprised that they all seem to be missing the fact that Spike's not scared to tell for his own sake, but because of what might happen to Buffy and Dawn. He needs to know that Xander can't hurt Buffy - that she's the Slayer. He doesn't know how strong she is. I'm hoping this 'plan' of hers may help with that.
they'll catch on soon enough...thanx for the review, love :)

01/05/2007 11:06 am
I think it's going to be big trauma and tears before bedtime! There has to be a way Angel can help - he's being a real trooper in this.
yes, i like writing angel as a good guy for a change...thanx for the review, love :)

01/05/2007 10:34 am
Thank you for posting again so soon. I know that they have to do this but so happy that Dawn's fighting so hard for him. It will be interesting what Willow's and Anya's reaction's will be, especially Anya's since she saw Spike in the caves and know's just how bad off he was. Keeping him feeling safe it there main concern. Fantastic chapter, DOS, thanks.
yes, dawn's definitely on his side...but things are gonna get worse for him before they get better ;(

01/05/2007 09:49 am
Loved this chapter too. Looking forward to more, as always. ; )
thanx so much, love, so glad you liked it :)

01/05/2007 09:36 am
This is insane!!! Ooooo, I hate Buffy right now. How *dare* she! Giles, I understand, because he doesn't have affection for Spike. But Buffy? She's just being a big weaselly chicken because she doesn't want it to be Xander. If this was a perfect stranger, she wouldn't be asking Spike to do this at all!!! That stupid bitch!

There's not a single psychologist that would okay this plan as good for Spike's mental health at this juncture. He's not ready...he doesn't have enough mental grasp of scenarios to be able to handle this. And there's no way they can convince him he's safe with Xander again.

Try a truth spell, please! Put one on Xander, ask the questions, and then you'll know. They work perfectly well on humans, and Anya or Giles can do it...even Angel.

At least she agreed, finally, to Angel helping Spike. That took waaaaay too long.

I'm anxious to see Anya's reaction. I'm glad she finally showed up again.
all your thoughts about the plan are pretty close to accurate...buffy's being quite selfish...we'll see how it all plays out in the end, though :)